Page 64 of Savage Dawn
As birds sang overhead in the trees, like soft music being played just for this moment, Nicole lay in her lover’s arms, his mouth eager on hers. She had dreamed of being with Eagle Wolf, of making love, and now her dreams were coming true.
As she clung to him, her body yearning for his, she felt the possessive heat of his kiss. Slowly, gently, he thrust his manhood where she was throbbing with a need all new to her.
She held on to him as he gave one last shove, and she felt a slight stabbing of pain upon his entry. But the pain lasted for only a moment. Then, as he began to move gently within her, a pleasure she had never known began to grow within her. She strained her body against his, hungry for more of the exquisite pleasure he was awakening within her.
She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, and rode with each of his thrusts. His movements aroused the most wondrous of feelings within her.
“My woman,” Eagle Wolf whispered against her lips. “I love you ka-bike-hozhoni-bi. Forevermore.”
“And I shall love you ka-bike-hozhoni-bi,” she whispered back to him.
Then he moved more earnestly within her, and she felt the sweetest of currents spreading through her.
She closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel it all as he again kissed her with such passion, she sighed with pleasure. She clung to him, her body moving with his.
She was flooded with emotion as Eagle Wolf swept a hand around one of her breasts and kneaded it so that she felt the nipple grow tight against his palm. She sucked in a breath of utter pleasure when he moved his lips to that same nipple and gently sucked it between his teeth, softly nibbling.
Then he swirled his tongue around it, and again sucked the nipple into his mouth.
“What you are doing is…driving…me wild,” Nicole whispered, feeling heat surge through her whole body, this sensual awakening that was so sweet and wonderful.
“Just enjoy,” Eagle Wolf whispered against her cheek. “You feel it all now, do you not? You feel my need for you. You feel my want of you.”
“I feel everything wonderful, my darling,” Nicole said, gazing up at him through passion-clouded eyes. “My handsome Navaho chief. Oh, how I do love you.”
“We were destined to meet and to know a love so fierce it should shake the heavens,” Eagle Wolf said, smiling into her eyes. “It should awaken all of nature. Hear the birds? Their songs accompany our love dance.”
His lips came down onto Nicole’s and kissed her more passionately than before. He swept his arms around her and held her tightly against his body, experiencing something with Nicole that he had never felt before with any other woman, not even his wife.
Now he saw how wrong he had been to marry for the wrong reasons.
This time his wife, his Nicole, would experience everything that love could give. He knew that she would always return his love, twofold, as she was doing today.
She clung and rocked with him, and heat spread through him, a liquid heat that melted his insides. His whole body was quivering with anticipation.
His skin actually tingled with an aliveness he had never felt before. And his stomach was churning wildly.
No, never before had he experienced anything even close to how he was feeling now with this woman.
That day when he lay there so overwhelmed with fever, it was fate that led her to him. Had she not come, his life would never have been complete.
Now that they had found come together, they completed each other.
Nicole was almost mindless with the pleasure that Eagle Wolf was introducing her to. She was feeling a strange sort of pressure building within her.
And then, as his lips came to hers again in a demanding kiss, she arched her back and hugged him tightly to her.
Suddenly it seemed as though lights were flashing inside her brain, and the most delicious feeling swept through her, rocking her with an intensity she had never imagined possible. She clung to him. She sighed. She cried out his name just as he cried out hers against her lips. His body trembled and he thrust himself over and over again inside her, and then lay quietly against her, his breathing as quick as her own.
“What I just felt…” she said, marveling over what had happened to her body. It was as if she had been reborn into a new and different world, a world of sensuality.
“I felt the same,” Eagle Wolf said, rolling away from her and stretching out on his back on the soft moss. “You just discovered the truth about lovemaking and what can happen inside the body, inside the soul, when you truly love someone as you and I love each other.”
He turned on to his side toward her. He bent his head to her breasts, and swept his tongue around one nipple and then the other, feeling the heat of her flesh against his lips.
Nicole threw her head back and closed her eyes in ecstasy as Eagle Wolf then kissed her lips with a warmth and passion that would always be there.
She would always need him.