Page 79 of Savage Flames
He focused on those who had slaved in the fields with him under the hot sun at the Price Plantation. “When you think of dat man, do not think of him as your master,” he said thickly. He pointed at Wolf Dancer. “Because of dat man—” he paused to turn to Lavinia—“and dat woman, we are free. If’n you want to take a day to just sit by de river and fish, you can do dat. If you want to take a leisurely walk among de trees, you can.”
He laughed mischievously. “If’n you even want to make love any time of day or night, you can,” he said, causing soft giggles and blushes among the women. “I mainly mean to say dat you are free now to do anything you wish to do, but you must spend a lot of your time helpin’ in dis village, doin’ what-evah you can do to thank Chief Wolf Dancer for what he has done for all of us.”
Lavinia stepped up to Joshua’s side. “Everything he says is true,” she said, smiling from one former slave to the next. “With your freedom comes the freedom to do as you wish when you wish. There are many things to learn about the Seminole’s way of doing things. I have found it delightful learning, and I am sure you will, too.”
“Now go on and enjoy this beautiful day,” Wolf Dancer said, stepping up to Lavinia’s side. “You are all welcome here among my people.”
The Seminole children had come and mingled among the newly freed slave children.
After Wolf Dancer said to go on, they all ran off together, laughing and ready to learn each other’s various games.
Joshua turned to Lavinia and gave her a big hug, then embraced Wolf Dancer. Knowing now that he did not have to say “thank you” every time he thought he should, he only smiled and walked away. Wolf Dancer swept an arm around Lavinia’s waist as the last of the harvest was brought into the village, ready to be prepared for storage.
“It is a good day,” Lavinia said, smiling up at Wolf Dancer.
“It is a good life,” Wolf Dancer said, returning her smile.
Chapter Thirty-three
She shares the dawns with him in sacred
Love, who is most beautiful among
Thei mmortal gods,the melter of limps,
Overwhelms in their hearts, the intelligence
And wise counsel of all gods and all men.
Several Years Later
Kneeling beside her crackling cookfire, Lavinia was grinding corn for her family’s bread. She was using a stone mortar and pestle, just as all the other women did.
She used all of her weight to grind the corn, pouring the cornmeal into a wooden bowl when it was ground fine enough.
She was deep in thought as she labored. It was work she loved, for it was for her family, which now included two more children.
Dorey was so proud of her younger sister, Running Laughter, who was now five summers of age, and of her younger brother, Little Rock, who was four.
Lavinia beamed with happiness that she had two more children besides Dorey. And she was even nowheavy with another child, who should arrive in two months.
Never had she imagined being this happy, especially away from the world of privilege she had known before meeting Wolf Dancer.
She would not give up her new world for anything. Every day brought her such contentment as she watched her children grow and her husband wisely lead his Seminole people.
It continued to be a good time for the Seminole under Wolf Dancer’s leadership. They prospered on their island and were never bothered by anyone. The tale of the mysterious white panther that stalked the Everglades seemed to keep strangers away.
Her back tired from the grinding, Lavinia stood and walked to the door, gazing outside where her children were enjoying the beautiful sunny day.
She caught Dorey gazing at Running Bear with a look of utter adoration. It was no secret that Dorey had a crush on Running Bear, who returned her admiration. They were almost inseparable, as were Twila and Deer Shadow.
Never would anyone guess how these four young people had met. Lavinia would not be at all surprised if they ended up being married one day in the future.
She gazed elsewhere and saw Joshua. He was walking his wife to the stream, where he would help her collect water, for she was near the time when their second child would be born.