Page 30 of Savage Beloved
Candy looked toward the tepee where she had seen Hawk Woman and was relieved to see that she was no longer there.
“It is time to return to your lodge,” Two Eagles said, interrupting Candy’s thoughts and making her realize that the tales were over and the people were returning to their homes.
She watched some children lagging behind, their heads together, probably going over the tales told tonight. She could tell they had enjoyed them.
Dreading being chained up again, she rose slowly to her feet.
When Two Eagles placed his hand at Candy’s elbow, walking her away from the central fire, she hoped that his kindness would outweigh his need for revenge.
She gazed heavenward and silently prayed for Short Robe’s recovery. He was the only person who could tell Two Eagles just how wrong he was in mistreating her so.
Shadow came limping up to her and then went on ahead into the tepee as though she knew it was now her home, if only temporarily.
When Candy heard wolves in the distance howling at the moon, she hoped that Shadow would not choose tonight to join her kin, leaving Candy to fend for herself against the likes of Hawk Woman.
Strange how she did not feel as though she needed protection from Two Eagles. She was almost certain now that he would not harm her, except for forcing her to wear the painful irons at her wrists and ankles.
Something told her that he would soon end that bondage, for he seemed to show more feeling for her every time he looked at her.
She believed that deep down inside himself he knew how wrong he was to hold her hostage.
Chapter Twelve
Sudden, thy shadow fell on me;
I shrieked and clasped my hands
in ecstasy.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Despite Candy’s hopeful belief that Two Eagles would not keep her bound much longer, the following day found her still in chains at her ankles and wrists. And worse, she was made to go with the women to work in the large communal garden.
Every step she took was grueling, and none of the women took pity on her. No doubt they knew she was there on the orders of their chief.
In her mind’s eye she saw the old Indian carrying heavy armloads of wood while in chains. Each step he had taken had caused pain inside Candy’s heart.
But he had endured it all without so much as a grimace on his proud face.
So would she!
She was on her knees, clearing the garden of weeds, while other women tilled around the corn plants. Still others followed behind them, piling the loosened earth up around the corn hills, then smoothing it out with their hands.
Before sunrise, Candy had been awakened by Two Eagles and told what she must do that day.
She had left moments later along with several other women, some women carrying hoes on their shoulders, while others carried pots of hot porridge and bowls.
The porridge had been eaten after they reached the garden; immediately afterward they had started their long day of labor.
Upon first arriving there, Candy had noticed a huge pumpkin patch off to one side of the cornfield. She had also seen a patch of green squash with curved necks, as well as much larger pumpkins with deep grooves. There were also green squash with tapering ends, and bi
g, fat cantaloupes.
Candy observed that the women seemed content at their labor, some smiling, some talking, but never halting in their chores.
Her eyes widened when some women broke into song, singing, “You are hoeing around in the great ground, in the blessed ground . . .”
As they repeated the song over and over, Candy got lost in thought again about Hawk Woman. She hadn’t seen Hawk Woman anywhere near the huge communal garden. She wondered how the other white woman had gotten out of helping.