Page 70 of Savage Illusions
Jolena wiped tears from her eyes, thankful to have been a witness to her father's deep emotions and compassion tonight.
This made it easier not to be so torn between loyalties where fathers were concerned!
She now understood the depths of his hurt when she had been denied him those eighteen summers ago and all the years since.
She had so much to make up to him.
And she wouldin many lovely ways.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Although he had hoped that warring wouldn't be required to rescue Kirk, Spotted Eagle feared nothing and was always ready to fight.
He had put on a necklace of bear claws, a belt of bear fur, and around his head a band of fur. He was now ready for whatever the night hours brought him.
The moon was high in the sky, casting its silver light down upon many glittering lances and brightly polished weapons as Spotted Eagle and his warriors moved with the precisio
n of clockwork and the pride of veterans through the hills and ravines so that they could not be seen.
Spotted Eagle had sent Double Runner far ahead to check on the Cree camp where Kirk was being held captive. When Spotted Eagle spied Double Runner up ahead, returning, he sank his heels into the flanks of his powerful steed and broke away from the others, riding to meet Double Runner's approach.
Each man reined his horse to a stop alongside the other.
''What news have you brought back to me?" Spotted Eagle asked, wary when he saw that his scout was wearing a frown instead of the look of excited wariness that always came into Double Runner's eyes before going into an enemy's village.
"I found the camping place of the Cree war party deserted," Double Runner said in a low rumble of a voice.
Spotted Eagle's spine stiffened. "And what of Jolena's white brother?" he said, his eyes lit with a sudden, angry fire at the possibility that he had been duped by his enemy!
"He is no longer a captive of the Cree," Double Runner said.
"If you did not see the Cree, how do you know the fate of the white man?" Spotted Eagle said, forking an eyebrow as he leaned closer to Double Runner.
"The white man still hangs on the stake, alone where the campsite has been deserted," Double Runner explained. "I did not venture to go to him alone. I fear this might be a trap."
"Yes, a trap," Spotted Eagle said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Then he looked over his shoulder at his warriors as they rode up behind him and drew rein, waiting to see what his next command might be. "We shall see. We will be prepared for an ambush, if one is planned."
He explained everything to his warriors and then they all rode cautiously onward, eyes darting around them, watching guardedly for any movements.
Spotted Eagle gazed heavenward, noticing that the moon was now hidden behind a thick, black cloud.
Spotted Eagle and his companions traveled onward, and when they came close to the Crees' abandoned campsite, they rode up in a ravine behind it and brought their horses to a halt.
Dismounting, Spotted Eagle secured his horse's reins to a low tree limb, his warriors following his lead. With his quiver of arrows secured to his back, and clutching his bow, keeping the weapons ready in case they were needed, Spotted Eagle crept into a large bunch of rye grass to hide as he surveyed the abandoned camp with slow, intense eyes.
He could tell that the Cree had torn down the lodges and packed their dog travois in haste, for they had packed in such a hurry that they had left many little things lying in camp.
Spotted Eagle could see knives, awls, bone needles, and moccasins scattered around on the packed earth.
When the cloud finally scurried on past, and the moon's glow again illumined everything as though it were morning, it revealed the stake on which Kirk was tied, his head bowed, motionless. Double Runner eased himself closer to Spotted Eagle. "He is dead?" he whispered, the rifle barrel he carried shining beneath the moon's bright rays.
Fearing its reflection might cast itself where it did not belongperhaps in the eye of a Cree waiting to ambush those who would rescue the white man, Spotted Eagle placed his hand onto Double Runner's rifle and quickly lowered it to his scout's side.
"We might be dead if you do not use more caution," Spotted Eagle warned, glaring at Double Runner. "Even you think this might be a trap. Act accordingly."
Double Runner nodded, then peered at Kirk again. "And what do we do now?" he whispered.
Spotted Eagle looked over his shoulder at his other warriors. He made a wide swing in the air with his free hand. "Everyone spread," he flatly ordered. "Go with much care as you surround this campsite. If you find the Cree, silence them with your knives before they can alert others. For this a rifle is useless. Take your knives!"