Page 84 of Savage Illusions
"Yes," Moon Flower murmured. "Everything today is about your marriage. And since you have no Blackfoot mother, I will take her place."
"You will?" Jolena said, her eyes widening. "You would do this for me?"
"It is not only for you, but also Brown Elk," Moon Flower said softly. "It is my way of saying thank-you for his kindness to Moon Flowerand yours."
Guilt momentarily tugged at Jolena's heart for having doubted Moon Flower's honesty for a short while. But wrapped up in the excitement of the day, she cast these feelings aside and allowed herself to feel wonderful over finally realizing her plans to marry the man she loved. There was no doubt whatsoever in her heart over her decision to stay in the Blackfoot village, to be one of them.
Everything looked so bright.
The future looked so promising.
How could she feel anything but blessed?
Euphoric, she listened raptly as Moon Flower began explaining what must be done to prepare her for her wedding day tomorrow.
"First, Jolena, you must move into your father's lodge," Mo?
?on Flower said, softly folding her arms across her breasts.
Jolena blushed, hoping no one, especially her Blackfoot father, saw her as shameful for having spent her nights with Spotted Eagle.
But she knew that Spotted Eagle wouldn't have encouraged it had he thought that it would damage her reputation in the eyes of his people. She had never taken the time to worry about it, for deep in her heart she had known that they would already have been married had there not been so many obstacles in the way.
In her heart, mind, and soul she was already his womanhis wife.
The ceremony was necessary only to formalize it.
"I look forward to spending this special time with my father," Jolena finally said.
"While there, you will select the choicest parts of the meat from your father's lodge," Moon Flower said softly. "You will cook these things in the best style, and in the company of Moon Flower you will go to Spotted Eagle's lodge and place the food before him. He will eat it. Then you will take the dishes, and we will return to your father's lodge. Everyone in the village who sees you carrying the food in a covered dish to Spotted Eagle's lodge will know that a marriage is to take place."
"And then what else do I do?" Jolena asked anxiously, thrilling inside to actually be talking about her marriage to Spotted Eagle. That made it so very real! Nothing would stop it now. There was only today, tonight, and then tomorrow it was to happen!
She was so excited, she could hardly sit still any longer. But she knew that she must listen to all of Moon Flower's teachings today. These were perhaps the most important lessons of all as she turned herself over to the Blackfoot way of life.
"If your mother were alive, she would make you a new lodge, complete with new poles," Moon Flower said. Her voice was filled with compassion as she remembered listening to her own mother tell the tale of Sweet Dove and how she had died giving birth to a child that no one had ever found. It seemed a miracle that here before Moon Flower sat this child who was now a woman.
How wonderful it would have been if Sweet Dove could have lived to see her daughter molded into someone as beautiful and sweet as Jolena, and to see the man she was to marry! No mother could have been more proud. She would have made the cowhide lodge with eager, happy fingers, as her heart sang and her eyes danced.
"And since she is not alive?" Jolena murmured. "Who then makes the lodge for me?"
"Your father appointed one of the women of the village many days ago to make the lodge," Moon Flower said, smiling at Jolena. "It is a handsome one that you will be pleased to erect in the midst of the village for all to see. It will be a lodge your father will be pleased with as his dowry is placed there."
"My father's… dowry?" Jolena said, gasping softly. "Whatever might it be?"
"It is not for Moon Flower to say," Moon Flower said, laughing softly.
Spotted Eagle sat opposite the fire from Brown Elk, staring across the flames at his future father-in-law, feeling humble in the presence of such a great and honorable elder as he.
Brown Elk rose and brought his beautifully decorated pipe with its long stem over to Spot- ted Eagle and handed it to him, to partake of a smoke with him.
Brown Elk waited until Spotted Eagle was blowing smoke from his mouth, then took the pipe back and again sat down before the fire opposite his future nis-ahson-in-law.
"You have come to speak of my daughter?" Brown Elk said, crossing his legs at his ankles and resting the bowl of his pipe on one of his knees.
"That is so," Spotted Eagle said, nodding.
"The time is good for a marriage," Brown Elk said, smiling at Spotted Eagle. "You will make a fine son-in-law. I gladly give my daughter to you, even though I have not had her long myself. I trust you will allow this elder to share his daughter who will soon become your wife? I will be the first to know of the growing of a child within my daughter's womb? I will be second to you to hold my grandchild once it is born?"