Page 34 of Wild Thunder
Strong Wolf nodded, then walked Patrick and Claude to the door. “Come and have council anytime,” he said, watching them mount their horses.
After they were gone, he turned and gazed at Hannah. “You have come to see horses,” he said thickly. “Do you wish to see them now? Or later?”
So suddenly alone with Strong Wolf, his black eyes stirring her insides so pleasurably, Hannah went to him and framed his face between her trembling hands.
Hardly able to believe that she could be as bold, as reckless, she guided his lips to hers.
When his arms swept around her waist and yanked her against his lean, hard body, Hannah’s head swam with the ecstasy of the moment.
Strong Wolf whispered against her lips, “You want to see the horses now?” He stroked her back, the heat of his hands reaching through the thin fabric of her cotton blouse. “Or later?”
“Later,” Hannah whispered back, her voice unfamiliar to her in its huskiness.
Strong Wolf whisked her fully up into his arms and held her close as their eyes met in an unspoken passion. He kicked the door shut, then kissed her feverishly as he carried her toward his bed.
Hannah twined her arms around his neck, fearful, yet anxious, for what would soon transpire between them. She could not, she would not, fight the want, the need, any longer.
She now realized that she had not come today to see Strong Wolf’s horses.
She had come to share much, much more than that with him; her very soul!
Chapter 15
The love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.
Undressed and already in bed, Hannah lay nestled beneath a luxurious rabbit fur blanket that had been woven from long strips of cottontail pelts. As she watched Strong Wolf undress, she became breathless remembering a moment ago how his fingers had so gently disrobed her. She had felt awkward when he had gazed at her body as he had tossed each garment aside. She had always thought that she was too thin and gangly ever to please a man.
But after she was fully undressed today, and Strong Wolf moved his fingers over her flesh for the first time, she had felt as though she were floating, the experience was so pleasant.
She had learned quickly how wonderful it was to share such moments with the man she loved. She had gradually relaxed and had allowed herself to enjoy how it felt to be touched and caressed.
Now she was waiting to be able to touch and caress Strong Wolf’s body. Although not practiced at such things, she knew her love for him as well as her instincts would guide her.
When his manhood sprang into view as he slipped his buckskin breeches down his muscled legs, Hannah sucked in a wild breath of wonder.
He was so huge there.
So long.
So thick.
So well proportioned!
Surely he knew well the art of pleasuring.
But she feared the pain that might come with being with him sexually for the first time, especially now that she saw how he would so magnificently fill her.
Shame came to her in splashes, to realize where her mind had taken her. It was hard to believe that she had even initiated what was transpiring. She was aching beneath the soft tendrils of down at the juncture of her thighs. When Strong Wolf had only briefly caressed her there, she had felt as though she might explode with feelings!
Her heart pounded as Strong Wolf stood so beautifully nude before her, his one hand gently moving on his manhood as he came and knelt over her on the bed.
With his free hand he unfolded the rabbit blanket from around her, revealing her full, silken nudity to him.
“My woman, place your hands on me as I take mine away,” Strong Wolf said huskily, gasping with pleasure as Hannah reached up and gently placed her eager, trembling fingers around him, feeling the heat of his flesh against hers.