Page 62 of Savage Illusions
"Should you be put through the test and smoke the pipe, everyone would believe that what you have said about Two Ridges' death was true," Jolena said, her eyes innocently wide. "So I see no problem."
"The problem is that I would know that I was lying and at such a solemn, sacred time as that, I would not be able to lie about the lie," he said solemnly.
Jolena nodded, understanding, and knowing that no matter how she felt about Two Ridges, she must do what she must, to keep Spotted Eagle from being put in any awkward position.
"I will do as my Blackfoot father wants," she murmured. "I will prepare Two Ridges for burial."
Chapter Twenty-Four
"Let us have no more talk about that which burdens our hearts," Spotted Eagle said, his gaze moving slowly over her. "Let us speak of things that will make us smile."
"Yes, let's," Jolena said, her heart hammering wildly as she felt the heat of Spotted Eagle's eyes moving over her, seeing her for the first time in Indian attire. She could tell by the gentleness in his eyes and the slow smile quavering on his lips that he approved of this change that had come over her in his absence.
Smoothing a hand down the front of her doeskin smock, she smiled up at Spotted Eagle. "Is it not a beautiful dress?" she said softly. "I so love it."
"Its loveliness is enhanced by the woman wearing it," Spotted Eagle said, his loins becoming hot with need of her as he gazed into Jolena's eyes. "In Blackfoot attire, you are even more beautiful than when you are wearing clothes of the white women."
He reached a hand to her hair and twined his fingers through it, tugging her closer to him. "But, my woman, you are even more beautiful when you have nothing on. Shall I… disrobe you? Or would you rather do it yourself?"
Jolena's throat was growing dry as the excitement of the moment built, yet she hesitated to follow him into this sensual bantering.
"Should we?" she said weakly. "Is this a proper time?"
"Time is precious, yet fleeting," Spotted Eagle said, his hand cupping her breast through the soft fabric of her smock. "Never should we waste a moment of our time together. Who knows of tomorrow? Tonight we are together. Let us use the moment in the way we both desire."
"I so badly want to," Jolena said, her breath catching in her throat when Spotted Eagle leaned a soft, quavering kiss to her lips, silencing her every doubt, bringing forth within her waves of rapture that began cresting, as though her passion were a tide following the command of the moon.
As he lowered her into the buffalo robes that lay on the floor beside the fire, she weakened with passion as his kisses became more demanding, his hands trembling as they disrobed her.
When even Spotted Eagle's clothes were tossed aside, and Jolena felt his weight pressing on her body, she spread her legs and welcomed him as he quickly and magnificently filled her.
Smothered with feelings that were overwhelming her, Jolena thrashed her head back and forth as Spotted Eagle's thrusts within her became rhythmically fast, his lips moving from one of her breasts to the other.
Then he rolled away from her. Their hands began moving on each other's bodies, and they met each other, touch by precious touch.
Jolena sucked in a wild breath of rapture when Spotted Eagle laid his hand over the fronds of black curls at the juncture of her thighs, then thrust a finger inside her.
She then sought out his throbbing hardness and when she found it, she began moving her fingers over him, smiling as his body trembled with pleasure. As he stroked her, she continued moving her fingers over him.
Then Spotted Eagle moved over her again and in one deep thrust had himself deeply inside her again. He enwrapped her within his powerful arms and placed his cheek to hers. "I would be an empty shell without you," he whispered. "But while we were separated, I did not have to touch you to feel you in my mind."
"My darling, I carry you with me always within my heart," Jolena whispered back, moving her hips with him, pulling him more deeply within her as she locked her legs around him. "I love you so."
"I will pay your father a great bride price," Spotted Eagle said, kissing his way down to her breasts. He flicked his tongue around a nipple, drawing a guttural sigh of pleasure from deeply within Jolena. "We will marry soon."
For a moment Jolena was catapulted back to another time and another father. Bryce Edmonds had spoken often of how beautiful a bride Jolena would be in a dress of white against her copper skin. He had always counted on the day that he would have the honor of giving her away in a beautiful marriage ceremony in their church.
She had to wonder how he would react when he saw this dream shattered. She knew that he was not well enough to withstand the riverboat ride to the Montana Territory, and she knew that it would be asking the impossible of Spotted Eagle to go with her to Saint Louis to be married.
He would remind her that she was Blackfoot and must be married in the Blackfoot tradition. And she would agree without further thought. She had been denied too many Blackfoot traditions as she was growing up in a white community.
Now she wanted to absorb each and every one of them within her heart so that she could eventually not even think about the time when she was forced to follow the road of the white people instead of her own true people!
Spotted Eagle sensed that Jolena's heart was no longer in their lovemaking. He paused and leaned away from her so that their eyes could meet and hold. He placed a gentle hand to her cheek.
"What is troubling you?" he said softly. "Never have you before been in two separate places while we were making love. Where has your mind taken you? S
hall mine follow and join you, to share with you that which is taking you from me?"