Page 89 of Wild Thunder
He knelt down over her. He lowered his mouth to her lips as once again one of his hands found her warm and secret place and began his slow caresses.
Wanting more, hungering for the feel of him inside her, she gently shoved his hand away and placed her hands around his manhood and led it to her throbbing center.
“Love me,” she whispered against his parted lips. She flicked her tongue across his lips. “Take me to paradise. Oh, my darling, how I need you. I need you now.”
A tremor went through her body when he shoved himself into her. It felt as though he was reaching much farther than usual, touching places inside her that she didn’t know existed.
As his pelvis moved rhythmically against her, his thrusts became maddeningly fast. He sank deeper and plunged over and over within her.
Hannah threw her head back and sighed as the incredible sweetness swept through her.
Strong Wolf buried his face in the valley of her breasts, smothering his repeated groans as he felt the passion rising, spreading, turning to a liquid fire within him,
Having never felt as alive, so desired, Hannah opened herself wider to him, and her hips responded in a rhythmic movement all their own as she clung and rocked with him.
The pulsing crest of Strong Wolf’s passion was near. His mouth closed hard upon hers as he kissed her, his hands stroking her softly pliant limbs, caressing her skin feverishly with his fingertips. His hands searched all of her pleasure points until she shuddered with desire,
Then he held her in a torrid embrace when he felt the
storm building within.
Her hands clung to his sinewed shoulders when she felt the pleasure building, climbing, spreading.
And then that sudden onslaught of passion overwhelmed them both. Hannah clung to him as his body became rocked with spasms, and he sent his seed deeply within her.
Her own silent explosion of need sent her senses reeling. She gave herself up to the rapture as her fingers clamped onto his muscular male buttocks, feeling them tightening each time he plunged into her.
Then it was over, their ecstasy sought and found. Their bodies were pearled with sweat. Their hearts were pounding. Their breathing was raspy.
Strong Wolf leaned low over Hannah and pressed his lips to her throat. “I love you so,” he whispered against her flesh.
Legs entwined, their bodies straining together as they turned on their sides to face one another, Hannah reverently breathed his name against his cheek. “Strong Wolf, my husband, my wonderful, sweet husband,” she said. “Life was nothing before I met you. You have made me realize what it truly feels to be a woman. I have proven that I am more than a tomboy, haven’t I?”
He leaned away from her, his eyes dancing. “Much more,” he said, then kissed her softly. “You are all woman, and you are mine.”
“I wish to have your child,” Hannah said before she even realized that she had been thinking about it. “Darling, let us have a child soon. I so badly want that.”
Something she said seemed to seize hold of Strong Wolf as though a dark, dank wind had blown between them. He rose quickly to his feet, dressed, and started gathering wood for a fire, leaving Hannah on the blankets and pelts, staring, disbelievingly at him.
Trembling, afraid, now suddenly aware of the chill of the night, Hannah rose slowly to her feet and grabbed a blanket around her shoulders. Staring, she watched Strong Wolf light the fire, then stand over it, his back to her, his naked body a copper sheen beneath the moonlight.
“Strong Wolf?” Hannah said cautiously.
When he didn’t respond, she took a blanket and placed it around his shoulders.
The blanket warm, he gripped it around himself, but nothing would ease the torment that made him cold inside at her mention of having children. Of course, when he first thought of marrying her, his dark past came back to haunt him, to know that marriage usually brought children into the world.
But every time he had thought of them possibly having children, he had cast it from his mind. He had wanted nothing to get in the way of their marriage!
He wanted only to have Hannah, any way he could have her.
Then everything else would come later . . . the worry, the concern, the downright dread of having children!
If their children inherited the traits of his family that came from his mother’s side, then that child would have to live with the same secrets he had carried with him all of his life.
It would not be fair to the child; yet besides that one fear, for himself, life had been grand!
As for now, he had a woman who met his every need, who fed his desires, who filled his arms with her sweetness.