Page 14 of Savage Illusions
Even lying to Spotted Eagle, a most revered Blackfoot warrior!
But Two Ridges saw no other way to get the copper princess all to himself. He wanted her badly enough to try anything to have her, even if, in the end, he lost Spotted Eagle's friendship.
Hurrying anxiously, he came upon White Mole's campsite. He embraced his short, squat friend, whose eyes were strangely disfigured by a white mole above each of them. "My friend, it is good to see you again," Two Ridges said, stepping away from his friend. "Would you share a smoke with your Blackfoot neighbor?"
" Kyi- ok-yi, come. It will be good to share my pipe with Two Ridges," White Mole said, kneeling to reach inside his buckskin travel bag for his long-stemmed pipe. Two Ridges sat down on White Mole's blanket as White Mole settled down beside him, stamping Indian tobacco into the bowl of the pipe. After the pipe was lit by a burning twig, they took turns drawing from the stem, then laid it aside and talked.
"You have come to White Mole for more than smoke?" White Mole asked.
"That is so," Two Ridges said stiffly, his legs crossed, his hands on each of his knees.
"You tell White Mole why," the smaller Indian said, leaning his face closer to Two Ridges.
"First I want to say that I will pay you two horses if you do as I ask," Two Ridges said, watching White Mole's thick lips form a slow smile.
"Two horses will be fine payment," White Mole said, nodding. "Tell me what to do. It is the same as done."
Two Ridges looked over his shoulder to see if Spotted Eagle had noticed where he had gone, glad to see that a row of bushes hid him from his friend's view.
He then leaned closer to White Mole. "I must say this quickly, then return to my campsite before my friend finds me with you," he said softly.
White Mole strained his neck, looking around the bushes. "You are with Spotted Eagle, I see," he said.
"Yes, as I usually am," Two Ridges said, then leaned closer again to White Mole. "My friend, there are many white people who will be leaving the fort in covered wagons tomorrow. Follow them a full day and night, then go into their camp and give this false message to Spotted Eaglethat another brave has come to you and told you to relay a message to Spotted Eagle that he must return home, that his father is ailing. By the time Spotted Eagle discovers the deceit, Two Ridges will have a chance to draw the one called Jolena into loving him. You will not be accused of the deception, because you will say a brave whose name is not known to you has told you."
" Hai- vah! You are deceiving your favored friend?" White Mole said, his voice filled with wonder.
"For a beautiful woman, would you not do the same?" Two Ridges said, smiling devilishly at White Mole. It was important to Two Ridges to have something to cause envy in Spotted Eagle! As he saw it, it was not fair that Spotted Eagle received so much adoration from their Blackfoot people, especially the elders, and Two Ridges so little. Two Ridges had a strong drive to change that.
White Mole returned the smile. "I will make hasty trade of my pelts at early sunrise then wait hidden for the white people to leave on wagons and will follow."
He placed a hand on Two Ridges' shoulder. "You pay me well with best horses for such a deceit?" he said, his eyes dancing.
"The best," Two Ridges said, nodding.
" Kyi. The deed is the same as done," White Mole said, chuckling. Two Ridges rose quickly to his feet and made a wide circle so that, should Spotted Eagle turn and see his return to the campsite, he would not see where he had been.
But Two Ridges found quickly enough that he had nothing to fear. He reached his camp without even a sidewise glance from Spotted Eagle. Spotted Eagle was as though in a trance, his mind surely locked on the beauty of the woman of mystery, Two Ridges' copper princess!
This made Two Ridges even more determined in his priva
te pursuit of this woman that had stolen the hearts of two friends!
Chapter Six
Comfortably full from the large meal and feeling sparkling clean from a bath, Jolena stared from the window of the bedroom that she had been assigned for the night. She hugged herself when a shiver raced across her flesh, the small dot of a campfire against the falling dusk making her think of Spotted Eagle. He was out there, making camp just inside the walls of the fort.
She could not make him out in the darkening shawl of evening, yet knew that it must be his campfire she could see flickering softly in the night in the courtyard of the fort.
Something akin to a silent bidding seemed to be calling her there, to discover why there had been an instant attraction between herself and the Blackfoot warrior. The thought of being with him day and night in the coming weeks made the pit of her stomach take on a strange churning. To imagine how it might be to be held by him, to be kissed by him, made her heart thud wildly.
And, oh, what answers might he be able to tell her about her heritage?
Could she be Blackfoot?
Could her true father be somewhere near for her to go to, to confess to him that she was his long-lost daughter?
Would she love him instantly as daughters should love fathers? Or would she feel too awkward for such a love between herself and a father she had never known?