Page 70 of Rapture's Rendezvous
Then when he pulled away, he held her at arm's length. “When are you returning to Hawkinsville, Maria?” he asked, furrowing his brows.
“Early tomorrow morning.”
“I plan to be in Hawkinsville day after tomorrow,” he said. “Isn't there some place we can meet?”
Maria's eyes faltered. She was not yet familiar with Nathan's house, or his schedule of coming and going. She suddenly thought of Ruby. Could . . . they . . . ? But no. Too many eyes were there. She couldn't take that chance. “I don't know, Michael,” she finally said. “Maybe it's too .. . soon. .. .”
He held her shoulders more tightly. “No. It isn't,” he demanded. “By God, I will see you. Day after tomorrow. More than likely, Nathan will have business to’ attend to after being away, so you should be free to come and go as you please.”
“But. .. how . . . ? Where . . . ?”
“You're familiar with the iron bridge that leads from Hawkinsville to Nathan's estate and Ruby's house?”
Blushing, Maria's eyes lowered, remembering her night with Michael at Ruby's house. “Yes, I know.”
“We can meet near the grove of trees and hide in that deep Indian grass. Around noon. When everyone will be too busy to catch two lovers in the grass.”
Maria's pulsebeat raced. She gazed upward into his blue eyes and clung to him one more time, then pulled the hood of her cape over her head. “I will try to be there, Michael,” she said. “You know I will try.”
Michael walked with her to the door and opened it and kissed her briefly. “Be careful, darling,” he whis- pered, reaching a hand for her as she hurried on away from him. He watched until she disappeared down the staircase, then closed the door and leaned heavily against it. He hung his head, kneading his brow. “Damn that bastard Nathan Hawkins. Damn him all to hell“
Chapter Fourteen
Having just returned from Saint Louis, Maria was exhausted and glad when the carriage moved in front of Nathan's house. Her corset felt as though it had been laced too tightly and she was ready to shed her dress of London Smoke Cloth with its embroidered silk braid. She was anxious to change into one of her new skirts and shirtwaists. When she had tried them on at Nugent's, she had noticed that they felt quite a bit more comfortable than the fancier dresses chosen by Nathan.
She knew that she was a picture of style, in her hat with its egret plume and satin-faced brim. But all these changes had been thrust on her much too quickly.
She only wished to be simple again, to be the Maria her Papa and Alberto would know.
“Maria, I have many things to attend to in Creal Springs,” Nathan said, tipping his hat to her. “I may be gone for some time. Maybe even overnight. I have another house in Creal Springs where I can stay. If my meetings go too much into the late hours of the night, I shall stay there. Mama Pearl will see to your comforts.”
Maria's eyes widened. She placed a gloved hand to her throat. “You have another house? Besides this one?” she gasped. Was Nathan even wealthier than she had at first thought? This could cause Michael to have an even harder time succeeding with his plans for his union organization.
“Yes.-Someday I shall take you there. But now I must take leave of you. You appear to need a bit of rest anyway. You are a bit pale.” He reached in front of Maria and opened the door for her. “And your things should have arrived ahead of us. I saw to it that they were whisked from the train and taken to our house so you would be able to change into something more comfortable upon our arrival.”
“Thank you, Nathan,” Maria said, lifting her bead-covered clutch purse, scooting toward the opened door. She felt a bit in awe at hearing his house now being also referred to as hers. But it was indeed a truth. She was now Mrs. Nathan Hawkins. Oh, how that name caused a bitterness to rise in her throat.
Nathan lifted her free hand and kissed it almost gallantly. “You will be all right, Maria?” he asked.
“Yes. Quite,” she answered, pulling her hand free from his. Stepping from the carriage into the fading rays of the late afternoon sun, she moved toward the house, not stopping to look back at Nathan. It was such a relief to be away from him. How could she bear a lifetime with such a man?
A sense of remorse tremored through her, then she tensed when the shrill whistle from the coal mine reverberated through the air. It was a reminder of her Papa and Alberto. What would they think when they saw her so changed? Shame caused her face to burn. But surely they would understand. She had done it for them. For the whole Italian community. She would seek her revenge. Hadn't she already begun?
She looked in the direction of the coal mine, seeing the tipple looming ominously into the sky. She knew that below that earth her Papa and Alberto were coming to the end of their hard day's labor. Then she suddenly remembered Michael's words about the dangers of the mine—how each time the men were carried beneath the earth the chances were quite great that they possibly would not return . . . alive.
“What shall I do?” she whispered, now rushing on toward the house. “What can Michael even truly do? Nathan is so powerful. Nathan is so devious.”
The front door swung open, revealing the bulkmess of Mama Pearl standing there, smiling warmly as she wiped her hands on her apron. Her gray hair made a nice contrast with her brown face. And her attire was the same as before—a fully gathered cotton dress that caused her hips to appear even wider than they were.
Maria stepped onto the porch, looking around her at the white wicker furniture, knowing that she would have time to explore this mansion that was now in part hers. She hadn't been able to do so before. Nathan had been too anxious to sweep her away to Saint Louis, where he could transform her from an Italian waif into a grand lady of style.
Mama Pearl moved in a rush for Maria, pulling her into her embrace, hugging her tightly. “Sweet Baby,” she purred. “Ya'all looks so pale. Was the first nights of marriage so hard?” Her heavy, thick hands caressed Maria's back.
Maria looked in confusion around her, not under standing this heavyset woman's open affection for someone she had just become acquainted with. But Maria had to think that this Mama Pearl would probably feel a closeness to anyone she had just met. She had the jolly personality of someone who never met a stranger. Maria sighed deeply when Mama Pearl finally released her hold and guided her into the house.
“Your trunks arrived a while ago,” Mama Pearl said in her squeaky voice. “I had them taken to your private room. You would probably like a soaking in the tub before doing anything else. I drew your bath and filled the water with some bubblies for you to settle yourself beneath.”
Maria's mouth dropped open. “A bath? Bubblies? Does this house .. . have … a toilet?”