Page 78 of Savage Illusions
"Do not move, Jolena," Spotted Eagle said, swinging himself up to solid ground.
"Do not even move your head to see what I am doing," Spotted Eagle said as he yanked the bow from his shoulder and notched an arrow onto it. "It could provoke the animal into charging me before I can send an arrow into its heart."
Jolena's throat went dry and her insides grew numb. She didn't move a muscle, but not so much because Spotted Eagle had told her not to, but because she was too frightened even to breathe.
She now heard the snorting of the buffalo.
She could hear its hoof pounding the earth as it continued to paw.
She could even feel its eyes on her.
Jolena gazed at the cliff which was only an arm's length away. If the buffalo charged before Spotted Eagle could kill it, she and Spotted Eagle would join the others at the foot of the cliff, but in a most unexpected way.
She closed her eyes and began praying. She flinched when she heard the sound of the released arrow, then sighed with relief when she heard a loud thumping sound, knowing that the animal had fallen and that she had been saved by her beloved Blackfoot warrior!
Dropping the cardboard, yet clinging to the precious sheets from her journal, Jolena turned to face Spotted Eagle. After fitting his bow back over his shoulder, he went to Jolena and framed her face between his hands, yet his eyes were on the journals that she clasped to her chest. He shifted his gaze to the cardboard on which were displayed the bits and pieces of butterflies.
He looked up at her again, glowering. "You risk your life for these useless things?" he growled. "Why?"
"For my father in Saint Louis," Jolena murmured. "Having something left of the expedition might help ease the blow of knowing that he has lost me."
"Would it have been worth it to him to have foolish papers only to lose his daughter altogether?" Spotted Eagle said, jerking his hands from her face. He started to take the papers from her arms, but she turned away from him.
"Please don't," she said, her voice drawn. "These are valuable."
"You must forget this part of your life if you are to become Blackfoot in all ways," Spotted Eagle reminded her.
Feeling guilty for making Spotted Eagle angry with her and for putting him in danger again for her, Jolena went to him and rested her cheek against his muscled arm. "Darling, you said that you were going to kill a buffalo bull today, and you just did," she murmured. "He will make much meat for our table."
Spotted Eagle said nothing for a moment, then turned his eyes down to her. "Lay your papers aside," he said gently. "It is time for you to learn the ways of butchering."
Jolena's smile faltered. She stepped away from Spotted Eagle, looking waveringly down at the rescued s of her journal. She realized that Spotted Eagle was forcing her to choose between keeping the papers she'd rescued and freeing her hands to begin the butchering.
She was torn, but this time she knew what she must do, for her place was with Spotted Eagle, and if that meant more sacrifices being made to have a future with him, then she knew what she must do.
Lifting her chin proudly, Jolena opened her arms and watched the s of her journal flutter away from her again.
Spotted Eagle went to Jolena and drew her into his embrace. "Again, you are a woman of courage," he whispered, twining his fingers through her hair.
Jolena gazed up at him. "It was not courage that made me let go, but love for my man," she said, then leaned into him as his lips crushed down upon hers in a kiss.
Chapter Thirty
A feast to celebrate the successful buffalo run would begin as the sky bade the stars and moon good-bye and welcomed old man Sun.
Jolena had slept soundly after the tiring outing, her dreams filled with wondrous moments alone with Spotted Eagle. Even now as she slept, she sighed and stretched her arms above her head as she dreamt that Spotted Eagle was kneeling over her, awakening her to an even more intense rapture than she had shared with him before as he sucked her nipples into tight nubs of pleasure and his hands swept caressingly down her body, stopping at the heart of her desire, splaying his fingers over her crown of black hair. When he thrust one of his fingers inside the warm cocoon of her femininity, Jolena gasped passionately. As his finger moved within her, kindling the flames that were already lit inside her, she slowly opened her eyes, realizing that she was not dreaming at allthat this pleasure she was feeling was real. She found Spotted Eagle's midnight-dark eyes gazing into hers, his lips tugging into a smile when he discovered that his ploy had worked, that he had awakened her this morning to how it would be for the rest of their lives. He would greet her at each sunrise with this proof of his love.
He would make sure she never regretted having chosen his way of life over that which she had known for the first eighteen summers of her life.
In many ways he would make up to her that which she might secretly pine for.
Her heart throbbing, her insides melting with rapture, Jolena smiled softly up at Spotted Eagle and flung a leg around him, bringing him closer. She trembled with ecstasy and swallowed hard when she discovered how much even he was aroused when she felt his manhood lying thick and full against her thigh. She felt dizzy with need of him and placed her hands to the nape of his neck and drew his lips up close to hers.
Before she could kiss him, he was whispering something against her lips.
"Were your dreams good?" he teased huskily.
Jolena giggled. "Never better," she whispered back, then felt her euphoria mounting when he kissed her in a blaze of urgency, his hands cupping her breasts, his fingers pushing them up against his bare, powerful chest.