Page 32 of Wild Desire
His gaze slid downward, to stare at the swell of her breasts where they pressed against a colorfully designed blouse, their cleavage exposed enough for him to recall how soft they were, and how sweet they tasted when he had placed his lips to them. Hungering for her even now, the heat was rising in his loins.
“Good morning,” Stephanie said, catapulting Runner from his thoughts.
“Yaa-eh-t-eeh,” he said quickly.
Stephanie looked quizzically up at him. “You just said . . . ?” she murmured.
“I said ‘hello’ in Navaho,” Runner said, laughing softly.
Stephanie was feeling awkward, something quite unusual for her. In her line of business, she had learned to be open and relaxed, to make those she was photographing relax, as well. But with this man, she felt like a young schoolgirl with her first crush. And in a sense, that was how it truly was: he was her first true love.
“Come on inside and have a cup of coffee with me before we leave,” she said, turning and hurrying back inside her private car.
She looked at him over her shoulder as he followed her. “And perhaps you might want to see my darkroom and equipment?” she offered. “If you have a better sense of what I do, perhaps it will make you understand even more why I love it so.”
“Yes, perhaps,” Runner said, closing the door behind hi
m. He turned and stared from the window at Adam’s private car. He was torn with many feelings when he allowed himself to forget his bitterness toward Adam. He wished that it could be as it was all those years ago. He would find much pleasure in riding and laughing with Adam.
“Adam knows your plans for today?” Runner said, following Stephanie into the small kitchenette.
Stephanie stiffened at Runner’s mention of Adam. She poured Runner a cup of coffee and gave it to him.
“Adam?” she said.
Feeling Runner’s presence behind her as he followed, Stephanie walked into the parlor section of her car.
“No. I haven’t told him,” she murmured. She paused, then turned to Runner as he came toward her. “He isn’t in his private car.” She hesitated, then said, “I don’t know where he is. I’m not even sure if I should leave without seeing that he arrives back safely.”
Runner tipped the cup to his lips and sipped at the coffee as he looked over the rim at Stephanie. Then he set the cup aside.
“This association he has with Damon Stout,” he said guardedly. “Can you define it? Do you think that Adam stayed the night at Damon’s ranch?”
“I’m not sure how to answer either of your questions,” Stephanie said, forgetting her coffee. She felt that it was best to get under way, to get away from such a discussion.
She went into her darkroom, lit the kerosene lamp and finished gathering her supplies into a bag. She tensed as Runner came up behind her.
When his hands circled her waist and he drew her around to face him, she sucked in a wild breath. She searched his face, glad that she did not find anger in his eyes.
“You do not know the reason for your brother’s association with Damon?” Runner said quietly. “Nor do you know whether or not he might have stayed overnight at Damon’s ranch?”
“I truly don’t know why Adam and Damon have become so involved,” Stephanie said simply. “As for me, I think Damon is the devil in disguise.” She shuddered when she recalled how he had tried to rape her. “He is a vile man. I wish that Adam had nothing to do with him.” She paused, then added, “As for where my brother stayed the night—perhaps in Gallup. Perhaps at Damon’s. I truly don’t know.”
“It is unwise of him to leave you alone for an entire night,” Runner said. “Had I known, I wouldn’t have returned to my hogan last night. I would have stayed with you.”
A thrill ran through Stephanie. “You would have?” she said softly.
“But not only to guard you from harm,” Runner said, pulling her closer.
“Why else?” Stephanie said, her knees growing weak with passion.
“You need to ask?” Runner said huskily. He lowered his mouth to her lips and gave her a frenzied kiss.
Stephanie twined her arms around Runner’s neck. Her heart throbbed and the delicious spiraling need that she had felt before returned. Yet a warning sounded in her mind, reminding her of where she was, and who might come in her private car at any moment. Adam had the habit of not knocking.
But when Runner gathered her up into his arms and carried her from the darkroom and took her to her bed, all worries of Adam—of everything but this wild desire that was pulsing heatedly through her blood—were gone from her consciousness.
Lying on the bed, the ribbon gone from her hair and her clothes discarded, as well as Runner’s, Stephanie reached her arms out and smiled as he knelt down over her, the pulsing need of his manliness resting hard and heavy on her thigh. She opened her legs to him and received him inside. Closing her eyes, she gasped with pleasure as he began his rhythmic thrusts within her.