Page 11 of Wild Thunder
When he heard Proud Heart shouting, his heart leapt with alarm.
Someone was dangerously near the dam.
And it was time for the dynamite to explode!
Who was near the dam?
Was it the rancher’s men?
If so, should he even warn them?
Wouldn’t it be a welcome loss if they died?
But not wanting to think such things, even if he did despise the small white man, he nudged his horse’s flanks with the heels of his moccasins and raced along the banks of the creek to warn them.
When he saw Hannah ahead, seemingly disoriented from fear, his insides grew weak with panic. He had not even thought about the possibilities of her coming this far from the ranch, alone.
But she had!
And if he did not reach her in time, if she didn’t regain her senses and ride away, she . . . could . . . be killed!
He knew the chances were great that even he could be killed if he tried to save Hannah, but nothing would keep him from trying!
He drove himself onward in desperation, fear having quickened his heartbeat. His flesh crawled at the thought of what might happen to Hannah and himself, if he wasn’t quick enough.
When he reached her, he swept an arm out for her and grabbed her from her horse.
Just as he slid her onto his lap and rode away in a fast gallop only a short distance, the explosion erupted behind them. Debris flew everywhere. Hannah’s horse reared and rode away. Strong Wolf held his own horse steady.
A dislodged rock flew through the air and hit Hannah in the forehead. Knocked unconscious, she grew limp in Strong Wolf’s arms.
Strong Wolf rode quickly into the thickness of the trees. When he felt that he was safely away from danger, he drew tight rein and slid from his horse, Hannah in his arms.
Strong Wolf carried Hannah to an overhang of rock and lay her on a bed of moss beneath it. He knelt over her, inspected her wound, and discovered only a small contusion rising on her forehead, the skin not even broken.
As he cradled her head on his lap, and had her so close that he could smell the sweet fragrance of her skin and hair, he was suddenly overwhelmed with fears that had been forgotten while he had only watched her from afar.
But now with her so close, with her unaware that he was able to hold her and study her, the fears that had plagued him always in his past, haunted him again.
While watching this woman these past days, knowing that destiny had drawn her here for him to love, how could he have forgotten his secret past?
The secret was so dark, how could he ever think that this woman could be told?
Surely no woman would understand!
Because of his ugly secret, Strong Wolf had centered his life around his people. He had made his people the main focus of his life.
Not women!
Even now he knew that he should turn his eyes from this woman and never think of her again!
With this particular woman, it should be even easier to fight off feelings of needing her, for in a sense, she was his enemy. Her very own brother had lied to him! Had betrayed him!
Weary of allowing himself to remember why he shouldn’t love this woman, or any woman ever, and knowing that the blast would bring the rancher’s foreman, Strong Wolf lifted Hannah into his arms and carried her toward his horse. Before he placed her in the saddle, Proud Heart rode up.
“Are you well, my brother?” Proud Heart asked anxiously. “Were you injured?”
Then Proud Heart’s eyes moved to the woman.