Page 78 of Rapture's Rendezvous
“Thanks, Alberto,” Michael said, placing his arm around Alberto's shoulder. “If you hadn't happened along, I'd have been a goner for sure. Clarence seems to have disappeared tonight. I sure could've used some of his muscles.” Michael wiped at his mouth with the back of a hand, then studied Alberto. “And are you all right? I saw the knife just as you jumped that bastard. Did he have a chance to get you before you knocked him to the ground?”
Alberto grew weak in the knees, realizing just how close he had come to being dead. He slumped to the ground, nearing the stage of retching. He hung his head in his hands, moaning. Michael dropped down beside him. “Alberto? Are you all right?” Michael's hands went over Alberto, searching him for wounds. “Damn it. Alberto. Speak to me. Tell me you're all right. I don't hate you enough to want you dead.”
Alberto's head flew up, his dark eyes weary. “You sure about that?” he said, forcing a laugh.
“Then you're all right?” Michael prodded, once again wiping at his mouth and nose, staining his shirt sleeve to make it even redder than it was.
“I'm fine. And you?” Alberto finally said. “What the hell was that all about?”
Michael slumped down on the ground beside Alberto, breathing hard. His eyes moved from one lifeless figure to the next, then to Ruby's dogs. “Damned if I know,” he mumbled. “Maybe for money, maybe for. . . something . .. else. . . .”
“What else could it be, besides the money?” Alberto asked, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. His eyes traveled over the lifeless bodies, hoping they weren't dead. But he knew the man he had dealt the blow to wouldn't be dead. Alberto didn't have the strength to hit anyone so hard as to cause death. But the other? Alberto could see a pool of blood at the base of his head.
“Alberto, I'd like to about it, but I think we'd best get the hell out of here. Don't you?”
“Do you mean … just leave them here . .. ? Not tell anybody?”
“Ruby isn't going to like it one hell of a bit,” Michael said, rising, offering Alberto a hand. “Her dogs?Those bastards had already taken care of the dogs before jumping me. I don't know if they are alive or dead.” He placed his arm around Alberto's shoulder once they were standing side by side. “And, Alberto? I owe you a lot for stepping in and doing what you did. If you hadn't, it would be me lying beside those dogs. But I would have been filled with many knife wounds. Not only knocked in the head.”
“I've never liked you very much, Michael,” Alberto said, clearing his throat nervously. “But, hell. I couldn't stand by and watch you get murdered. Glad to have been of assistance.”
“Well, then, since we have our thank yous cleared up, let's get the hell out of here. I think I may have just found the person I've been searching for.”
“Huh?” Alberto said, moving along beside Michael, on out onto the gravel road.
“Yeah. I think you and I can work together, Alberto,” Michael said, smiling broadly. “How's about it?”
“Hell, I don't have the least bit of an idea what you're talking about,” Alberto grumbled.
“Come. We'll go to my hotel and I'll tell you all about it.”
“Where's your hotel?”
“In Creal Springs. But you'll have to climb onto the horse behind me. That's the best I can do.”
“I've got my own horse and wagon hitched over there,” Alberto said, motioning with his head
“Well, then, follow me,” Michael said, laughing throatily. “Yeah, Alberto. I think between the two of us, we can take care of that damn Nathan Hawkins.”
Alberto began to walk toward his wagon but stopped when he caught sight of a body lying partially in the brush. He felt his heart lurch, then shouted, “Michael! Come quick!”
Michael rushed to his side, then stooped when he saw the cause of Alberto's alarm. “My God, it's Clarence,” he gasped.
Alberto took a few steps backward. “Is he . .. is . . . he dead …?”
Michael checked Clarence over carefully, then rose, frowning. “No. Just has a blow to the head,” he grumbled. “We've got to get him to the porch. We'll just leave him there for Ruby to find.”
“Are you sure he's not. . . dead . . . ?” Alberto stammered, afraid to lift Clarence. He knew the weak side of himself was surfacing once again, but he just couldn't seem to help it.
“Damn it, Alberto,” Michael said. “Grab hold of his legs. I'll take his arms. Let's get him to the porch and then get the hell out of here.”
“Okay,” Alberto mumbled. “If you say so.”
They struggled with the heaviness of Clarence's body until they had arranged him beside the door for a quick discovery by anyone making the next exit from Ruby's house.
Michael brushed his hair back from his eyes, panting hard. “Now, Alberto, let's head out,” he said, moving down the steps.
“I'd sure like to know what you've got up your sleeve, Michael,” Alberto.said, moving alongside him.