Page 110 of Wild Thunder
Strong Wolf stepped aside as his mother entered, and then Hannah’s father.
And while Hannah and Grace had been talking, they had not heard the arrival of two other horse-drawn sleighs.
Chuck came into the room, his cane out before him searching each step. Clara was at his right side, gingerly holding his arm, and White Beaver was at his left, also helping him along.
But who came in after them made Hannah almost faint with surprise. “White Wolf!” she cried, “Dawnmarie?”
“Finally we made it from Wisconsin on our way to Mexico,” Dawnmarie said, her laughter ringing in the air with its soft sweetness. “My heart is strong, my face is calm, my eyes are eager for new land—the land of my true people, th
e Kickapoo.”
Hannah hurried to everyone and gave each of them hugs, then when she came to White Wolf, she hesitated long enough to gaze up at him, still in awe of his noble presence and utter handsomeness at his age of sixty.
“It is good to see you again, Hannah,” White Wolf said, himself doing the honors of taking her into his arms. He gave her a hearty hug, then stepped away from her as Strong Wolf came to Hannah and took her by the hand.
“It is good that you are here,” Strong Wolf said, reaching his free hand to White Wolf’s shoulder. “We had thought you had changed your mind about traveling to Mexico. When winter set in, we gave up looking for you.”
“We had missed our son Proud Heart for so long, we decided to stay awhile to enjoy being with him since we will not see him again for many moons,” White Wolf said, helping Dawnmarie with her white rabbit fur cape.
Hannah quickly took the cape and laid it across another chair for drying, then took White Wolf’s white doeskin jacket and laid it beside his wife’s cape.
“Did you run into much bad weather on your journey?” Strong Wolf said, stepping between White Wolf and Dawnmarie. He placed gentle hands to their elbows and led them to the fire.
“We are foolish, ay-uh, for taking out in such weather, but we are prepared well enough for even the deepest snows with the sleigh,” White Wolf said. “When we reach the warmer climates down south, we shall then travel by horse. My wife is a skilled horsewoman.”
“You traveled without escorts,” Strong Wolf said, easing an arm around Hannah’s waist. White Wolf and Dawnmarie eased down into upholstered chairs.
“I am capable enough to care for my wife on the lengthy journey,” White Wolf said, smiling warmly over at Dawnmarie, who was dressed in a brilliant-white doeskin dress resplendent in beads. Her hair was long and loose over her shoulders, almost as white now as the dress. “And traveling with many would draw too much attention. We wish to arrive at Mexico without any interferences.”
“And how is Proud Heart and his wife?” Hannah asked, remembering that his wife should be quite heavy with child by now.
“They are faring well,” White Wolf said, nodding. “My son carries the title of chief well on his broad shoulders.”
“Yes, I am sure that he does,” Strong Wolf said, filled with melancholia over missing his friend so much.
Soft Christmas music began wafting across the room as Chuck sat playing the organ. Everyone went and stood around the organ. Hannah and her parents began singing the carols as the others, who were not familiar with the songs, listened.
“The spirit of Christmas lives in the soul of the people,” Strong Wolf had told her when they had discussed Christmas.
Hannah smiled over at him now, feeling so lucky to be with the man she loved on their first shared Christmas. They were learning each other’s customs well.
She was glad that Strong Wolf had entered into this holiday with such zest and understanding. And it thrilled her to know that next Christmas they would have one more person with whom to share the holiday. Beneath their tree would lie presents for their child!
She lifted her voice above the others in song, never having felt so at peace with herself and the world. She laughed softly as Clara gave her a soft nudge in her side.
“Hannah, you are drowning out even the organ music,” Clara teased.
“Yes, I guess I am,” Hannah said, reaching for her sister’s hand, gently squeezing. “But don’t you see? We have so much to be happy for. I want to sing and sing and sing!”
Clara gave Hannah a hug, then began singing just as loud, feeling the happiness and gaiety of it all.
Hannah’s eyes widened when she heard someone else enter the singing. Strong Wolf had listened close enough to learn the words as the most special Christmas carols had been repeated.
Hannah twined an arm around his waist and leaned against him. She joined him in song and joy.
Chapter 44
He holds thy hands,