Page 50 of Savage Arrow
She wasn’t sure if she could walk, even if she tried to go with him to this place he had made just for them—a lovers’ lair!
When she had made love with her husband, she had never felt like this. She had just wanted to give him satisfaction because of his kindness toward her, his willingness to take her in when she had no one else to go to.
She had never shared the excitement she knew he felt. His pleasure had been evident in his hard breathing and the pounding of his heart as he thrust himself inside her.
And then at the end! He had seemed to enter another world as he groaned and moaned with pleasure.
She had wanted to feel the same things he felt, but she just didn’t. She was a woman doing her womanly duty, that was all.
Now she was a woman who truly anticipated being fulfilled in the most wondrous ways by the most wondrous man of all!
“Ho, I have prepared a place for us to spend the night together,” he said hoarsely, his eyes searching hers. “The fire is built. The blankets are spread. Will you come with me?”
Her pulse racing, everything within her crying out for these upcoming moments with the man she would always love, she nodded. She took his hand as he offered it to her.
“Come then,” he said huskily, rising to his feet and drawing Jessie up with him.
She didn’t look around to see if anyone was paying heed to what their chief was doing. Feeling as though she were walking on clouds, she left the camp with him.
They walked only a short distance before she saw a small campfire up ahead, where a cozy nest had been made of blankets against an upcropping of rock. A slight bluff reached out just above them, providing a roof of sorts.
Suddenly Thunder Horse stopped and turned to Jessie. He swept her up into his arms and carried her onward to the camp. He kissed her as he leaned low and placed her atop the blankets.
“Techila—in my language that means, ‘I love you,’ ” he whispered against her lips. “I have wanted you from the moment I first saw you. I want you for my mitawin, for always.”
“I want you as much,” Jessie murmured, overwhelmed by the emotions exploding within her.
As he kissed her he slowly removed her clothes until she lay splendidly nude beneath him. He quickly tore off his own clothes so that nothing remained between them.
He stretched out above her, his arms around her, nestling her close. Then he drew back a little, so his eyes could gaze into hers. He kissed her again, this time even more passionately, his hands going over her body, touching and awakening her every pleasure point.
She sighed and melted beneath his caresses, and soon learned that the man was not the only one who should receive something wonderful from lovemaking.
Thunder Horse was tender. His mouth was sensuous, not only as he kissed her lips, but also as he pressed them to her throat.
She clung to him as the very nearness of him shot desire through her. And when he came into her, filling her with his magnificence, his heat so thrilling inside her, delicious shivers of desire raced across her flesh.
As he enfolded her within his solid strength, she spread herself more open to him. He came to her, thrusting deeply, each thrust sending a message to her heart that he loved her without question.
Sheer happiness bubbled deep within her as he leaned low and kissed one breast and then the other, then sucked a nipple between his teeth, gently chewing.
She ran her fingers through his thick black hair, then down his solid, muscular back until she reached his buttocks. She spread her fingers across his tightness, pressing him even more closely to her as he stoked the fires within that had never burned until tonight.
Thunder Horse’s passions, which had lain smoldering just below the surface, burst out tonight. They exploded within him as he felt the curl of heat growing, his world melting away in a passion he’d never known could exist between a man and a woman.
Her groans of pleasure fired his passion even more as he continued to stroke within her. His eyes were glazed, drugged with rapture, as he paused long enough to look down at her.
“We were meant to be together,” he said huskily, a hand at her hair, brushing it back from her face. “I have waited a long time for you. Now I can never let you go.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Jessie breathed out, sucking in a breath of rapture when he again kissed her. His body thrust deep, taking her to a plateau of feelings that soon exploded into a million sparks of light. She clung to him as he reached that same place, then rolled away from her and lay on his back, breathing hard.
“I still feel you inside me,” Jessie said, laughing softly, for she did still throb where the feelings she had never experienced before had spread like fire.
“And I still feel as though I am,” Thunder Horse said. He gazed at her as she closed her eyes, still smiling into the darkness of night. “My woman, you are everything to me. Stay with me. Bear me a son.”
The mention of children brought her eyes open quickly. She became aware that he was stroking her belly, oh, so gently.
It . . . was . . . as though . . . he already knew a child grew within her.