Page 43 of Rapture's Rendezvous
“That's simple enough to answer,” Ruby drawled, moving to stand in front of the fire once again. “Nathan Hawkins didn't succeed in buying my father out those many years ago. This house was my father's, and before that my grandmother's. When my father passed away, he left the house to me. I made sure Nathan Hawkins had no chance to get his hands on it. And if he even tries to come near the place, I sic my dogs on him or his representatives.”
“And your … mother . . . ?”
“She left when I was a baby. I've never even seen her. My father said she was a … uh … a tramp.”
Maria gazed longingly around her once again, seeing the way she would truly like to live. Such luxury! “And I guess your father . . . uh . . . left you a lot of money? This house is so beautiful.”
Ruby went to look up the staircase, furrowing a brow. “A nigger having a lot of money?” she said, laughing sarcastically. She swung her head around, eyes snapping. “That's what he was called. A nigger,” she blurted. She went to the fireplace and stared down into the flames. “No. My money? I've made it. In the only way I know how.”
Maria went to stand beside Ruby, eyes wide. “Maybe you could tell me how you did it,” she said softly. “I'd like to have the same things you have.” Her gaze moved over Ruby and the richness of her attire. “Your dress. I've never seen one so breathtakingly beautiful.”
Ruby's eyes wavered as she turned to face Maria. “I doubt if you would want to live as I do,” she said sullenly. “Yes, it appears that all is well here in this house. But you see, it is just that. A 'house.'“ She gazed back into the flames. “A house . . . of . . . girls,” she murmured. “I run a . . . house … of girls. . ..”
Maria gasped and stepped back away from Ruby as though she was the plague. “You . . . what. .. ?” she whispered, looking quickly around her. “This is a place … of … ?”
Ruby went to the door and opened it. “I knew your reaction would be one of shock,” she said. “Now it's best that you be on your way. I don't need the likes of you to associate with anyway.” Her eyes narrowed into two slits. “Just look at you,” she hissed. “You're no better than a slave yourself. Get out of my house. I don't even know why I asked you in, in the first place. Soft in the head, I guess.”
With a throbbing pulse, Maria inched her way toward the door, then stopped when she reached it. “I'm sorry if myattitude offended you, Ruby,” she said, blushing. “It's just . . . that. . . I've never met face to .. . face with a. . . .”
Ruby placed her hands on her hips and tilted her chin up, proud. “A whore?” she hissed. “You've never been around a whore before?”
“Please, Ruby,” Maria whispered, reaching to touch Ruby on the hand. “I truly don't care if you run this house Please believe me.”
Ruby stepped back away from Maria, making Maria's hand drop awkwardly in front of her. “Why would you even care anything about me?” she asked. “In most everyone else's eyes, I'm a cheap tramp, just like my mother.”
“I think we could be friends, no matter your occupation,” Maria said, lowering her eyes.
Ruby laughed sarcastically. “Your brother? What would he think of you associating with my kind9 And your father? They would probably disown you for sure.”
Maria glanced quickly around her once again. She knew that she would willingly accept any threats from her family, if only she could occasionally come to this house and sit beside the fire and chat freely with this woman of dark colors. Until she had found out Ruby's occupation, she had felt a closeness of sorts to her. She looked toward the staircase when another dark-skinned girl came sauntering down the steps. Maria eyed her closely. She wore only a thin chemise, which revealed the largeness of her breasts and a tiny waist. The girl moved stealthily across the room, toward the fire.
Ruby turned on a heel and raced across the room to stand with hands on h
ips next to the girl. “Isn't anyone stirring yet upstairs? What the hell do you girls think you're doing sleeping until noon? We have to get with it. We have to be ready for the rush this evening. The warmer weather brings the men out. You know that.”
“Ah knows,” the girl said, wiping her eyes with the back of the hand. “But we's been ovah worked lately. You knows that.” Her eyes became as two dark coals when they turned to gaze upon Maria. “And whut is that white lady folk doin’ in our house? Don't tell me you're goin’ to put her to work side by side with us?”
“No. Not quite,” Ruby said, turning with a small smile lifting her lips, nodding toward Maria. “No. She's just my friend. Nothing more . . . nothing less.”
Maria smiled a bit awkwardly. She did indeed feel out of place standing in such a place as this .. . but. . . yet. .. Ruby did make her feel as though it was just another house, not one of prostitution. “Yes. We're friends,” she said softly. “But for now, Ruby. I must go.” She reached for her shawl that she had thrown over the back of a chair.
Ruby moved toward her, hand outstretched. “You come by anytime,” she said.
“I've much work to do at my Papa's house,” Maria said. “But I'll sure try hard to break away.” She took Ruby's hand in hers and shook it gently.
“You should try and make it soon,” Ruby said, then opening the door for Maria. “It's best to even get your exploring done now. Real soon the snows begin to fall and it's hell getting around.”
Maria's thick lashes fluttered, knowing that she would have to get used to this lady's way of loose speech, her smoking of cigars, and knowing that she was a madame of a . . . whore house. But she would. She didn't want to rot in that house of her Papa's alongside Alberto, who seemed content enough as long as he had a hand of cards to play with. “I'll remember your warning,” she said, laughing softly, then moved on out the door.
Ruby moved out next to her, hugging herself with her arms as the wind whipped her dress up around her ankles. “I won't ever introduce my girls to you.” she said quietly. “You see, most only have known the acquaintance of men besides the girls they work beside. They don't even know how to carry on a decent conversation. None have been educated except in the ways of their bodies. I hope you'll understand.”
Maria swallowed hard, hugging herself, pulling the shawl more tightly around her arms. “Yes. I think I do,” she said, wondering if Ruby had had an education, and if so, where . .. ?
The dogs began running toward Maria, making her stop, tense. She chewed on a lower lip, barely breathing as both dogs began sniffing at the hem of her dress.
“They won't bite. They sound vicious when a stranger comes close beside my fence. But once I have let someone inside my fence, they sense that this person is my friend. Please go on your way without any fear whatsoever.”
“AH right,” Maria gulped, inching her way toward the gate of the fence. “If you … think . .. so,” she quickly added, hurrying through the gate, shutting it loudly behind her.