Page 72 of Savage Dawn
He slid his lips up to the curve of her neck and pressed them there, panting as the heat of his manhood continued to thrust within her. She rode with him, her legs wrapped around his waist, molding her closer to the contours of his muscled, copper body.
They moved together rhymically now, both breathing hard, and then the peak of their passion was reached. Their bodies experienced delicious shivers of desire, leaving them clinging and breathless, even shaking, it was so intense an experience. Never before had they known such ful-filment.
“I believe you,” Eagle Wolf said huskily as he rolled away from Nicole. He rested on his back, gazing through the smoke hole over head, where the sky was blue and peering back at him, a witness, it seemed, to these lovers who had found the ultimate of ecstasy together.
“What do you mean…you believe me?” Nicole asked, turning on her side to face him. She slid a hand onto his flat belly and ran her fingers across his wondrous copper skin, causing his flesh to shiver from a pleasure that would not leave him today.
“I believe you now about making a child today,” Eagle Wolf said, reaching for and taking her hand. He slid it down to where he still ached for her touch.
When she knew what he wanted, she circled her fingers around his heat and enjoyed the way his manhood grew even larger within her hand when she caressed him like this.
“So, you, too, feel it,” Nicole murmured. “How our lovemaking was freer this time than other times, how I seemed not to have a worry in the world? How I adored every moment we made love? My darling Eagle Wolf, it was different this time because I no longer have the worries that have stood in the way of my becoming with child. Now that the evil man who murdered my parents is gone, I no longer have to think of him and where he might be. I was always so afraid that he might still be after me.”
“You were right. I am amazed that he found his way onto our mountain despite all of my trained sentries,” Eagle Wolf said, reaching down and moving her hand gently aside. It was not needed any longer. He was ready to go to paradise with his wife again, and if a child was not made that first time, it would be the second.
“I believe the wolf that you saved that day is responsible for the death of Sam Partain,” Nicole said, groaning with a building pleasure when Eagle Wolf slid over her and quickly thrust his heat inside her again. “I believe it was Sam Partain who inflicted those injuries on that wolf. I believe that all along the wolf was searching for Sam Partain.”
“Shhh,” Eagle Wolf said as he softly slid a hand over her mouth. “There is no need to think of that man again, or why or how he died. It is enough that he is dead.”
“Ho, it is enough,” Nicole said, her heart thumping inside her chest as the rapture rose inside her with each of Eagle Wolf’s thrusts.
She knew that this time paradise would be reached much more quickly than moments ago, for her body was still throbbing from its intense pleasure.
She twined her arms around his neck and felt a tremor deep within herself as Eagle Wolf’s lips came to hers, his lips hot and hungry as he kissed her.
Yet her mind would not focus only on lovemaking this time as it had the first time they had reached paradise together this afternoon.
Suddenly she was filled with curiosity about the wolf.
“I wonder where she is,” she suddenly said, causing Eagle Wolf’s eyes to widen and his body to grow still for the moment.
“Where who is?” he asked incredulously.
“The wolf,” Nicole said, searching his eyes.
“You are not supposed to be thinking about wolves, or anything else, right now,” Eagle Wolf said.
“When we are through, can we go out and search for her?” Nicole asked, her eyes wide as he gazed into them. “I do care.”
“As do I,” Eagle Wolf said thickly. “Ho, my wife, mother of the children we are certain to have, we shall go and search.”
He reached for her hair and ran his fingers slowly through the radiant red softness of it. “Will that make you happy?” he asked.
“Ho, that will make me happy,” Nicole said, smiling almost timidly at his patience even when she interrupted their moments of passion with worries about an animal.
But strangely enough, her worry, about not being with child was no longer there. Like magic, the concern had disappeared. She had no doubt that in nine months, a child would be born of their love.
She hoped that in nine more months, another child would be born. She did not want an only child as she had been. It just was not fair to raise a child without a brother or sister.
If her first child were a girl, she would want a brother for her. She had heard that brothers were such a blessing to a sister, protecting her until she found a man to marry. Even then, the bond between brother and sister was never broken.
Not until death. And even then the bond continued in spirit as Eagle Wolf had explained about his sister.
Again they rocked together, clinging, kissing, and reeling with the building pleasure. Nicole was keenly aware when that familiar delicious languor began to swim through her. Soon she would feel the completeness of passion once again with her husband.
And when it did come, his eyes went dark with emotion as he gazed into hers while thrusting over and over again inside her. The silent explosion of their passion made them cling until their bodies grew still once again against each other.
“My hero,” Nicole said as he rolled away from her, remaining on his side so that he could gaze at her.