Page 52 of Wild Thunder
r’s ranch.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Strong Wolf said, taking her hands, drawing her against his hard body.
“Then I shall find someone dependable to stay with him,” Hannah said determinedly. “I love you. I wish to be with you. Yet I also want to make sure my brother’s welfare is taken care of.”
“And I am sure that you will,” Strong Wolf said, again holding her close. He nestled his nose into her hair. “My woman is able to achieve anything, she wishes to achieve.”
“Do you truly think I was too bold by asking you to marry me?” Hannah asked, leaning away from him, their eyes locking. “It is not the proper thing to do, you know.”
A terrible explosion in the distance rocked the planked floor beneath the bed, causing the bed to tremor precariously.
“Now what?” Hannah said, rushing from the bed with Strong Wolf. Hand in hand, they went outside and stared into the heavens as billows of black smoke spiraled into the sky not that far from the village.
“What could that be?” Hannah said, shielding her eyes with a hand as she watched the smoke continue to waft into the air.
“It must be investigated,” Strong Wolf said. He shouted at several warriors who had been brought from their lodge by the same explosion.
Proud Heart came to Strong Wolf.
“Proud Heart, gather together many warriors,” Strong Wolf said, already half running toward the corral. “Come. Follow me.”
Hannah went with Strong Wolf. She swung herself into the saddle as Strong Wolf mounted his steed. They waited for the warriors to ready their horses, mount them, and then they all rode away in the direction of the smoke and stench of fire.
When they reached their destination, they discovered a bridge on fire that had not been built all that long ago just off Indian property, burning timbers tumbling down into the stream.
“Who could have done this?” Hannah said, watching the flames eating away at the rest of the bridge. “Why?”
The sound of horsemen coming up on them made Strong Wolf and Hannah turn at the same time, just in time to see Tiny ride up, his cowhands quickly surrounding them.
“We gotcha,” Tiny said, his eyes dancing as he clutched to a rifle. “We caught you in the act.”
Hannah sighed heavily. “Tiny, what on earth are you talking about?” she said, edging her horse closer to his.
“Just you stay right there,” Tiny warned, aiming his rifle at Hannah. “You’re in on this as sure as I’m sittin’ here.”
“And you are full of sour wind!” Hannah barked back. “If anyone is to blame, it is you. You did it to cast blame on Strong Wolf. You just hoped he’d come to see what had caused the explosion. You son of a bitch, you set off the dynamite and hid until Strong Wolf and his warriors came to investigate.”
“And so aren’t you full of it,” Tiny snarled back. “Just shut up, Hannah. You’ve no room to talk. You’re just as guilty as Strong Wolf, because you are with him.” He chuckled. “Just wait until Chuck sees you behind bars with the savages. He’ll split a gut, that’s for sure.”
“You’re a sick, miserable man,” Hannah said, her teeth clenched.
“You should’ve minded your own business and stayed at the ranch with your brother,” Tiny spat out. “What happened today is an obvious Potawatomis plot to disrupt the white community. This time Colonel Deshong will hear me out, when I cast blame Strong Wolf’s way.”
Another man on horseback came into view. Claude Odum soon drew a tight rein beside Strong Wolf. “And what were you saying?” he said, directing his question at Tiny.
“Strong Wolf blew up the bridge, that’s what,” Tiny said, nodding toward Strong Wolf.
“Tiny, now, why would Strong Wolf blow up a bridge close to land where a road he has only recently approved of is being built?” Claude said sarcastically. “It isn’t logical, now, is it? Don’t you think you’d best change your story as to who did the dynamiting today?”
Tiny went tight-mouthed on him.
Claude leaned closer to Tiny. “This looks more like a double cross to me,” he accused. “Something that you might do to make it look like Strong Wolf was responsible.”
Hannah edged her horse closer to Tiny’s. “And Strong Wolf has my alibi, to prove that he wasn’t anywhere near the bridge,” she said, boldly lifting her chin. “He was with me back at his village. We were in his lodge when the explosion rocked the earth.”
Tiny glowered from Claude, to Hannah, then to Strong Wolf.
Boiling mad, Hannah watched Tiny ride away. “He’s gone too far this time,” she murmured, then turned to Strong Wolf. He had been much too quiet while she had debated things with Tiny. “Strong Wolf, did I say something wrong?”