Page 31 of Savage Illusions
Kirk stopped in mid-step, his eyes wild. "Jolena," he whispered, his throat so suddenly dry he could scarcely breathe. "Jolena…"
Chapter Thirteen
Spotted Eagle had just arrived at the campsite when he saw Two Ridges enter the forest. When Spotted Eagle dismounted and discovered that neither Jolena nor Kirk were among those busying themselves around the fire he concluded that perhaps Two Ridges was following Jolena and her brother to protect them while they explored.
Spotted Eagle recalled the cliff nearby and his heart skipped a beat. Quickly securing his reins, he glanced toward the forest again, where he had last seen Two Ridges.
Then, without saying anything to anybody, he broke into a hard run. He felt slightly relieved when he finally reached the slope of land that would lead him up to the cliff. Jolena was nowhere in sight. Nor was her brother, or Two Ridges. Perhaps they had gone another way.
Suddenly an eagle rose into the air with a snake which soon dropped from its claws and escaped. Spotted Eagle felt that was a bad omen. The lowering sun, too, was painted with sun dogsa sure warning that danger was near!
Then a mind-shattering scream suddenly pierced the air, startling Spotted Eagle.
His insides grew cold when he heard Kirk shouting Jolena's name.
"Hai- yah!" Spotted Eagle cried in despair, knowing what had happened.
His woman!
Just as he had feared, she was in danger!
She might even now be dead, for he had heard but only her one scream and the shout of her brother.
Now everything was too quiet!
Almost blinded with fear, Spotted Eagle raced up the hill. When he reached the summit, his eyes shifted from Kirk to Two Ridges, who were standing, motionless, their eyes wide as they peered over the sides of the cliff.
Spotted Eagle's heart seemed to plummet to his feet, afraid now to look over the cliff, fearing that he would see nothing but the crash of the waterfall and the whirlpools below. If his woman had fallen into the river, she would not survive the fall, much less the powerful surges of the water.
His jaw tight, his throat dry, Spotted Eagle rushed to the edge of the cliff, roughly edging himself between Two Ridges and Kirk. When he gazed downward, silently praying to the fires of the sun that his woman had somehow lived through the fall, he gasped at what he saw.
" Wo- ka-hit, listen to my pleas," he prayed desperately to the fires of the sun. "Do not let my woman die."
He looked quickly up at the sky, from which he thought he heard a voice say, " A-wah-hehtake courage, my son." Then he fell to his knees and gazed wild-eyed down at his woman, who was only moments away from death's door.
"Jolena?" he said as he stared disbelievingly down at her where she clung desperately to a huge, mangled root of a tree that had grown out of the rock at the sides of the cliff.
"Save me," Jolena whispered. "Oh, Lord, Spotted Eagle, I can't… last much longer. My fingers. I… feel them weakening!"
Spotted Eagle flattened his stomach against the rock beneath him and scooted out as far as he could over the ledge without placing himself in danger of toppling over. He had to give his body enough leverage so that it could tolerate Jolena's weight, as well as his own, once he grabbed her hands to pull her up to safety.
He knew that he should ask the assistance of Two Ridges and Kirk, but they had already proved their cowardice too often to be able to depend on them for anything.
They had just stood there watching when they could have been working together to save her!
But now was not the time to condemn. Now was not the time to confront Kirk with his suspicion that he was the one who had paid White Mole to come to Spotted Eagle with lies about an ailing father!
It was the time to save his woman's life.
If she slipped away from him to her death, he felt as though he just might follow her.
Without her, he would be only half a man!
"Grab my hands, one at a time!" Spotted Eagle shouted, scooting out a little farther, as far as he possibly could, and reaching his hands out for Jolena.
"One… at… a… time, Jolena," he cautioned again.
Her heart pounding and dizzy from fear, Jolena took a deep breath, then quickly reached one hand up, relief rushing through her when Spotted Eagle grabbed her around the wrist.