Page 73 of Wild Embrace
Feeling suddenly dispirited, the past rushing in on her in waves, she drew rein outside the fence and slid from the saddle.
Staring up at the house again, she tied her horse next to other drowsing horses at a hitching rail, then took a deep breath and went on through the gate and up to the porch. With a trembling hand, she raised the large brass knocker and knocked.
Her heart pounded as she waited for the door to open. When it did, she found her mother standing there, ravishingly beautiful in a sleek, black satin dress with a low bustline which revealed the upper curves of her breasts. A diamond necklace sparkled against her lily-white throat, and her red hair was curled in a tight chignon atop her head. Elizabeth found herself at a loss for words.
Marilyn gasped, then took Elizabeth by the hand and ushered her into the house. “My dear, I did not expect you to come so soon to see your mother,” she said. She drew Elizabeth into her arms. “Darling, thank you for coming. I . . . I . . . didn’t sleep at all last night, for fear that you would not accept me as I am now. Your being here tells me that at least you are trying to understand.”
Elizabeth wanted to shout at her mother, ask her why she was so concerned now over how her daughter would feel, when all those years she had not shown any caring—had not even let Elizabeth know where she was. Even on her birthdays, Elizabeth had not received a word from her mother.
But Elizabeth held her tongue, and checked her emotions. She must force herself not to allow any of the things that had lain heavy on her heart through all those long years, to ruin what might happen now. Her mother and father might become reunited.
Yet, she wondered, should she even wish for such a reconciliation? Her father had just proved to her that he did not deserve anything but loathing.
And Elizabeth had come to her mother’s house today with other things than family on her mind.
Strong Heart. She had to help Strong Heart!
Elizabeth broke from her mother’s arms and started to ask for Maysie but stopped when her eyes were drawn to the rich furnishings of her mother’s house. Women lounged on the plush, bright red velveteen chairs and sofas, clothed in undergarments and their faces painted. She was aware of a man and a woman coming down the spiral staircase, arm in arm. The woman was giggling and the man seeming quite pleased not only with her, but also himself. He strutted down the steps in expensive clothes, sporting a sparkling diamond in the folds of his cravat.
Then Maysie came into view, thankfully alone. Today she was dressed in a simple cotton dress with a high neckline, her face bare of any paint.
When Maysie saw Elizabeth standing there, she lifted the skirt of her dress and ran to her, flinging herself into Elizabeth’s arms.
“I’m so glad you came,” Maysie murmured, clinging to Elizabeth. “I thought you might hate me after seeing that I had returned to the life that you tried to help me escape from. I’m so glad that you don’t hate me. Oh, Elizabeth, I’m so very happy.”
Elizabeth hugged her for a moment, then stepped back. “I could never hate you,” she said gently, touching Maysie’s cheek. “But I did not come to tell you that. I’ve come for something else. Maysie, I need to see Four Winds. Will you be seeing him soon? I very desperately need his help.”
“What sort of help?” Maysie asked, clasping her hands behind her.
“Strong Heart,” Elizabeth said, trying to ignore the boisterous goings on in the room as other men arrived to seek the pleasures of the women. “I’ve got to get to Strong Heart. It’s very important. And I don’t want to travel through the forest alone. I thought that Four Winds might go with me.”
Marilyn paled and went to Elizabeth. “Darling, you can’t be serious,”’ she said softly. “You could be harmed going to see this Indian. Let him come to you.”
“I can’t wait,” Elizabeth said with a sigh. “What I need to tell him can’t wait.” She was afraid to say anything else, for fear that her mother might not be quiet about it.
“And, Mother, please don’t say anything to anyone about this,” Elizabeth blurted out. “Even after Father finds me gone, and should he come to you, don’t tell him where I’ve gone. It’s of vital importance that he does not know.”
“Elizabeth, it isn’t right to keep secrets from your father,” Marilyn said, then held her breath when she saw accusal flash in her daughter’s eyes. Marilyn realized that she did not have the right to tell Elizabeth not to keep secrets, after she had kept so many for so long.
“Mother, you must promise me,” Elizabeth said firmly.
“I won’t say anything,” Marilyn promised.
Maysie took both of Elizabeth’s hands. “You’re in luck,” she said, smiling into Elizabeth’s eyes. “I was just on my way to see Four Winds. I meet him from time to time, now that he no longer rides with the outlaws.”
“He’s no longer with the outlaws?” Elizabeth said, raising an eyebrow.
“For me, he has decided not to ride with them any longer,” Maysie said, sighing happily at the thought. “But he’s laying low for now so the outlaws won’t find him and kill him for turning on them. I know where his hideout is. Come on. I’ll take you to him.”
Elizabeth hugged Maysie gratefully. “Thank you,” she said, a sob lodging in her throat.
“And he’ll do whatever he can to help Strong Heart with whatever problem he has,” Maysie said, stepping away from Elizabeth. “He’s talked to me at length about his feelings for Strong Heart. He said that he was willing to do anything for his friend.”
Elizabeth felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. She was so relieved that she knew that she could count on Four Winds. She gave her mother a quick hug and kiss, then left with Maysie.
* * *
Soon they were riding through the forest, their horses lathered with sweat as they were pushed to go quickly. The women reached a meadow of blowing grass and wild flowers. Elizabeth’s red hair was like flickering flame as the wind whipped it around her face; Maysie’s was like trembling black satin as it blew and shimmered in the sun.