Page 52 of Savage Illusions
They gazed smilingly at one another a few moments longer, then Brown Elk frowned. "How is it that you are alone?" he said, his voice drawn. He swept his eyes over her, seeing her complete disarray.
Then he gazed into her eyes. "How did you find this Blackfoot village?" he said softly. "How long have you been wandering, looking for it?"
Jolena was catapulted back to the tragic acci- dent. She lowered her eyes, truly not wanting to talk about it.
Not the death of those she loved!
Nor of Two Ridges' deceit of a friendand near rape of his friend's woman!
All of this caused a bitter ache to circle her heart, yet she knew that she must tell at least part of the tragedy.
She would not reveal Two Ridges' true nature to his people. That would happen soon enough, when he returned to the village and saw that she was there! He would not know if she had or had not told what he had done.
This would make him react strangely enough in front of his people so that they would ask what was the cause of his behavior. She would stand back, smiling smugly when he tried to invent a lie that might free him of all blame and shame!
"You show such pain in your eyes," Brown Elk said as he placed a forefinger beneath Jolena's chin, forcing her eyes to lock with his. "What has happened? You can tell your father."
Then his eyes widened with horror as he once again swept them over Jolena, remembering that Spotted Eagle and Two Ridges had gone to guide a group of white people. Lepidopterists, he believed they were called. Could his daughter have been among those people? If so, where was Spotted Eagle and Two Ridges? They had been hired as guides!
"Spotted Eagle and Two Ridges?" he cried. "Do you know these two Blackfoot?"
Jolena felt her throat become constricted at the mention of those names. "How would you know that I did?" she said in almost a whisper.
"Then you are in the Montana Territory seeking butterflies?" Brown Elk said, his voice guarded.
"Yes, I was," Jolena said, finding it difficult to speak about it without reliving in her mind's eye all over again the tragedy of it all.
Brown Elk placed his fingers to her shoulders. "You say that as though you are no longer a part of the expedition," he said, his voice drawn. He glanced at her disheveled clothes again and at her tangled hair, suddenly feeling as if he was drowning inside at the thought of what this all meant.
"Where is Two Ridges?" he said in a rush of words. "Where is Spotted Eagle?"
Jolena stared up at him, realizing that he had guessed what had happened, and she dreaded having to tell him that what he feared was in part true.
One Blackfoot warrior was dead.
The other…
Oh, God, what could she say about the other?
This moment, when she should be happy to have finally found her true father and true people, she felt trappedtrapped by someone else's lies and deceits and lusts.
Chapter Twenty-One
The sudden alarm in Brown Elk's eyes made Jolena aware that he perhaps knew her answer before she spoke the words out loud.
Even though talking of Spotted Eagle's death would tear her heart apart, Jolena knew that she had no choice but to tell her Blackfoot father the truth. She owed him so much for having been denied his daughter for the first eighteen years of her life, and she never wanted to be anything but truthful with him.
"Spotted Eagle and Two Ridges were doing well their task of keeping the expedition from harm," she said, swallowing hard. She nervously clasped her hands behind her. "But there was nothing they could do about the fierce lightning. It caused the mules and horses to go wild," she said in a rush of words. She lowered her eyes, finding it even harder than she had at first imagined to tell the rest. It wasn't that she had actually seen Spotted Eagle's horse become spooked enough to carry Spotted Eagle over the cliff. She knew it to be true because Two Ridges had told her that it had happened.
Her he?
?art skipped a beat. What if Two Ridges had been telling a lie, in hopes that she would lean on him for protection in the absence of her beloved Spotted Eagle?
Then she felt foolish for such a thought.
Even Two Ridges could not be that vindictive.
She had to accept that Spotted Eagle was goneforever.