Page 96 of Wild Embrace
“This is so kind of you,” Earl finally said, looking up at Strong Heart with grateful eyes. “I never expected a gift—especially one of this magnitude. I accept it heartily. Thank you.” He gestured toward his wife. “Marilyn, darlin’, come and see this. The designs carved on this canoe are magnificent. So detailed.” He then noticed something else. Many pelts were spread across the seats. “We shall return to Seattle in this canoe, and leave the horse and buggy in exchange.”
Earl shifted his gaze to Strong Heart. “That is, if you don’t mind taking the horse and buggy off our hands,” he said, knowing that this was the only way Strong Heart would accept anything in return for the generous gift.
“That will be acceptable,” Strong Heart said, smiling back at Earl, realizing exactly what Elizabeth’s father was up to and understanding.
Then Strong Heart clapped a hand to Earl’s shoulder. “Now, I would share my life with your daughter,” he said.
“I give her to you with my blessing,” Earl said, his voice soft, emotion running through him that showed in his eyes as they were suddenly filled with tears.
Strong Heart nodded. “She will fill my days and nights with much gladness,” he said.
Strong Heart dropped his hand from Earl and turned to Elizabeth. “My la-daila, it is time now for us to return to the council house and join our hands in marriage,” he said, his eyes shining into hers.
He then leaned his lips close to her ear as he drew her into his arms. “And then, my darling, we shall celebrate in private,” he said huskily. “Does that sound acceptable to you?”
“Yes, quite,” Elizabeth whispered back, thrilled clear to the core with an intense joy.
* * *
Strong Heart knelt over Elizabeth beside the low, flickering flames of the fire in their longhouse. Her back was pressed into the soft pelts beneath her. She reached her hands to him and sought out the feel of his sleek body. His eyes swept over her with a silent, urgent message that she understood.
As if cast under some sensual spell, Elizabeth moved her hand to his pulsating hardness that he pressed toward her in an open invitation to caress it. Her fingers stroked him there. His breath came in short rasps, his eyes closed, as he began moving himself boldly within her fingers.
Feeling the heat of his manhood, and seeing the pleasure she was giving him, she raised up on an elbow and moved her lips to him, remembering the other times she had done this for him.
But this time, Strong Heart placed his fingers gently on her shoulders and urged her away from him, easing her back down onto the pelts. “My la-daila, your skill at giving me pleasure is almost more than I can bear,” he said softly. “The art of restraint that I learned as a child almost becomes lost to me when your hands and lips are on me in such a way. If I were a selfish man, I would allow such caresses until my passion was fully spent. But because I love you so much, and want you to share the total ecstasy of our moments together, I cannot go further with this lovemaking until it is shared equally by the both of us.”
“But I wanted to give you that sort of pleasure,” Elizabeth said, reaching a hand to his face, softly touching it. “Don’t you understand that giving you pleasure, pleasures me?”
“Pleasure?” Strong Heart said, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Let Strong Heart show you what true pleasure is, and then see if we either one has cause for complaint.”
“All right,” Elizabeth said, giggling as he leaned over her and his hot breath raced across her creamy skin. “Whatever you say. You are my husband. Do as you please with me.”
Her soft laughter faded into moans when Strong Heart’s hands and his tongue skillfully searched over her for her pleasure points, his engorged manhood pressing against her thigh, pulsing in its building need to find a home inside her, where she also so unmercifully throbbed.
When Strong Heart’s mouth covered Elizabeth’s with a fevered kiss, she ran her fingers along his satiny hardness, then spread her legs apart and placed the tip of his manhood where she was open and ready for him. She caught her breath and a lethargic feeling of floating claimed her when he thrust deeply inside her and began slowly stroking her, then moving faster in quick, sure movements.
As he held her in a torrid embrace, his mouth demanding and hungry, yet sweet, she writhed in response as his lean, sinewy buttocks moved. She began to move against him, her breasts now rising beneath his fingers, his tongue brushing her lips lightly.
He then buried his face next to her neck, breathing in the sweet smell of her, and cradling her in his arms, his passion cresting as she clung and rocked with him. His body turned to liquid fire as her fingers made a slow, sensuous descent along his spine, then splayed against his buttocks. Her fingernails sank into his flesh, urging him more deeply inside her.
His movements became maddeningly fast, sweat lacing his brow and back as he placed his hands on her buttocks, holding her in place as they continued to give and take pleasure from each other.
And then he drew away from her.
Elizabeth questioned him with her eyes; and when he drew her up on her hands and knees, she puzzled over what he might do next, yet was not afraid. This wonderful feeling that had risen inside her, had blotted out all other sensation, other than desire for more and more. Her thirst for her beloved was never quenched.
Strong Heart positioned himself behind her, parting her thighs, then pressed his pulsating hardness deeply within her again. As he held on to her waist, he drew her back to meet his thrusts, glad that she understood and began moving against him, moaning.
His hands crept around and found her heavy breasts, and cupped them with his warm fingers. With quick thrusts of his pelvis, he could feel his passion peaking.
Elizabeth felt a tremor begin deep within her, and then it exploded in spasms of delight, matching his own release as he clung to her, his body trembling against hers.
Afterward, a great calm filled Elizabeth, but this was not long lived. Strong Heart placed his hands at her waist and lowered her onto her back on the furs, his lips roving over her again, her every secret place opening to his tongue.
Shaken anew with the intensity of her desire, Elizabeth welcomed him atop her, taking his mouth savagely with hers as he plunged deeply within her.