Page 82 of Wild Thunder
And then she ran her fingers down his body, and then her tongue. She moved to her knees and leaned over him. She kissed her way down his body, where her fingers had just traveled. She teased and stroked his tender flesh with her tongue and lips. Her hands sought and found that part of him that could give her much pleasure.
She moved her mouth over him as his manhood grew in response to her caresses. Her fingers gripped him, her tongue and breath hot on his flesh.
“Hannah,” he groaned, twining his fingers through her hair, pulling her mouth closer. He closed his eyes and took from her what she gave. His head swirled with pleasure. His heart pounded.
And then she sat down over him, straddling him, as she positioned him inside her. Her hair bounced on her shoulders as he reached up inside her with his eager thrusts. He breathed hard. He gasped.
And then he spilled his seed up inside her again at the same moment she found her own release.
Laughing softly as she gazed down at Strong Wolf’s flushed cheeks, Hannah fell away from him. “My, oh, my, I feel wicked tonight,” she said, pulling her hair back from her eyes. She blushed as she turned on her side to face him. “I don’t know what got into me,” she murmured. “I am not one who even thinks of such things,
much less does them.”
“It is the magic of the midnight hour,” Strong Wolf said. He moved on his side. He reached his arms around her and drew her against him, her breasts crushing his chest. “And the night has only just begun, my woman.”
Hannah trembled sensually when he slung one of his legs over hers, revealing to her that he was again ready to take her to paradise.
“Do I have the strength?” she whispered to him, eyes wide. “I only recently . . .”
“I shall be gentle,” Strong Wolf whispered back. “You need do nothing but lay there and let yourself float away as I again give you pleasure. My woman, it is the best way imaginable to relax. Just close your eyes. Just be aware of the sensations I arouse in you. Let them overwhelm you. Let them take you to paradise!”
“Yes, yes,” Hannah whispered as she closed her eyes and held her head back with a sigh. “I am relaxed. I am ready. Please, oh, please love me again. I want nothing now but to be with you, to know the ecstasy of being loved by you.”
His mouth covered hers with a gentle kiss, as he slowly rocked within her. He held her gently close. “Slowly,” he whispered against her lips. “I will go slowly so that you will feel the euphoria of the ecstasy that will build within you. Let it come. Enjoy it. And remember, my woman, I shall be here for you for the rest of our lives. Every night I shall love you in such a way. You shall return such love. We are meant to be together. You are my world. You are my universe!”
“As . . . you . . . are mine,” Hannah whispered, hardly recognizing her own voice in its huskiness.
She sighed and allowed the pleasure to fill her very being.
Chapter 34
Sing, little birds, above her head,
Bloom, flowers, beneath her feet.
Soft church music wafted through the air. Tears sprang to Hannah’s eyes to know that her brother had cared enough for her happiness with Strong Wolf, that he had transported his organ to Strong Wolf’s village for the wedding ceremony. It had been placed beneath the shade of a towering elm tree, where he had played his beautiful music since sunup.
“I can hardly believe it is my wedding day!”Hannah said as her mother wound flowers into the one long braid down Hannah’s back. She clasped her hands together on her lap to try and stop their trembling. “Mother, thank you for being here. Without you and Father’s approval of my marriage, I would have never been totally happy as Strong Wolf’s wife,”
“But now?” Grace said, stepping back to admire her daughter’s hair. “You are certain you will be happy?”
Hannah rose from the chair and turned to her mother. “Mother, take a look,” she said, beaming. “Don’t you see how I wear my happiness on my face? I feel as though I am glowing from within. Surely you can see it!”
Tears came to Grace’s eyes. “My darling,” she murmured. “I’ve never seen you as beautiful.”
Hannah laughed softly with a joyous bliss, then gazed down at the dress that Strong Wolf had asked her to wear on their wedding day. “This dress is Strong Wolf’s mother’s,” she murmured. “Before he left his home in Wisconsin, his mother gave him the dress and told him that should he find someone to marry before he saw her again, to please ask her to wear her wedding dress. His mother was very much in love with his father the day they married.”
“And what about Strong Wolf’s father?” Grace asked softly.
“He died long ago, before Strong Wolf was born,” Hannah murmured. “And Strong Wolf won’t talk about it. I imagine it is too painful to think about, having never known one’s very own father.”
Hannah ran her hands down the front of the dress, adoring the white rabbit skin from which it had been fashioned. Around her neck she wore a necklace of shells and feathers. She wore beautiful white leggings, fringed and intricately beaded, the moccasins matching.
“Isn’t all of my wedding attire beautiful?” she asked, smiling at her mother.
“Yes, quite,” Grace said, yet frowned. “But I hate to see Strong Wolf turning you into something you are not, by asking you to dress entirely in Indian fashion.”