Page 48 of Savage Illusions
"This is what you would do while your best friend lies dead?" Jolena cried, stricken with a sudden fear when she gazed up into eyes that were anything but friendly.
She shoved at his chest. "Why are you doing this to me?" she cried. "Please let me go. Please don't do this!"
"I cannot stop myself from wanting you," Two Ridges said, a strangled sob leaping from his throat.
His gaze moved over her face, suddenly realizing again that there was something about her that was too familiar.
This made him come to his senses.
He moved quickly away from Jolena, then shamefully hung his face in his hands.
Too frightened to trust his sudden change of mood, Jolena knew that she must not take any chance of his changing his mind again and continuing with his plan of raping her.
Wildly, she gazed around her for something with which to protect herself against this Blackfoot Indian seemingly crazed by runaway lusts and desires!
Breathing hard, her eyes fell upon a rock near where she sat.
Without any further thought, she grabbed the rock and brought it down hard upon Two Ridges' head.
When the rock made contact with his skull, Jolena recoiled and looked away.
When she slowly turned her eyes around a moment later, Two Ridges lay perfectly quiet beside the fire. Jolena covered her mouth with her hands, gasping as she stared at him. His eyes were closed. Blood was curling down across his brow from the wound she had inflicted on his head.
He was breathing raspily.
"I've got to get out of here," Jolena said, looking desperately around her. She gazed again at Two Ridges, then gulped back a fast-forming knot in her throat. What if he died? She hadn't wanted to kill him. Why had he forced her to do this terrible thing to him?
She moved shakily to her feet and began inching backward, away from Two Ridges, fearing more that he might wake up than that he should not wake up at all.
He had reason now to do more than rape her.
He might even kill her!
bsp; Remembering the dangers that lurked in the forest, and realizing that she could wander alone for days before finding any sort of civilization, Jolena stopped and gazed down at Two Ridges' knife. She was afraid to try and get it, fearing that he might wake up the very moment she was leaning down over him. She closed her eyes at the thought of him grabbing her and forcing himself on her again!
Then she opened her eyes again slowly, knowing that her life now depended on her taking many risks.
Leaning down, she moved her trembling fingers to Two Ridges' sheathed knife at his right side. She watched his eyes as she quickly grabbed the handle and brought the knife out of its sheath.
Her heart thumping wildly, Jolena turned her attention to the food dripping its juices into the fire. Her mouth watered suddenly for she had not realized until this moment just how hungry she was.
"To survive, I must eat," she whispered, stepping up to the browned morsel, very deliberate- ly cutting several wide strips of the meat away, then thrusting them into the depths of her skirt pocket.
"And warmth," she whispered, spying the blankets upon which Two Ridges still lay. She must take at least one of those blankets.
With one hand, she poised the knife above Two Ridges, ready for the death plunge should he awaken while she was slowly rolling his body off the blankets.
When he was successfully moved over onto his stomach, his face pointing away from Jolena, she grabbed the blanket, then took off in a mad dash toward where she thought the mouth of the cave might be.
The pitch darkness of the cavern slowed her escape. She found her way by keeping her back against the one side of the cave and inching herself along. She was glad when she finally saw the light of the moon as it made a path of silver just inside the entrance of the cave.
Jolena broke into a run again, tears filling her eyes with renewed thoughts of Spotted Eagle and Kirk. She felt empty with loneliness.
How could she bear such losses? Her future was bleak. Without Spotted Eagle's arms and strength to guide her into the future, how could she exist?
She felt useless now, utterly useless.