Page 83 of Wild Desire
He looked guardedly over at Stephanie as she cast him an angry stare, glad when she returned to taking pictures.
“Of course they were stolen from the storage shed where the work gangs leave their equipment every night,” he said much more loudly when he realized that several people had edged closer, not only to watch Stephanie, but to listen to what he was saying, as he skillfully planted the blame on someone other than himself and his cohorts.
He kneaded his chin. “I wonder which Indian did it?” he said, seeing the sheriff elbowing his way through the crowd toward him. “Was it Runner? Sage? Naw. I’m sure it was Sage’s rebellious son, Thunder Hawk. This could make him look like some sort of damn hero to his people. It could place another feather in his hat.”
Stephanie had heard enough. She turned to Adam. “Will you shut up?” she said, her eyes flaring angrily. “How can you hate the Navaho so much? Until we came to Arizona, you spoke kindly of them. Runner was your dearest friend. Now you condemn him? You condemn his brother?”
When she caught sight of the sheriff coming closer, her insides froze. Then she placed a hand on Adam’s arm. “Help me load up my supplies,” she whispered harshly. “Adam, hurry. Help me. I don’t want the sheriff confiscating my plates.”
Disgruntled, Adam assisted her. Just as she rode away, she felt a sick feeling rushing through her, for she was still close enough to hear Adam condemn Thunder Hawk. She was relieved when the sheriff just as quickly said he needed more proof, for she knew that Adam had none.
Inhaling a deep breath, she rode in a hard gallop away from the wreckage. She had gotten enough photographs of the wreckage, and knew that the Santa Fe would be grateful to have them, since they would soon begin their own investigation.
Yet she felt nothing but empty inside. The feeling of triumph, of importance, was no longer there. She felt as though everything important to her had been stripped from her life.
Without Runner, nothing else mattered.
Thunder Hawk sat back and watched Sky Dancer serving the morning meal to his mother and father, smiling proudly up at her as she handed him a platter of fried mush. Before he had even been awake she had been up, grinding meal and placing coffee on the stove for breakfast. She had said that it was not only to surprise him, to show herself worthy of being called wife, but also to surprise his parents by having them share the first breakfast of her and Thunder Hawk’s marriage with them, by a way of thanking them for the generous gift of their hogan for the wedding night.
Runner and Pure Blossom had also been invited. Pure Blossom was not feeling well, so had declined the generous offer. Runner also declined.
“You truly didn’t have to do this,” Leonida said, smiling over at Sky Dancer as the young woman sat down beside Thunder Hawk on a plush, white sheepskin that had been spread before the fireplace. “Sky Dancer, to have prepared so much food you surely had to be up before dawn.”
“It was most enjoyable preparing a surprise for my new in-laws,” Sky Dancer said, beaming.
“It was sweet,” Leonida said. “Thank you, darling.”
“Sky Dancer, the food is very good,” Thunder Hawk said, taking a large bite of sage cheese that had been melted, cut, and toasted to resemble fallen leaves. “Your mother taught you well the skills of cooking.”
“Uke-he, thank you, husband,” Sky Dancer said, bashfully lowering her eyes. Not yet feeling comfortable i
n her new surroundings, especially in Sage’s company, she only toyed with the food on her plate. She hoped that once she and Thunder Hawk got settled in their own hogan, and enough days had passed for Sage to think over his son’s choice of women for a wife, he would learn to accept her. She had done nothing to earn his solemn silence.
Feeling Sky Dancer’s uneasiness, Thunder Hawk cast his father a troubled half glance. He frowned when he saw that Sage was still as solemn now as he had been yesterday after hearing about Thunder Hawk’s marriage to Sky Dancer. His father’s acceptance was far more important than his mother’s.
“Sage?” Leonida said, reaching a hand to her husband’s arm. “Darling? Don’t you think the food was well prepared? Isn’t Thunder Hawk lucky to have married someone with such skills in cooking? You know how he loves to eat.”
Sage took another bite of bread, then set his plate aside on the sheepskin beside him. He looked over at Thunder Hawk. He had waited long enough to remind him what must be done this morning, and every morning, until his education was finished.
“Thunder Hawk, you must leave for school soon this morning,” Sage finally said. “Three days have passed since you were there. You will have to work twice as hard now to catch up on what you did not learn those days you were gone to win yourself a wife.”
Leonida flinched and almost dropped her spoon when Thunder Hawk rose quickly to his feet, his plate tumbling from his lap and landing in a splat on the sheepskin. “School?” he said, gazing disbelievingly down at his father. “I did not plan to go to school today, or ever again. My duty now is to my wife. Not to books!”
Sage rose slowly to his feet, then stood over Thunder Hawk and placed his hands to his son’s shoulders. “My son, your wife has nothing to do with this,” he said. “It was your father’s decision long ago that you would continue your schooling to the end. I do not waver in my decision now.”
“I am married now,” Thunder Hawk said, trying not to overstep that boundary of obedience. “I am a man.” He gave a visible shudder. “Only children attend school.”
“Yes, you are a man,” Sage said softly. “But you will be a better man once you have finished your education.” He eased his hands from Thunder Hawk’s shoulders and gestured toward the door. “If you leave now, you will have time to reach the school before the last bell rings.”
Thunder Hawk’s eyes widened. He knew that any further argument would get him nowhere, and he did not want to look any more foolish in front of his wife than he already did. It was incredible to him that his ploy had not worked, that having a wife meant nothing at all to his father.
He shifted his gaze down at Sky Dancer, knowing from the bottom of his heart that he did not regret having married her. Although the marriage was planned to be one of convenience, it was more than that to him now. Sky Dancer was the world to him.
Sky Dancer smiled softly up at Thunder Hawk, then moved to her feet and took his hands. “My husband, there is something I would like to ask you,” she murmured.
“What is it?” Thunder Hawk said, searching her eyes, seeing so much love for him in their depths.
“You will be leaving for school soon?” Sky Dancer said, her eyes wide as she gazed into Thunder Hawk’s.