Page 56 of Wild Whispers
“I . . . want . . . you,” Kaylene whispered back, her voice trembling. “I do, oh, I do, Fire Thunder. I want you.”
His mouth covered hers. Again he kissed her with exquisite tenderness.
He could feel her weaken within his arms. He could feel himself hard and throbbing beneath his buckskin breeches. He pressed himself more tightly against her.
When she gasped, he knew that she felt the hard length of himself that he now slightly ground against her.
He was taken aback, and gasped himself, when suddenly her left hand was between them, exploring, groping, stopping when she found what she sought.
When her fingers began stroking his swollen, aching member through the fabric of his breeches, Fire Thunder could hardly contain himself, the pleasure was so intense.
Kaylene was amazed at the length and fullness of this part of his anatomy. Strange how she did not fear it. Her fascination with it overpowered her fear.
And to dare touch him made her feel somewhat wicked.
But the way he responded to the touch, moaning even now with pleasure, she knew that surely her stroking him there was akin to him having stroked her where she knew she was meant to be touched only by the man she loved.
“Kaylene, no,” Fire Thunder said, his voice deep with huskiness.
He slipped his hand down and gripped hers, slowly leading her fingers away from himself. He had wanted her for so long, he did not wish to find release only from being caressed. He wanted them to come together and jointly experience the final throes of ecstasy.
Kaylene’s eyes widened when Fire Thunder placed his hands at the hem of her skirt and slowly lifted it upward. She closed her eyes, her heartbeats almost swallowing her whole.
She was actually allowing herself to be undressed by a man! He soon would see her naked. She could not help but feel embarrassed, even somewhat afraid. Yet she wanted him too much to deny him anything.
When he tossed her last garment aside, and she felt the heat of the fire on her backside, she slowly opened her eyes and gasped when she found that Fire Thunder had also quickly undressed himself and now stood totally, majestically, nude before her.
Sucking in a wild breath, her gaze moved slowly over him. Dressed, she had been mesmerized by him.
Unclothed, he was fascinating, and stirred, oh, so many strange feelings within her.
But it wasn’t the wide, muscled shoulders, or his long, firm legs that caused her to be dizzy with desire.
It was that part of him that she had only moments ago caressed through his breeches.
Now she saw just how big, and how ready he was. Jutting out from his body, its purple head seeping a drop of juice from its very tip, his manhood caused such excitement, such eagerness stirring within her that she found it hard to control.
And when he circled his fingers around himself, and began slowly stroking himself right before her very eyes, she felt that she might faint dead away with the passion that this sight aroused.
As though something willed her to, as though puppet strings were attached to her, and the puppeteer was somewhere overhead, watching and guiding her, she went to Fire Thunder and splayed her hands across his hairless chest, while pressing her body into his so that his hand and that which he still held was there, touching her.
“Tell me again that you want me,” Fire Thunder said huskily, slipping his hand from around his member, which ached unmercifully for this woman, whose shyness had been cast to the wind.
Kaylene stood on tiptoe, breathless, as he pressed the full length of himself against her abdomen.
“I want you,” she whispered, then flung herself into his arms and kissed him, her lips softening into his.
Careful not to hurt her sore shoulder, Fire Thunder held her close. Her flesh was hot against his own as he moved his manhood slowly up and down against her silken nudity.
But no longer able to stand the waiting, and knowing that she was willing to go down that road with him into paradise, Fire Thunder swung her up into his arms and carried her from the living room into his bedroom.
As he lay her across his bed, he sent feathery kisses along her brow, across her cheeks, and then kissed the hollow of her throat as he moved over her and gently parted her thighs with the soft, slow nudge of one of his knees.
p; Kaylene felt the tip of his manhood probing where she ached, the heat and wetness there something new to her. Yet it gave her pleasure beyond words as she felt him shoving himself slowly into her.
And then he paused, leaving himself only a fraction inside her.