Page 37 of Savage Dawn
He gazed heavenward and spoke a silent prayer to his Great Spirit. He prayed that what he was doing was right and that he would soon be riding into his village with the flame-haired woman at his side.
Back at the stronghold, Eagle Wolf’s brother, Spirit Wolf, smiled to himself as he sat beside his lodge fire, thinking about his brother having left the safety of the stronghold again.
No matter what had taken Eagle Wolf away again, this time he would surely not return. Eagle Wolf was taking too many chances, too often.
Spirit Wolf’s smile faded as he wondered what had taken his brother away again. What could be out there, beckoning him from his home again?
Spirit Wolf did not really care. All he knew was that if his brother did not return home, Spirit Wolf would be appointed chief by his people again, and this time he would remain so, forever!
He did not care about the safety of a brother who had been favored above Spirit Wolf all of Spirit Wolf’s life.
What was fair about that?
But fairness would soon show its face to his people, by demonstrating that Spirit Wolf was meant to be their chief, not Eagle Wolf.
Chapter Eighteen
Today was Nicole’s very first as a teacher and she could not help being apprehensive. Although she had studied hard and knew all that she needed to know to be a good teacher, she was still anxious.
She had been given no reason to feel uncomfortable with her new situation. The people of Hope had been nothing but kind to her since her arrival there.
They had given her a house all to herself, fully furnished. It was small, but large enough for her since she had brought nothing into this new world except her one travel bag of clothing, and now a horse that she called her own.
She looked around the one-room schoolhouse where she would soon greet the children on her first day as a teacher. She walked slowly around the room, absently touching one desk and then another. She glanced at her own desk, which sat facing these. She had already printed her name in big letters on the chalkboard.
She walked slowly to the door, then stood aside when the children began coming into the room. She recognized the four little girls who had been on the stagecoach with her. They were the daughters of the very man who’d come to her rescue and brought her back to his settlement.
She would be forever grateful for his kindness. She only hoped that he hadn’t had ulterior motives for going to so much trouble.
Earlier, when she had first met these girls, she had not been told their names. During the family’s conversations in the stagecoach, she had discovered two of their names, but now could not even remember them.
She smiled at all four of the pretty little girls now as they stepped out of the way of the other children who were hurrying into the building.
Jeremiah’s daughters’ eyes were wide and their smiles were broad as they stood beside Nicole, each looking up at her with what seemed to be an expression of adoration. She could only guess that these pretty things were as anxious to have a teacher as she was to be one.
“It’s so good to see you children again,” Nicole said, smiling from one to the other. “I am embarrassed to say that I do not remember your names,” she murmured.
“Mine is Hannah,” the tiniest of the four spoke up, her dark eyes twinkling as she continued smiling at Nicole.
“Mine is Jane,” one of the others said, smiling just as broadly and sweetly.
The other two children added their names quickly.
“Mine is Tara.”
“Mine is Kathryn.”
“Such pretty names for such pretty and sweet girls,” Nicole murmured. “I am so grateful to your father for having brought me to Hope. I’m especially grateful for being given the chance to be your teacher. I have always longed to be a teacher. I cannot think of anyone I would enjoy teaching more than I will you.”
“We’re glad you are here, too,” Hannah blurted out. She had a strange timid look as she lowered her eyes for a moment, then raised them again so she could look directly into Nicole’s eyes. “My daddy is glad you are here, but Mama is not as pleased.”
Nicole was not at all surprised to hear that, for she knew that the two women on the stagecoach had not been happy at her presence. They had completely ignored her.
Then she was stunned speechless as Hannah continued talking. “Mama said my father is going to marry you.”
“Your father told your mother that he…that he…is going to take me as his third wife?” Nicole stammered.
“Yes, I heard Daddy telling Mama and my other mama that after you are here for a while and get to know everyone better, he will be asking you for your hand in marriage,” Jane put in.