Page 30 of Wild Thunder
How could she ever turn her back on his need?
Chapter 13
You kissed me! My soul in a bliss so divine
Reeled and swooned like a drunkard,
When foolish with wine.
Hannah stood beside the organ as Chuck played another song. He knew the keyboard well, and he had memorized the songs.
“It’s so beautiful, Chuck,” Hannah said, leaning over to give him a kiss on his cheek.
“My music, my ability to play the organ, is something that can never be taken from me because of my damned eyesight,” Chuck said, his fingers moving up and down the keyboard as he played a waltz.
He then rested his hands on his lap as he turned to Hannah. “I know that you’re anxious to take your morning ride,” he said, squinting through his thick-lensed glasses, “Go on, Hannah. But promise me that you won’t go far.”
She knelt down beside the bench and peered up at him. “Chuck, do you remember me telling you about the horses that I saw at Strong Wolf’s village?” she said, taking his hands, squeezing them affectionately.
“Yes, you saw them while on your outing yesterday,” he said, nodding.
“Chuck, I’d love to go and see them again today,” she said, searching his face. When she saw his jaw tighten, she knew what to expect next.
“I don’t want you going that far, sis,” he said solemnly. “You were gone too long yesterday.”
“I was gone that long yesterday because I went somewhere else besides Strong Wolf’s village,” she said. “I’m intrigued by the mystery cave and the place of smoking waters. I went there first, then went to Strong Wolf’s village.”
Chuck paled. He eased his hands from Hannah’s. “How did you know about the cave? About the smoking waters?” he said thickly. “That’s not something you would just happen upon.”
Feeling trapped, Hannah went silent. She hadn’t told Chuck about her abduction, which was how she had discovered the cave and smoking waters. So how could she explain?
“Chuck, I’m in love,” she blurted out, seeing the shock register on his face as he jerked his head back as though having been slapped.
“You . . . are . . . what?” he gasped disbelievingly.
“I’m in love,” she repeated. “With Strong Wolf. He took me to the mystery cave and the smoking waters. He showed them to me.”
She was not about to tell her brother that she had received her first kiss from Strong Wolf while there. That sort of secret must stay between only herself and Strong Wolf.
“He . . . took . . . you there?” Chuck said. He paused, then reached a hand to Hannah’s face and ran his fingers slowly over her features. “Sis, I wish you would stay home today. Don’t go to the Potawatomis village. Don’t see Strong Wolf anymore. Haven’t I got enough complications in my life? Must I have to worry about this?”
“There’s nothing to worry about,” Hannah said, taking his hand. “Chuck, I’m a big girl now. I can take care of myself.” She paused, then went on. “And I have never felt anything for a man until now.”
“Hannah, surely it’s only an infatuation,” Chuck said, easing his hand away. “He’s an Indian. He’s going to be a powerful chief. Surely that is what attracts you to him.”
“There is much more about him than him just being an Indian that makes me feel good inside.” Hannah said, sighing. “And, Chuck, he loves me. Truly loves me. Please be happy for me. For us.”
“How can I be happy?” Chuck complained. “Hannah, you are so inexperienced in these things. You even shied away from too many social functions in Saint Louis. Most girls, when they enter that age of discovering boys, did everything they could to attract one for herself.”
“I was never truly shy, Chuck,” Hannah defended. “I . . . I . . . just wasn’t interested. That’s all.”
“That strengthens what I said a few moments ago,” Chuck said, his voice shallow. “You are . . . inexperienced, Hannah.”
“I’m going to marry Strong Wolf,” Hannah blurted out before she even had the time to think. Her face heated up with a blush as she watched her brother’s reaction.