Page 44 of Savage Illusions
"I can't return to Saint Louis, Kirk," she said, forced to tell him truths that would hurt him. But she could not continue with this charade. If he was determined to return to Saint Louis this soon, she had no choice but to tell him that she would not be aboard the riverboat with him, no matter when he chose to travel on it again.
Kirk gave her a quick, wide-eyed glance. "What… do you mean?" he said, his voice drawn. Jolena started to speak, but was stopped when rain began pouring from the sky in blinding sheets, as though someone overhead in the thick clouds was overturning monstrous buckets of water onto the travelers.
When a sudden bolt of lightning splintered a tree close by, there was nothing to be done about the mules that were just as quickly spooked.
Jolena screamed.
The mules attached to all of the wagons began squealing and scrambling in all directions. The wagoners cursed and snapped their whips along the backs of the confused, frightened mules, causing the animals to strain even more desperately at their harnesses.
The chains clanked.
The axles groaned as the mules turned in a frenzy and began running blindly toward the edge of the cliff.
Spotted Eagle had been lagging behind on his stallion, discussing the day's plans with Two Ridges, when the storm broke and everything around him became a frenzied mass.
Stunned, he watched through the blinding rain as the mules began running toward the cliff. His insides froze as first one wagon plunged over the side, then another.
And even when Jolena's wagon went over the side of the cliff and he felt as though his heart leapt from inside him, he was unable to do anything since it had all happened so quickly. In one wink of an eye his woman was lost to him!
"Can it be that what we saw is real?" Two Ridges said, in his voice a panic. He reached over and clasped Spotted Eagle's arm. " Hai-yah! Tell me that what I saw is not real! Tell me, Spotted Eagle, that it was not real!"
Spotted Eagle yanked his arm away, sank his heels into the flanks of his horse, and rode off in a hard gallop toward the scene. His pulse raced, and within his heart there was an ache far worse than he had experienced when he heard of Sweet Dove's passing.
This time he had lost his womanthe woman who was his future, the mother of children that would now never be born of their love!
Tears scorched Spotted Eagle's cheeks. Dismounting in one leap when he reached the cliff, he clung to the horse's reins as he dared to take a step closer so that he could look down upon the wreckage below him. He could scarcely summon up the courage to look over the cliff and see her broken body.
Yet he could not turn away until he knew for certain that she was lying among her friends and brother, dead…
Two Ridges was still too stupefied by the suddenness of what had happened to move. He watched with bated breath as Spotted Eagle took another step closer to the edge of the cliff, waiting for his friend to emit a loud cry of despair.
Not wanting to experience such a moment, Two Ridges turned his eyes away from his friend, trying to focus them on something else that might make him forget that horrible sight of Jolena's wagon plunging over the cliff. Two Ridges swept his eyes slowly around him. The rain was now only a slight drizzle, making the scene more visible than only moments ago. He still refused to look Spotted Eagle's way, although he wondered why his friend was so quiet, as though his eyes had not yet found the woman of his desire.
This gave Two Ridges a soft ray of hope within his heartthat perhaps his copper princess had not truly died after all and that what he had seen had been a mirage caused by the iridescent flashing of the lightning combined with the blinding haze of the rain.
His heart thudding at the thought, Two Ridges started to dismount and go to see for himself that perhaps what he and his friend had thought they had seen had not been real at all.
But just as he was swinging his leg over his saddle, something caught his attention.
"Jolena?" he whispered harshly, his pulse now pounding in his ears at the sight of a slight hand lying on the ground, stretching out from behind a thickly leafed bush.
"Can it be?" Two Ridges mumbled to himself. Could that be Jolena? Had she been thrown free?
In his anxiousness to see if it were true, he started to shout at Spotted Eagle, but something wicked inside him told him not totold him that this could be the perfect opportunity to do as he pleased, for a change.
If this was Jolena, he could have her all to himself!
He would carry her away and treat her wounds. She would be so grateful to this Blackfoot warrior that she would be his, instead of Spotted Eagle's.
The thought dizzied him as he jumped to the ground and ran stealthily toward the bush. When he stepped quickly behind it, everything within him mellowed at the sight of Jolena lying there, unconscious, but obviously not injured all that badly.
Smiling to himself, Two Ridges knew that Jolena's unconscious state gave him the opportunity he needed to carry her away without alerting Spotted Eagle to his friend's deceit. He did not even allow himself to consider the end results of such a deceit.
But having Jolena as his own was well worth any sacrifice. Two Ridges swept her up into his arms and carried her limp body to his horse.
Casting quick glances Spotted Eagle's way as he now knelt at the edge of the cliff, obviously praying for the soul of his woman, Two Ridges placed Jolena across his saddle and swung himself into it.
Still cautiously watching Spotted Eagle, Two Ridges eased Jolena onto his lap and leaned her head against his chest, holding her in place with one of his powerful arms, while with his free hand he gripped the reins and urged his horse quietly around.