Page 22 of Rapture's Rendezvous
A raucous laugh filled the dark corners of the cabin as Michael moved toward the bed, falling down onto it. “He is a damn idiot, that one. I also love the lure of the cards, but
not among the scum that travels these ships,” he said, still laughing. He stretched out on the bed, watching Maria once again. “And why did you come?” he said further, in a quiet drawl.
Maria stood still, even though her heart was pounding wildly inside her, seeing him on the bed, so tempting. She felt full of the devil this night, so very, very wicked. But she knew that only Michael could cause her to act in such a way. Only Michael. “Don't you know, Michael?” she asked, casting her eyesdownward.
“I'm not sure,” he said, a smile lifting his lips playfully. “Come. Show me.”
“But aren't you too . . . uh . . . drunk . .. ?”
Another laugh from Michael jolted Maria's nerves. “Too drunk to do what, honey?” he added, reaching over on a night stand to pick up a half-smoked cigar. He placed it between his lips and lit it, suddenly enjoying this little game with Maria. The heat in his loins urged him to hurry on along with it, but he would let her make the first move. It would be more exciting that way.
He puffed eagerly on the cigar, watching her move toward him. Damn. Even in that ugly garb, she was the most beautiful woman alive. He loved the color of her skin … the dark olive tone that he remembered being so soft to the touch. And didn't she appear to be a tigress now, as she moved her stately tall body toward him? Her dark, wavy hair hung to her waist, and her eyes were hidden beneath thick, heavy lashes, which were now fluttering like butterfly wings as she bent down over him.
“Michael, you know what I mean,” she said, lowering her full, sensuous lips to cover his.
“God,” Michael groaned, reaching for the ashtray, dropping the cigar into it. He then pulled Maria atop him and kissed her hard and long, letting his fingers begin to unbutton the shirt that hid her large, full breasts from his hungry mouth and eyes.
Maria pulled away from him, devouring him with her eyes. “Michael, please make love to me,” she murmured, touching his face, tracing it with a fingertip. “Just like you did before. Please?”
Her skin quivered when he touched her ever so gently beneath her shirt, still searching out her breast. When he made contact, she moaned with ecstasy. She squirmed, making her breast more accessible. And when his fingers circled the breast and squeezed a nipple to tautness, she felt her head begin to reel.
“Undress, Maria,” Michael said thickly. “Stand beside the bed and do it in front of me. Slowly. I want to watch.”
As though hypnotized, Maria pushed herself off the bed, then stood with a straight back, watching him as his eyes caressed her. Swaying gently, she first removed her jacket, then, teasingly, finished unbuttoning her shirt, slipping her arms from each sleeve, smiling wickedly as her breasts came into full view.
Feeling indeed wanton, she reached up and began caressing her breasts, seeing the desire for her increase in Michael's eyes as they widened and became as two coals, burning with passion. She looked further down and saw that he was ready for her as he lay with his night robe spread apart, revealing his most intimate part of himself to her in its full glory.
Letting her fingers move slowly from her breasts, down across the flatness of her stomach, she unbuttoned her breeches and stepped out of them, and then her shoes, and then, like a snake, slithered down onto the bed beside him. “Love me, Michael,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his lips. “I am yours. Tonight, I am yours.”
Michael laughed hoarsely, reaching for her. “And you thought I was too drunk, huh, Maria?” he said. “Darling, I was drinking because I didn't have you. My thoughts have been in tortured torment ever since our first time together. Now? Yes, I shall make love to you. Over and over again. Until you are completely satiated.”
His mouth covered hers, setting her afire inside, feeling the familiar warmth sweeping through her that only he alone had ever aroused in her. His lips were hard, demanding, and when his tongue made entrance between her lips, searching, probing, she wrapped her tongue around his, further enjoying the reckless pas sion being awakened inside her. She ached for his lips to search out every inch of her body. She arched her body upward, inviting this from him. And when his hands began to fondle and caress, she moaned with pleasure, hating it when his lips left hers, but glad when they began to wet the nipple of a breast, making it stiffen, turn to a peak of raw passion. He sucked and chewed, letting his fingers travel downward until they had found the secret place between her legs. Without any abandonment, she spread her legs apart, shutting her eyes, feeling her heart beating with a rapid pounding as his fingers searched up inside her, then withdrew and began to caress her love mound with slow, but sure strokes.
She trembled as she became further alive beneath his caresses. The feelings inside her were building to such an intensity, she gasped when his mouth traveled further down and sought out the soft spot between her legs, replacing his fingers with his tongue.
“Oh, Michael,” she whispered, writhing, running her fingers through his hair. It was as though she was soaring, mindless even, as he continued the assault with his tongue and lips. Panting wildly, she cried, “Now, Michael. Please take me now.” She reached down and urged him upward.
He lunged inside her, stiffening his body and gritting his teeth when he felt the warm wetness of her vaginal walls close around his manhood. He moved his body slowly in and out, relishing the pleasure he was taking from his’ Maria, now knowing that no other woman could ever compare. He could feel the heat building … climbing… and began to thrust harder … reaching up to entwine his fingers into her hair. Then his mouth crushed against hers in a hungry devouring kiss of passion.
Maria lifted her legs around his body and locked her ankles together, moving her hips, letting the waves of pleasure splash through her, feeling them grow higher and higher, as though she might drown in this ocean of ecstasy.
With a fierceness, he gripped her more tightly in his embrace and together their bodies exploded in earth-shattering spasms, making them both cry out in unison, until they lay clinging, trembling, and slippery from nervous perspiration - glistening along their bodies.
“Ah. Now I am truly drunk,” Michael sighed, kissing Maria softly on the temple.
Maria giggled a bit. “And I am also,” she purred, still feeling a throbbing between her thighs … a throbbing that told her she was ready for more of the same.
Michael's left hand drifted lazily over her body, touching each crevice knowingly. “Maria, I don't think I can say goodbye,” he said.
Maria's heartbeat raced. “I feel the same,” she murmured.
Moving from atop her, Michael reached for his cigar, relighting it. He sat with his back braced against the outside wall, furrowing a brow. “Then why do we even have to, Maria?”
“What are you saying . .. Michael?”
“We could wed. Make this a proper union.”
Maria bolted upright, eyes wide. She knelt on the bed at Michael's feet, looking up into the blueness of his eyes. “You mean .. . you … are . .. asking my hand in . . . marriage?”