Page 64 of Savage Beloved
They made leisurely love as the sun swept lower in the sky and the wood thrush flew away, leaving silence in its wake, except for Candy’s and Two Eagles’s soft moans of gratification.
Chapter Twenty-six
I cry your mercy-pity-love-aye, love!
Merciful love that tantalizes not.
One-thoughted, never-wandering, guileless love,
Unmasked, and being seen without a blot.
—John Keats
It was mid-morning. The sun cast its golden glow down the smoke hole into the flames of the fire as Candy sat there, feeling alone, even vulnerable, while Two Eagles was away at the neighboring village.
She was recalling why Hawk Woman was being sheltered in Two Eagles’s village. He was protecting her from a white man who had wronged her. If this white man had heard that Hawk Woman was in this village, wouldn’t he have made his home close by in order to eventually reclaim her?
And would not a man like him force his children to steal wood?
Candy looked over her shoulder at Shadow’s empty bed. Her wolf had sneaked away in the middle of the night, crawling beneath the tied entrance flap. She was still gone. Every time Shadow left her now, Candy wondered if she would ever see her again.
She looked at the entrance flap as the wind caused it to flutter. For a moment she hoped it was Shadow returning.
But her hopes waned as the wind fluttered it again.
She pushed her half-eaten platter of food aside. With so much on her mind, her appetite was gone. Although she knew that Two Eagles was a strong leader who knew this land well, she could not help worrying about him every time he left the safety of his village.
And now she had to accept that he would be gone longer than anticipated. Only moments ago a warrior had come and told her that Two Eagles would be delayed long into the night, and not to worry. Things had not yet been settled at council, and Two Eagles would not leave until it was done. He gave his heart and whatever else he could to help those who sought his assistance.
Suddenly the entrance flap fluttered again. Thinking it was the wind once more, Candy paid no heed to it.
But when she heard Shadow panting, she knew that it wasn’t the wind, but her pet finally coming home.
Candy opened the entrance flap to let her in and reached her arms out for Shadow. “Where have you been?” she said. “And for so long. You had me worried, Shadow.”
Shadow didn’t seem interested in Candy’s cuddling at the moment. She was obviously agitated about something as she pawed at Candy’s arm, whined, then ran back to the entrance flap. She paused there, looking back at Candy with what seemed to be a pleading expression.
Candy now realized that her wolf wanted her to follow her.
Two Eagles came suddenly to Candy’s mind. Might he be in some sort of trouble? Would Shadow know to come for Candy if he was?
Or could it be Spotted Bear? It would make more sense that Shadow would be concerned about him, for he was alone, with no one to help him if he was in trouble.
Yes, it must have something to do with Spotted Bear, a man alone in the world. But even if Spotted Bear was in trouble, what could Candy do about it?
Candy rose and went to Shadow. She knelt down before her and reached a hand out, but Shadow avoided her touch. Instead she paced nervously back and forth before the entrance flap.
“You are certainly agitated about something,” Candy murmured, again seeing the pleading in her wolf’s eyes. “Shadow, what should I do?”
When Shadow ran from the tepee, then came in again, her eyes peering intently into Candy’s, Candy knew that she had no choice. She knew what she must do. She had to follow Shadow. She had to go and see if something had happened to Spotted Bear.
“I have no choice,” she said, walking quickly to the back of the tepee. She would follow Shadow and see what was wrong. But she would not leave the village without weapons this time. If Albert Cohen was anywhere near the area, she had to protect herself.
She sheathed one of Two Eagles’s knives at her waist and grabbed a rifle. She checked the firearm to see if it was ready for firing, smiling when she saw that it was.
She went to the entrance flap where Shadow waited for her, a part of her warning her of the dangers she might be placing herself in, while another part thought of Spotted Bear and the trouble he might be in.
In a way, it was fortunate that Two Eagles was gone. Candy would have time to go and see about Spotted Bear without anyone knowing, especially if she went this time on a horse. She might even get back home before Two Eagles returned.