Page 84 of When Passion Calls

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Page 84 of When Passion Calls

"Why do you do this thing?" she added in barely a whisper.

Shane cupped her cheek gently within the palm of his hand. So much about her reminded him of Cedar Maid. But wouldn't any lovely Indian maiden? The reminder of Cedar Maid would always be there in any Indian woman he saw. He sorely missed her.

"I don't have time to explain everything to you," Shane said, looking over his shoulder at the cabin. He could still hear the hammering. The trapper was still too occupied to know what was happening out here by the river!

Shane looked down at the petite maiden again. "The trapper paid a bride price for you?" he asked, frowning.

"Ay-uh," the woman said, nodding. "Enough so that my father parted with me willingly. My father is poor. Horses and trinkets given to him by Trapper Dan made him feel rich!"

"Yes, I would imagine," Shane said thickly. He looked her up and down, then looked into her dark eyes again. "You speak in the Chippewa tongue. Where is your village?"

The woman pointed. "Two sleeps away," she said, tears forming in her eyes. "But I can never return. I have been soiled by the white man's hands."

"Yes, I understand," Shane said. "Your name?"

She cast her eyes downward. "My name was left behind at my village," she murmured. "Trapper Dan give me a new name. He calls me Ee-qway-zance, Girl." Slowly her eyes lifted to Shane's. "That name is ugly!''

Shane nodded. "Very ugly," he said. "After today you can live in my house and you can choose any pretty name that you wish. That name will be yours ah-pay-nayforever."

Girl's lips parted in a slight gasp. "You spoke in Chippewa!" she said. Then she smiled suddenly up at him. "I know you! You are the man with the blue eyes and golden hair that my father told me about! You live with the Chippewa!"

"I did, but no longer," Shane said, again glancing toward the cabin. He turned back to Girl and took her hand and led her to his horse. "You stay hidden here. No matter what, don't you leave this spot. Do you understand?"

Girl nodded. "I understand," she whispered, her voice anxious. She grabbed for Shane's arm. "Your name is Shane! I remember now!"

Shane smiled down at her, then turned to his horse and began removing the traps. His arms full, he moved stealthily back in the direction of the cabin. Hearing the continued hammering inside the cabin, Shane felt safe enough to begin placing the traps in the undergrowth in front of the cabin.

After covering the traps with fallen pine boughs and leaves, Shane ran back to cover.

"You set traps for Trapper Dan?" Girl asked, inching over closer to Shane.

"Yes, for Trapper Dan," Shane said dryly. "Traps are for animals, aren't they? I think I'm going to catch a large one quite soon."

Just as he was about to shout Trapper Dan's name to draw his attention, he could not believe his eyes when he saw Melanie suddenly there on horseback. He had been too absorbed in setting the traps to notice a horse approaching!

"God!" Shane gasped, rushing from behind the bushes and waving frantically at Melanie as she dismounted and began walking toward the cabin. "Melanie! Stop!"

Melanie stopped with a start and looked disbelievingly at Shane as he came running from behind the thick brush. He had not been in St. Paul all of this time playing pokerhe had come to Trapper Dan's!

"Shane" she said, then spun around and stared at Trapper Dan as he came to the door and opened it with a bang.

"What the hell's goin' on out here?" Trapper Dan asked in a growl, a rifle aimed at Melanie.

Then Trapper Dan saw Shane approaching. "Josh?" he asked, then realized his mistake. "It's you, the brother," he snarled. "Get outta here or I'll shoot 'er. You ain't got no business here."

"Put the gun down, you weasel," Shane said, still approaching. "You haven't got any argument

with Melanie. It's you and I who have a score to settle."

"I should've made sure there were no survivors hidin' in the bushes the day your Ma died," Trapper Dan said, not lowering his rifle. "Guess I've got to do it today." Then he motioned with his rifle. "Step aside, young lady. I've got better use for my firearm."

"If you plan to kill Shane, you'll have to kill me first," Melanie said, trying to hide the trembling in her voice.

"It'd be a waste to kill someone as purty as you," Trapper Dan said, leering at Melanie. Then it came to him that Girl should be finished bathing. Where was she? Without averting his eyes, he leaned his head sideways and called over his shoulder. "Girl! Where are you, Girl?"

Girl stepped out into view. She walked boldly to Shane's side. "Shane come to rescue me!" she shouted. "I never stay with you no more!"

"Why, you bitch," Trapper Dan snarled. He took two steps from his house, then his face contorted as he stepped into one of the hidden traps. The steel teeth of the trap snapped shut onto one of his legs, throwing him to the ground. Blood spurted in all directions. Trapper Dan screamed with pain and dropped his rifle. As it fell to the ground, it discharged. Melanie screamed and fell to the ground in a heap.

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