Page 10 of When Passion Calls
But why was he so adamant about wanting to know her father's name?
"My father's name was Duane," Melanie said softly, watching him carefully for his reaction. "Duane Stanton."
She saw the muscles of his face contort strangely, then go slack, and his chest heave with a deep sigh, relief evident. Knowing her father's name had meant something.
But what?
"Your name?" she blurted. "What is your name?"
A warning shot through Shane. He was not sure if he was ready to disclose his true identity to anyone just yet. Though he now understood just how eager he was to see his father again after all these years of having been denied him, he did not want to rush right into it. He had to ready himself. He had only found out today where his father and brother resided. Only today had he found out that he had another life still awaiting him.
"My name is not important," Shane said, squatting down on his haunches before
the fire. He picked up his baked fish and bit into it.
Unable to banish the thought of Jared's long-lost son from her mind, Melanie dared to bend down beside the stranger. She had heard Shane's name
spoken so often by Jared Brennan, it was as though she had known him all of her life. If she spoke the name out loud to this man, would itcould itmean something to him?
"Shane?" she said suddenly, her insides tremoring with anticipation as she watched him for his reaction. When his head jerked around and their eyes met and held, he did not have to answer her, for she knew that it was he.
Chapter Four
Shane rose slowly to his feet; Melanie followed his lead. Her eyes were still fixed on his; her mind was aswirl with questions but she dared not ask any of them, for even though she was certain this man was Shane Brennan, he had not yet openly admitted it to her.
Oh, why didn't he say something? His silence was unnerving! She did not know what to do now, or say. He had to say something about her having called him Shane. What could she expect? What if he denied it? What then?
Full of wonder of this woman who seemed to look right into his heart and discover answers that he had not wanted to share with anyone just yet, Shane looked for only a moment longer at her, then spun around and walked toward his horse. He had to get away, to think! He had to put a distance between himself and this woman who not only knew who he was but also had a way of disturbing him as no other woman had before her. Never had he met any woman who was such a combination of beauty, knowledge, and courage! It would be too easy to love such a woman.
Shane realized that there were dangers in his feelings, for even though he now knew that this woman was not his sister, she could be married to his brother. And though he need only ask her a few simple questions to get the answers he wanted, he was too torn by other things that moved him to go and commune with the Great Spirit, to ask for strength.
Stopping suddenly, Shane realized where his thoughts had taken him. He was ready to pray to the Great Spiritbut that could not be! He had been banished from the Chippewa tribe and from their lives; he had vowed to place all Indian thoughts and habits behind him. That meant even the Great Spirit!
Melanie had almost run after Shane when he had turned away from her, yet something held her back. She had seen how Shane lookedas though he was being torn by feelings. Since he had come this close to returning to his family, she could not let her interference change his mind. Surely he wanted to go to them in his own time, in his own way. Her questions about where he had been and with whom could wait.
But ask them she would! Something told her
that he needed a friend and she would be there for him when he realized it, too.
Melanie's heart skipped a beat when Shane suddenly stopped and made no more effort to leave. Her pulse raced when she saw him double his hands into tight fists at his sides. He was battling so much within himshe could tell! She could not just stand by and ignore it. He needed someone.
Walking slowly toward him, Melanie's knees were weak with anticipation. "Shane, please don't leave," she murmured. "Tell me all about everything. Where have you been? How have you lived these past twenty-five years?"
When she reached his side, she moved her hand slowly toward his. When she touched his bronzed skin it was as though a current of warmth moved between them. She had expected him to jump with a start at her touch, but instead he loosened his fist and let her twine her fingers through his. When he turned and looked down at her and their wondering eyes met, she felt her heart melting into his.
"Come and sit beside the fire," Melanie softly urged, almost hypnotized by his soft stare. "Let's talk. If you want, I will promise not to tell anyone. You will go to your father and disclose to him that you are alive whenever you feel the time is right."
Saying this, giving him this option, made a sort of desperation rise inside Melanie, for she knew that his father could be taking his last breath of life at any moment. Shane shouldn't wait too long.
Yet she did not feel free to tell him anything so upsetting. He was obviously already emotionally overwhelmed by everything that had brought him here now.
But why was he here now? Why hadn't he returned sooner to see his family? Had he only just discovered where they lived?
Shane still did not speak, but only looked down at her with his magnetic eyes that disturbed her in unfamiliar ways. Again she thought of Josh and how strange it was that Shane could look so much like Josh, the man she despised, yet could affect her so sensually. Was it because there was a challenge in knowing, perhaps in even eventually loving this man who had a wild, savage side to him?
She had never known such a man before.
Or was it because she felt so deeply for him, knowing that these past twenty-five years had surely been anything but easy? It was apparent by his attire and behavior that he had lived in the wilderness.