Page 84 of Savage Beloved
He paused, inhaled a shaky breath, then spoke again. “You have never left my village except for baths, and even then you were safe because of the sentries who protected my people’s women as they bathed. Yet you left today?” he demanded hoarsely. “Tell me the truth. Why were you in the forest while Candy was there? You followed her, didn’t you? Why?”
He suddenly yanked Hawk Woman’s knife from its sheath and held it up to her face. “Is this the true reason you were there?” he asked in a low growl. “Was it your plan to make certain only one golden-haired woman lived in my village? Had you planned to kill Candy and blame the evil deed on someone else?”
Hawk Woman’s eyes wavered; then she bolted and ran, but she didn’t get far. The pack of wolves went and encircled her, White Wolf inching closer.
“Two Eagles!” she screamed, trembling. “Please do something. Don’t let the wolves kill me.”
The wolves parted to make way for Two Eagles as he strode up to Hawk Woman and grabbed her wrists.
“Take me where you saw my woman last,” he demanded. “Then I will punish you for the evil in your heart later.”
White Wolf suddenly made a quick turn and loped back into the dark shadows of the forest, with the other wolves following him.
But Shadow stayed with Two Eagles as Hawk Woman led him into the forest to the scene of the abduction.
Two Eagles seemed to die a slow death when he saw Candy’s basket and the spilled greens and herbs that she had gathered before her abduction.
He bent to a knee and picked up a lone pink rose. He caressed its petals. He had always compared his woman’s skin to the softness of a rose petal.
He was keenly aware of Hawk Woman turning and running away from him. He allowed it, for he could assume that she wouldn’t get far. The wolves were near and had surely seen her flight.
He paused when he heard her scream and then beg for mercy. He knew that the wolves had stopped her.
Several warriors had followed Two Eagles into
the forest. Now they came up to him solemnly as they saw Candy’s basket and were touched by her attempt to gather greens for their chief’s dinner.
Hawk Woman screamed again.
Two Eagles felt no mercy for the woman, but he had no choice except to send his warriors to take her back to the village. Deep in his heart he would have preferred to leave her at the mercy of the wolves, who knew the evil of this woman’s heart.
“Looah, go,” he said as he nodded at two of his warriors. “Get Hawk Woman. Take her to the tepee that my woman used upon her first arrival at our village. Guard her. Do not let her leave, no matter how hard she begs.”
The warriors nodded and ran in the direction of Hawk Woman’s continuing screams.
Two Eagles fell to his knees and studied the tracks that had been made by Candy and her abductor. He saw which direction they went.
Suddenly Shadow barked and nudged Two Eagles in the side with her nose.
Two Eagles looked down at Shadow and knew by her behavior that she wanted him to follow her. Could she know where Candy was?
He smiled at the thoughtful devotion of his warriors as he saw some of them ride up, leading Two Eagles’s stallion. They had stayed behind at the village only because they knew he would want his horse.
Two Eagles mounted his stallion, and soon they were riding through the trees, Shadow leading the way.
Chapter Thirty-seven
Today or this noon
She dwelt so close,
I almost touched her.
—Emily Dickinson
Low in spirits, and aching all over from Albert Cohen’s rough handling, but so glad to have found her mother, Candy sat beside her in the wagon.
They both made sure that Albert didn’t realize they were related. They had no idea what his reaction would be, but they were afraid he was capable of anything.