Page 66 of Rapture's Rendezvous
Then, breathing more easily, she moved on out into the hallway. She stopped, shutting the door as quietly as possible, then looked around her, making sure no one saw which room she moved from. She had to be discreet. She had to be sure no one would later tell Nathan that his wife had sneaked from his room while he had been sleeping.
She feared him as a violent man .. . even with women. She still didn't know the fate of his previous wives. Had he done away with them? Possibly in the depths of his coal mine, as he had mentioned possibly doing to Michael, if Michael's identity was ever revealed to him. Thinking such devious thoughts made her shiver and move even more anxiously away from the door.
When she reached the staircase, she moved swiftly down the steps,, then stopped, breathless, looking around her. A movement next to her drew her quick attention, and turning, she found Michael moving toward her. She was consumed by her heartbeats when he reached a hand toward her, then pulled her into his arms as he moved next to her.
“Maria. Maria, what does this all mean?” he whispered, hugging her, whispering into her ear.
“Michael, oh, Michael,” Maria sighed, clinging.
Michael's hand reached up and traced her facial features as he stepped back away from her. “I can't believe it is really you.. You are shatteringly pretty in your new attire. So damn beautiful.”
“And you even recognized me hidden beneath the hood of this cape?” she said, pulling the cape more around her face, looking quickly around her. She couldn't be recognized by anyone else. She just couldn't. It was too dangerous for both her. . . and Michael….
“I would know you anywhere. Don't you know that?”
Maria continued to search around her. “Michael, we mustn't stand here talking,” she whispered, tensing when two men moved past her, staring at her, then at Michael. “It is too dangerous. Where can we talk?”
“You are so afraid. What has Nathan Hawkins done to you?” M
ichael snarled, doubling his fists at his side. “And how in the hell did he get you to accept his hand in marriage when you refused my offer? I don't understand any of this. You are in Saint Louis? How? Why . .. ?”
Maria took one of his hands in hers, pulling him to a dark corner. “Michael, please. We must find a private place. We have to talk. I am so afraid for you,” she whispered, reaching up, touching his lips, so wanting those lips to cover hers … to send her into another world that only existed when she was in his arms.
“My house is many blocks away. I sense you should not stray too far from this building. Am I right?”
“Yes. If Nathan should awaken….”
“Then I shall get a room here. Just you wait here. I will be only a moment.”
“You will… get… a room . .. ?” Maria's heartbeat quickened. “Does that mean you don't already have a room? Why were . .. you . . . here . . . ?”
Michael's face paled. “That's not of importance, Maria,” he said. “What is … is that I get you safely to a room where Nathan can't find you.”
“All right, Michael,” she whispered. Would she and Michael truly get to be alone … in such a room . . . with such a bed … as she knew each room of this hotel had to have?
“I shall be only a moment. Trust me,” he said thickly, turning to walk quickly away from her.
Maria's eyes continued to dart around her, watching for anyone to stare openly at her, to possibly recognize her as Nathan Hawkins's new bride. And when Michael moved back in her direction, she accepted his arm as he swooped her next to him to guide her back up the steep staircase.
“We will have a room on the third floor,” he said, pulling her closer to him. He had dreamed of this moment. He could feel the heat in his loins already. God! She had such an effect on him. But now?She was another man's wife. How? Why? He eyed her with wavering eyes. Oh, God, how he loved her. She would always have his heart. No other woman would ever take her place. Never. But how had Nathan Hawkins succeeded, where he . .. hadn't. . . ?
“Another flight of stairs, Michael?” Maria said, breathing hard.
“We could have taken the elevator,” he said,guiding her around the corner that led upward to more steps. “But too many people take the elevator. If you must be discreet, the stairs are the safest. I hope you under-stand.”
“What is an elevator, Michael?” Maria said, eyes wide, lifting the skirt of her dress and the tail of her cape as she proceeded to move upward.
“Nathan Hawkins… your … uh … husband hasn't taken you on the elevator of this building yet?”
“No. He has not. What is an elevator . .. ?”
Michael laughed amusedly. “It is a box that is run by pulleys and takes people from one floor to another in such fabulous buildings as this. I plan to have one installed in my new building that is now in the process of being erected.”
“You will own such a building… as this one?” Maria gasped, putting a hand to her throat.
“It will be even more marvelous,” Michael beamed. “And one day I hope to take you to my penthouse. You will have to sneak away from Nathan Hawkins to see the magnificence of my penthouse when the building is completed.”
“And what is a .. . uh . .. penthouse, Michael?”