Page 75 of When Passion Calls
She reached for the bucket and coiled her fingers around the handle. "If you think that's cold, just wait until you feel this," she said, dumping the bucket of water over his head.
His reaction was not at all what Melanie expected. After the initial shock of the dousing, he came out of the tub like a clap of thunder, his eyes spitting fire.
Melanie's insides froze. She turned and started to run but Josh was there, his fingers biting into the flesh of her wrists.
His horse loaded down with several of Trapper Dan's steel traps, Shane rode up the lane to his house, then leaned over the pommel of his saddle when he recognized Melanie's horse and buggy. Smiling, expecting to find her in the house awaiting his arrival, he nudged his horse in the flanks with his heels and rode up to the porch. Swinging himself out of his saddle, he rushed into the house.
"Melanie?" he shouted, looking from room to room. "Melanie, where are you? Have you been here long?"
When he didn't find her anywhere, and she did not respond in any way, he scratched his brow idly. A noise like the rustling of feet overhead drew his eyes upward. Then a loud shriek split the silence.
"My God! Melanie!" Shane gasped, taking the stairs two at a time.
He followed the sound of Melanie's sobs. He flung Josh's door open and paled when he saw Josh struggling with Melanie on the floor. For a moment time seemed to stand still as Shane looked at Josh's naked form now pinioning Melanie to the floor, a knee nudging her legs apart while a hand raised her skirt.
Shane's gaze swept to Melanie. Her face was red and scratched by Josh's stiff whiskers as he attempted to kiss her. Her eyes were wild.
Then all that Shane could see was red. With a low growl and flying feet he went to Josh and twisted his fingers through his brother's thick golden hair. With one hard yank he had Josh away from Melanie. With a firm foot on Josh's abdomen, Shane pinned his brother to the floor.
With marked fear in his eyes, the pulse at the base of his throat pounding, Josh pleaded with Shane. "I didn't mean nothing by it, Shane," he cried. "She's the cause! She's the one who came to my room. She told me to undress. What's a man to think when a woman out and out asks him to undress in his own bedroom? Wouldn't you think the same thing if it happened to you? Wouldn't you take advantage of it? Shane, I've wanted her for so long! It's unfair that I can't have her!"
Shane ground his heel harder into Josh's abdomen, causing him to groan with pain. "If Melanie was in your room, it sure as hell was not for the reason you assumed," he growled. "You know that, Josh. Father failed somehow in teaching you manners." He smiled slowly, his eyes twinkling. "But maybe I can teach you a few." He kneaded his chin thoughtfully. "Now just where do you think I should begin?"
"Just let me go," Josh begged, sweat pearling his brow. "I didn't want to come back home, anyhow. Melanie dragged me here. I'll leave again. Just let me up. I'll show you just how damn fast I can get out of here."
Melanie moved shakily to her feet. She straightened her skirt and glowered at Josh, then looked at Shane. "Let him go," she said, her voice quavering. "The only reason I brought him home was to make him go and search for you and help you. Shane, you're home and obviously all right. We don't need Josh!"
Her eyes faltered as she once again looked down at Josh. "Unless he can get the hired hands to return and work for you," she said. "If Josh were here, your cowhands would return."
"That isn't necessary," Shane said, lifting his foot away from Josh. "I have my own ways of getting cowhands. By sunup tomorrow, there will be enough to tend to all of the chores around here."
"How?" Melanie gasped. "Is that where you were? In town? You weren't out searching for Trapper Dan? I even thought that perhaps you had left again, for good. Shane, I'm so glad that you didn't."
Distracted, Shane looked away from Josh. Melanie watched, horror-struck, as Josh lunged
for the knife that was sheathed at Shane's waist. She ran to Josh and kicked him in the groin, causing him to drop back to the floor weaponless, howling with pain.
Shane went to Melanie and drew her within his arms. "I'm sorry you have to become involved in my battles," he apologized. He tilted her chin with a finger. "Thank you, though, for everything you have done."
"Where were you this morning?" Melanie asked, looking up at him with adoring eyes. "I was so worried."
"In St. Paul," Shane responded, gazing raptly down at her. "I paid the blacksmith to round me up some men. Then I went to"
"You sonofabitch," Josh said from between clenched teeth, interrupting Shane. "Don't you know? Melanie wanted me to return to the farm because you don't have the brains to run it, ever. You're responsible for all of the men leaving. What are you good for, Shane? As I see it, you should be back in the wilderness living with the savages, because you are one of them!"
Melanie grabbed Shane's arm quickly, stopping him from attacking Josh again. "Shane, leave him be," she urged. "Let's let him go. We don't need him."
"No, he won't get off that easily," Shane said, bending to one knee beside Josh. He grabbed him by the throat and drew him up close to his face. "I'm tired of listening to him saying that I'm a savage and that I am ignorant."
Shane leaned down into Josh's face. "It's time
for me to prove a few things to my brother," he said thickly. "Josh, I challenge you to a duel. We'll see who is the most cunning. If I lose, the farm is all yours. If you lose, the farm is mine. And you will treat me with respect. Do you hear?"
Melanie paled. She looked from Shane to Josh, then back at Shane. "Shane, no!" she cried. "Please don't! You can't have a duel with Josh! One of you will be killed. Please don't. I can't bear the thought of losing you!"
Josh reached a hand and removed Shane's fingers from around his throat. Coughing, rubbing his raw flesh, he backed away from Shane. "A duel?" he said thinly. "Shane, I"
"Don't break out into a nervous sweat over my challenge," Shane said, laughing lightly. "No one is going to get killed, because we won't be using guns. I am challenging you to a game of poker, Josh. It will be a duel of cards and wits!"