Page 82 of Savage Hero
“Then why did she give it to me to wear?” Mary Beth asked, gazing into her husband’s eyes. “Does she not have hope of one day marrying, herself?”
“She gave up that hope when Night Horse walked out of her life,” Brave Wolf said, reaching a hand out to gently cup one of her breasts.
“Do you mean the first or the second time he left?” Mary Beth asked softly.
“When he left the first time, she finished the dress and stored it away, but vowed even then she would not wear it on her wedding day, if ever should there be one for her,” Brave Wolf said, leaning down to brush soft kisses across her brow.
“Then even if Night Horse had stayed this time and married her, she would not have worn this beautiful dress?” Mary Beth asked.
“Ka, no, she wouldn’t have. She had decided never to wear it at all, for when she designed it and began making it, it was for only one purpose— for her wedding day with my brother,” he said. “And I do not mean a possible wedding day should he return, as he did for a while. It was made for only that one special planned wedding, one of innocence and sweetness before Night Horse became someone none of us knew anymore. To wear it after he had returned would not have been the same. His leaving to fight alongside whites had tarnished the memory of why she was making the dress in the first place.”
“Yet she gave it to me to wear,” Mary Beth said.
“Perhaps I should not have told you the story of the dress,” Brave Wolf said, placing a finger under her chin and turning her eyes back to his. “Does it make it less special in your eyes to know why Dancing Butterfly did not plan to ever wear it?”
“It is still special to me, even more so, because I now know just how special it was to her at one time,” Mary Beth murmured.
She moved so that her body was molded perfectly against his, laughed softly, then sighed with pleasure when he suddenly took her gently by the waist and swept her beneath him.
“You are such a beautiful bride,” he said, his eyes filled with adoration as he gazed down at her.
The startling beauty of her nakedness caused the fires within him to build to an almost feverish pitch.
He placed a knee between her legs and parted them, her thighs opening to him as he placed his maleness perfectly within her.
“Let us not talk any more about dresses,” he said huskily. “Let us just feel tonight, my sunshine. Let us just feel the wonders of our bodies joining as not only man and woman, but as husband and wife.”
“I love you so,” she whispered as she twined her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. “Mihigna, husband, fill me with your heat. Take me with you to paradise.”
“Tawicu, wife, I am already there,” he whispered against her lips. “Being with you is paradise.”
He touched her lips wonderingly with his, then swept his arms around her and held her close as he kissed her long and deep, until her lips quavered with passion against his.
Waves of liquid heat pulsed through Brave Wolf as he thrust into her over and over again.
He slid a hand between them and filled it with one of her breasts, feeling her nipple tighten against his palm.
His hand kneaded her soft fullness, his tongue now lightly brushing her lips as his body moved faster in quick, sure movements.
Mary Beth clung to him, oh, so lost in waves of ecstasy. She could feel the pleasure building and spreading within her, her passion almost cresting.
“Do you feel my hunger . . . my need?” Brave Wolf whispered against her lips as he leaned back only far enough to be able to look into her passion-clouded eyes. “Do you feel how badly I want you?”
“I feel it . . . I know it . . .” Mary Beth whispered back, her face hot with a flush of building excitement. “Do you feel my need of you? Can you feel my undying love?”
“I feel it, and I see it, and I taste it when I kiss you,” he said huskily. He leaned low and swirled his tongue across one of her breasts, causing Mary Beth to cry out with rapture. She sighed deeply as he took her nipple into his mouth and began sucking.
She arched her back and untwined her arms from around his neck, now clenching her fists at her sides, for the pleasure was so overwhelmingly beautiful, she knew she could not go on much longer without letting herself go over the edge into total ecstasy.
When he moved away from her, then knelt over
her, she questioned him with her eyes.
He smiled down at her, then stroked her body with his lips and tongue, descending from the taper of her neck to her breasts, where he moved from one breast to the other with soft, warm kisses.
When his tongue swept downward, across her tummy, Mary Beth groaned with pleasure and closed her eyes at the bliss of the moment.
When he touched her private place, where only he had been, and his warm tongue caressed her there, she at first thought to brush his head aside. But she could not deny that his caresses were wonderfully pleasing, and allowed them.