Page 81 of Savage Beloved
Shadow of annoyance
Never came near thee;
Thou lovest—but ne’er knew
Love’s sad satiety.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley
Hawk Woman was stunned at what she had just witnessed. She had followed Candy into the forest and stood behind a tree, awaiting the moment she could slam her knife into Candy’s back, when she had seen Albert Cohen step out of hiding.
What had happened then was still unbelievable to Hawk Woman.
Albert Cohen, the very man she had escaped from, had abducted Candy.
Had he just happened along and seen Candy alone and vulnerable, another woman he could add to his collection of wives?
Or had he glimpsed Candy when he had come to the village with his children to demand food? Had he known where the sentries were posted today and eluded them long enough to take Candy away?
Either way, Candy had played right into his hands by going into the forest alone to gather greens and herbs.
If he had waited another moment, it would have been Hawk Woman who surprised Candy. Hawk Woman had just yanked her knife from its sheath when Albert came into view.
A slow smile fluttered across Hawk Woman’s lips and a look of victory entered her eyes. She was finally free of Candy, and she hadn’t had to lift a finger to do it.
Even now she heard the wagon lumbering away, in it the woman who was planning to be “first lady” of the Eagle band of the Wichita.
Now if she could just play her cards right, that first lady would be none other than Hawk Woman.
She was going to try to portray herself as someone more gentle and caring than she had in the past. She now saw that gentleness was what attracted Two Eagles to a woman, not strength.
Yes, she would finally achieve her main goal in life. She would be the wife of a powerful Wichita chief—Two Eagles!
Sliding her knife back in its sheath, she gazed at the overturned basket of herbs, greens, and flowers. She laughed throatily when she interpreted these as the last remains of Candy, for no one, not even Two Eagles, would ever know who had taken her, or how to find her. Hawk Woman knew Albert Cohen well enough to know that he would leave the area quickly.
Feeling gay and lighthearted now that again she again had a chance to be the chief’s wife, Hawk Woman almost skipped back in the direction of the village.
Yes, she knew she should report what she had witnessed, but hadn’t she planned to kill Candy today, herself? This was even better. Albert Cohen had done the dirty deed for her.
She would not have the guilt of murder on her mind for the rest of her life. The burden of keeping quiet about Candy’s abduction was not as heavy as the one she’d been prepared to shoulder.
Smiling broadly, she continued on her way back to the village. Suddenly, however, she found herself in the company of Shadow. The wolf fell into step beside her and gazed into Hawk Woman’s eyes in a steady stare.
A coldness crept into Hawk Woman’s veins as Shadow’s eyes would not leave hers. It was as though the wolf sensed that Hawk Woman was guilty of not helping Candy in her time of trouble.
Hawk Woman wondered why the wolf had appeared now; she could not help thinking that it had to do with Candy’s disappearance.
Hawk Woman gazed back into Shadow’s eyes, wondering if the wolf could be that intuitive.
Unnerved, Hawk Woman tried to shoo Shadow away, but nothing would make the wolf budge.
Shadow stayed beside Hawk Woman as she broke into a run, panting, until she finally reached the village.
“Go away,” Hawk Woman said, flapping her hands at Shadow. But the wolf held her ground, her eyes still looking hard into Hawk Woman’s.
Then Hawk Woman’s blood seemed to turn cold as she heard the sound of horses arriving at the far end of the village.
She stiffened when she saw Two Eagles returning home, his many warriors already disbanding and going to their lodges, where their wives stepped out to greet them.