Page 41 of Savage Beloved
That meant she had left the village on foot, and if so, surely had not planned to be gone for long.
He turned and found Hawk Woman standing behind him. “Do you have more to say about this?” he asked, searching her eyes.
“I believe Candy was worried about her wolf,” Hawk Woman said.
“And why would you think that?” Two Eagles asked.
“When I left the council house earlier today to see to personal business, I saw her step outside your lodge more than once. The wolf was not with her,” Hawk Woman said. “I saw how Candy gazed into the distance, especially when the wolves there howled.”
Having heard enough, Two Eagles mounted his steed and headed out to search for Candy, even though the sky was already dark and he could not see her tracks.
He rode onward until he realized how far he was from the village, and alone, which was dangerous at night.
The murdering Sioux were always waiting for an opportunity to catch him alone.
He could not make it easy for them!
He wheeled his horse around and headed back for home. As soon as dawn broke, he would take many warriors with him to search for his woman, even if his uncle’s burial must be delayed.
He knew that his uncle had cared deeply for Candy and would want it no other way. Short Robe would want her found and brought home safe.
And Two Eagles would not be able to speak freely over his uncle’s grave while his heart was heavy with worry over his woman!
If he found her, he would marry her and keep her safe from all harm forevermore.
Guilt flooded his heart, for had he not already promised to keep her safe? And now she was . . . gone!
“I will find her,” he whispered harshly to himself.
It was hard to believe she was gone. He knew he could not live without her. He could not believe that just when he had found the love of his life he should lose her.
He would not allow it!
Theirs was a destiny to be shared for always.
Chapter Seventeen
As a virtue golden through and through,
Sufficient to vindicate itself
And prove its worth at a moment’s view.
—Robert Browning
A warm nose probing and nudging Candy’s cheek awakened her with a start.
Then her heart felt deep joy when the fire’s glow revealed that Shadow was in the tepee with her, her eyes gazing into Candy’s.
Candy flung her arms around Shadow’s neck and hugged her.
A moment later, she wondered how Shadow had come to be in this tepee that belonged to Spotted Bear. Had the man gone and found Shadow after Candy fell asleep?
“You wonderful wolf,” Candy murmured as she hugged Shadow, so glad that her wolf was unharmed.
Curious, Candy stepped outside with Shadow at her side, then stopped and gasped in dismay.