Page 85 of Wild Thunder
They embraced and kissed and clung, Hannah’s fears returning, for it seemed that Strong Wolf was holding her from sheer desperation. Her heart ached, to know that something was bothering him to this extreme on their wedding day. Surely he didn’t doubt her sincere love for him! She had shown him in every way possible just how much she cared!
The celebration lasted all day, then good-byes were said to Hannah’s mother and father. Chuck and Clara had also left to see them off at the riverboat. Hannah clung to Strong Wolf as she watched them leave in a buggy, a wagon following close behind carrying the organ.
“Now we are alone,” Strong Wolf said, closing the door with his foot. He held Hannah in his arms and carried her toward the bed. “My wife! Do you hear me, Hannah? I can now call you my wife!”
“I like the sound of ‘my husband’ better,” Hannah said, giggling, feeling drunk from the whole day of magic. She had long since forgotten why she had doubted Strong Wolf during the first of the wedding ceremony. Everything had changed so quickly into jubilation; into wonderful laughter, food, and dancing. So euphoric over having finally become Strong Wolf’s bride, Hannah felt as though she were floating on air.
“I promise to make you happy,” Hannah whispered, brushing her lips across his mouth.
“You vowed during the ceremony that you would,” Strong Wolf said, placing her on the bed. “I do not doubt you, or your word.”
“My darling husband, I shall tell you time and again my promise to make you happy, for you are now the center of my universe,” Hannah said as he disrobed her.
Then he wasted no time at disrobing himself as Hannah lay there silkenly nude waiting for him.
When Strong Wolf came to her on the bed, his eyes smoke black with passion, Hannah held her arms out for him and welcomed him. As he kissed her, hotly and tenderly in the same breath, she marveled and groaned when, with a silent rush of power, he drove himself into her, swiftly, surely, deeply.
She twined her arms around his neck and clung to him. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and rode him as he came to her with his slow, deep thrusts.
“My darling,” she whispered as he slid his lips downward, to kiss the tall, sweet, soft column of her throat.
And then he swept his tongue around one of her breasts, licking, biting, chewing.
She cried out in soft whimpers beneath the erotic caress of his urgent mouth and hands, his strokes in her never losing their rhythm,
Hannah’s hands moved seductively over his body, rediscovering the bands of muscles along his shoulders and down his back. They were so rocklike, so much like steel to the touch.
Every nerve within her came alive with a hungry need as she swept her one hand around and ma
naged to touch his manhood when he partially withdrew before plunging even more deeply inside her velvet moistness.
With quick, eager fingers, his hands were in her hair, drawing her mouth against his in a fiery, feverish kiss.
His mouth forced her lips open as his kiss grew more and more uncontrollable, more passionate.
Hannah was shot full of strange, wondrous desires that she had never known before. Each time she made love with him, he taught her more skills, the mysteries of love. She was on fire with the sensations of excitement. Her body yearned to know even more, to be what he wished her to be, to do what he wished her to do.
She moaned throatily when he brushed his lips in feathery kisses down to her breasts, then once again claimed a nipple between his teeth where he sucked until it throbbed from the pure, frantic pleasure.
Her head began to reel when she recognized those familiar feelings that came with her reaching the ultimate of pleasure. She clung to him. With her teeth, she nipped at the corded muscles of his shoulders. Her blood surged in a wild thrill.
Strong Wolf felt the pulsating of his longing in his hot loins. His lips brushed the smooth, glassy skin of Hannah’s breasts, his excitement like a deep rumbling of a volcano soon to erupt. He could feel the pleasure spreading in hot splashes throughout him.
Strong Wolf swept his arms around Hannah and drew her closer, sculpting himself to her moist body, molding himself perfectly to the curved hollow of her hips.
He pressed endlessly deeper, feeling the suction of her warm and sweet place, as though warm fingers were inside her, grabbing, sucking, caressing.
Then it came to him in a sensual shock as the pleasure burst forth inside his brain, as though someone had sent sparkles of moonbeams throughout him. He felt it explode as a great shuddering in his loins matched Hannah’s sensual spasms of delight.
He swept his hands down to her buttocks and dug his fingers into her flesh. He lifted her closer as she strained her hips up at him.
He could hear her breath catch and hold, then smiled as she cried out at her own total fulfillment.
Breathing hard, Hannah and Strong Wolf clung to one another when they came down from their height of pleasure. Strong Wolf rolled away from her and lay with his eyes closed as his heartbeats slowed.
Then he turned to Hannah, his hands touching her, turning her, drawing her into the warmth of his body. “I never can get enough of you,” he whispered.
“Nor I you,” Hannah said, closing her eyes with ecstasy as his fingers teased circles around her belly, up to her breasts, just missing the nipples each time so that they strained with added anticipation.