Page 44 of Savage Hero
“I truly enjoyed the evening,” Mary Beth said as she went into Brave Wolf’s tepee with him. “And I never felt as though I were an intruder. I felt that most everyone accepted me.”
Brave Wolf took her by the hand and pulled her down onto the thick pelts beside the slow-burning lodge fire. “They see you as their chief’s woman. That is why they did nothing to make you feel uncomfortable,” he said. “Can you feel it, as well? Can you feel our connection?”
“I do, and I felt it even before I would admit to myself that I could trust you and the goodness I saw in you,” Mary Beth murmured. “What had just happened in my life was so horrible. How could I immediately trust a man who resembled those who took so much from me?”
“I cannot restore your losses, except perhaps, your son,” Brave Wolf said thickly. “I am sorry that my warriors’ search for David has not been successful.” He placed his hands at her waist and drew her closer. “If the pony soldiers can do what my warriors have not been able to do, that will be good. I want nothing but your happiness.”
“I do not look forward to going to Fort Henry,” Mary Beth said. “At first, that was all I could think about . . . going to be with my own people. Now I cannot see any future that does not include you.”
She placed a hand on his cheek. “How can love come so quickly between a man and a woman?” she asked softly. “Since I have never truly loved before, it all seems like such a miracle. I can hardly believe that I found it now . . . that I fell in love with you so quickly, a stranger until only a few days ago . . . a man who is not of my own people . . . a man most white women would fear.”
She sighed. “I never feared you,” she said. “Never. You did not put fear into my heart . . . only sweetness.”
“You did not feel anything like sweetness at first,” he said, chuckling. “If you did, you were good at pretending you hated me.”
“Hate was not the emotion that I felt,” she said, smiling almost shyly. “Frustration that I could not get you to do as I asked . . . but not hate. I felt something special for you very soon after you rescued me, but I would not admit it, even to myself.”
“That was then, this is now, and all is good between us,” Brave Wolf said thickly. “I am a man in love. You are a woman who loves. Let us not wonder why. Let us just accept our good fortune with warmth in our hearts. Let us enjoy it.”
“And by enjoy, you do mean something more than hugging one another,” Mary Beth said, blushing.
No man had ever awakened this new side of herself. She actually felt sensual . . . seductive. Her body cried out for something from this man.
She wanted to experience true lovemaking.
When she had made love with her husband, she had pretended that she had received pleasure from it, when in truth her body had never been awakened to the miracle of love . . . of sensuality.
Just being with Brave Wolf had aroused these feelings in her. To think that she might experience the complete fulfillment that came with lovemaking made her whole insides tremble with anticipation.
Brave Wolf did not respond verbally. His answer was in the dark, deep passion in his eyes, and in the way his fingers trembled as he placed them at the hem of her doeskin dress and slowly began lifting it.
The mere touch of the dress moving along her flesh caused Mary Beth to melt. With each inch as more and more of her body was revealed to Brave Wolf’s watchful eyes.
Her heart pounded and she blushed anew when Brave Wolf slid the dress past her breasts, their dark tips tight as the air touched their bareness.
Then she sucked in a wild breath of ecstasy when he dipped his head low and flicked his tongue across one of her nipples. He continued to slide the dress slowly upward, and then over her head, tossing it to the floor behind him.
He brought his hands to her breasts and filled them with their heaviness, his lips now sucking on a nipple.
Mary Beth threw her head back in total ecstasy as Brave Wolf showered both breasts with electrifying kisses, then brought his lips to hers and gave her a deep, long, passionate kiss. At the same time, he pressed his body against hers, until she was on her back on the pelts.
Brave Wolf kissed her for a moment longer, then rose over her and removed his own clothes. When he was as naked as she, Mary Beth saw just how gifted a man he was.
She gazed at his maleness, then brazenly reached a hand to him and touched him. His eyes glazed over with rapture as she ran her fingers slowly up and down the full length of his shaft.
She remembered well how her husband had enjoyed such touches. He had seemed to enjoy her stroking more than the actual lovemaking.
She had been happy about that, since she had never looked forward to the bedtime duties of a wife. She had been glad when her touch had satisfied him enough that he asked no more of her once his seed splashed out into her hand. That was another reason why they had never had a second child.
Now she wanted to make babies with this wonderful man. She wanted to share the sensual side of making babies with him.
“Mitawin, my woman, I want more than touches from you,” Brave Wolf said, taking her hand away, and seeming to have read her thoughts. “I want you . . . all of you. I want to fill you. I want you to feel me fill you.”
“I have never wanted a man like I want . . . like I need you,” Mary Beth said, then sucked in another wild breath when he ran his hand down the front of her, then touched that part of her between her thighs that had never responded to a man before.
She closed her eyes in ecstasy when he began slowly caressing her there.
“It . . . is . . . so heavenly . . .” she murmured breathlessly.