Page 103 of Wild Thunder
“There seems more to White Beaver asking my sister to see the schoolhouse with him than meets the eye,” Hannah said. “Did you see how they looked at each other, Strong Wolf?”
“I can tell you how White Beaver feels about Clara,” Strong Wolf said as he watched Clara and White Beaver enter the schoolhouse.
“You know something that I don’t?” Hannah said, turning to Strong Wolf.
“White Beaver is in love with Clara, and he says that she is in love with him,” Strong Wolf said matter-of-factly. “They met down by the river one evening. They just happened along during each other’s baths.”
He chuckled. “They were alone when they met,” he said. “They became acquainted.”
Strong Wolf’s eyes danced as Hannah stared incredulously up at him. “Yes, they made love, Hannah,” he said. “And I do believe we shall soon witness a wedding.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before now?” Hannah asked, her words trailing off when through the glass at the window she saw her sister and White Beaver kissing.
“I felt it was your sister’s place to confide in you about things that were so private.” Strong Wolf said. He took her hands and drew her next to him. He gazed into her eyes. “My woman, is not everything good happening for us now? And soon we should be having visitors.”
“You mean White Wolf and Dawnmarie?” she murmured, relishing his lips as he brushed soft kisses across her cheeks. She was happy for her sister,
“Yes, on their way to Mexico to find her true people, the Kickapoo,” he murmured.
He turned with a start when he heard the sound of horses arriving at the far edge of the village. “Perhaps they are here even now. As you know, I have been watching for them every day.”
Everything in the village became quietly numb as the horsemen grew close enough for everyone to see that they were pony soldiers from Fort Leavenworth, Colonel Mooney at the lead.
“No,” Hannah said, sighing heavily. “What now? Can’t they leave us in peace?” She gave Strong Wolf a questioning gaze. “I thought you said that things were all right between you and the young colonel.”
“That is what I was led to believe,” Strong Wolf grumbled, frowning as he looked at the sabers in their sheaths at the one side of the soldiers’ horses, rifles sheathed at their other. “They come heavily armed today, so I would not think it is to have a peaceful council with my people.”
He turned serious eyes at Hannah. “Go home,” he said thickly. “Mother is not well today. Stay with her. Be there for her as well as to keep our child from any danger.”
Hannah nodded and turned a pensive stare toward the school. When Clara came outside with White Beaver, Hannah ran to her and grabbed her hand. “Come with me,” she said.
“Why?” Clara asked, giving White Beaver a quick glance over her shoulder as Hannah led her away from him. She watched White Beaver rush to Strong Wolf’s side.
“Clara, don’t ask questions,” Hannah said, running past Strong Wolf on toward their house. “Just come on. It is best this way.”
“But I want to stay with White Beaver,” Clara cried, again giving him a frightened stare.
“As I would like to stay with Strong Wolf,” Hannah said, half shoving Clara through the door of the cabin. “But I am with child. I am no longer able to behave in the manner I did when so many called me a tomboy. Now I am a woman, responsible for more than my own welfare.”
Once inside, panting hard, Hannah turned questioning eyes over at Clara. “Why didn’t you tell me about White Beaver?” she asked softly.
“You know, then, do you?” Clara said softly.
“Strong Wolf told me,” Hannah said, nodding.
“I wanted to be absolutely sure, Hannah, that he truly loved me,” Clara said softly. “Now I am sure. Isn’t it wonderful?”
Hannah gave Clara a warm hug. “I’m so happy for you,” she murmured.
A soft cough behind them drew them around. They walked to the fireplace. They gazed down at Swallow Song, who lay on a pallet before the fireplace, sleeping soundly.
“I’m worried about her,” Hannah said. She bent to her knees and placed a hand on Swallow Song’s brow. Then she gave a bright smile up at Clara. “Her fever is gone. She is going to be all right.”
“Thank God,” Clara said, settling down in an upholstered chair, sighing.
Hannah sat down opposite her. “Now, tell me about White Beaver,” she said softly, trying not to awaken Swallow Song.
Hannah stiffened when she heard Colonel Mooney and Strong Wolf exchanging conversation. She willed herself not to go to the door and listen. This was between her husband and the colonel.