Page 83 of Rapture's Rendezvous
“After he's had a chance to talk with them all individually, I will give him some secret ballots to pass around for the men to sign stating that they want to join the United Mine Workers of America. And, damn it, if Nathan Hawkins doesn't pay any attention to that, I may have to organize something else, but most unpleasant for that bastard husband of yours.”
“What, Michael?” Maria asked, feeling fear rippling through her. She feared violence … a violence that could possibly cause the death of many. She feared for her Papa, for Alberto, and oh, God, for Michael.
“We'll just have to wait and see,” he grumbled, mashing his cigar out in the ashtray. He turned to her and pulled her into his arms. “But for now, I think you'd best get back to that mansion you now live in. One thing we don't need is for that bastard Nathan Hawkins to come looking for you.”
“He's gone from the house. For the night as far as I know,” she said, lowering her eyes.
Michael tipped her chin up with a forefinger.
“Yeah. I know,” he whispered. “But his representatives? They're everywhere.”
“How do you know that Nathan isn't home tonight?” she asked, eyes wide.
“Darling, I make it my practice to know where he is at all times,” he said, laughing sardonically. “This is why I have been chosen to be the union's spokesman in this area. I'm good at what I do. I could even join Pinkerton's men I've got such a good reputation with my men for being so good at investigating.”
“Then where . . . is . . . Nathan . . ?” Maria whispered, looking toward the window.
“He's been in a meeting with his men this whole damn night,” Michael said, sneering. “You see, I also have a couple of my own representatives keeping an eye on things for me.”
“Do you know .. . what sort of a meeting?”
“Not truly. But I'm sure we'll all be finding out soon,” Michael said, moving away from her. He began to run his fingers through the thickness of his blonde hair, pacing the floor once again. “He's got something up his sleeve. I know it. And I will find out. But it sure scares me not knowing.”
“Do you expect him to cause more trouble … for you . . . soon .. . ?” Maria whispered, going to him, clinging once again.
“Oh? Alberto told you about the incident at Ruby's?”
“Yes, my love,” Maria purred, laying her head on his shoulder. “I am so frightened for you. Don't you know that? Why can't you let someone else do the d
irty work for your union? Why must it be you?”
“Like I said. I'm best at what I do.”
A light tapping on the door drew Maria's breath from inside her. She recoiled, putting her hands to her mouth.
Michael inched his way to the door, then jerked it open quickly. “Alberto, you scared the shit out of me,” he said, now laughing.
“One of your men alerted me, Michael. They've seen some of Nathan Hawkins's men leaving the building where they've been meeting all night,” Alberto said, entering the room. “Maria, you've got to leave now.” His eyes raked over her, seeing the disarray of her hair and her night robe. He stooped and picked up her cape and thrust it toward her, furrowing his brow. “Now. You must leave with me now,” he quickly added. “It's getting a bit uneasy out there in the streets right now.”
“So they've broken up for the night, eh?” Michael said, going to the window, pulling the curtain back a bit, peering outward.
“Seems that way,” Alberto said, helping Maria with the cape. “Your man told me to tell you that Nathan Hawkins hasn't left yet. But he might at any minute. I wouldn't want to be the one caught with Maria in my wagon if he should happen along the road beside me.”
Michael swung around on a heel and hurried to Maria. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her gently on the lips, brushing her hair back from her face. “You be careful, darling,” he whispered. “That damn fool could even be using you for his evil purposes. Maybe he has found out some way that you and 1 .. . well. . . knew one another. Maybe he knows who I am and is only playing games. One never knows about such a man. So you just watch yourself. Especially in the darkness of night.”
Maria began to tremble. “Michael, you scare me so,” she whispered.
“Damn it, Maria, I mean to,” he grumbled, kissing her once again. “You have to be on your guard. At all times. Watch that bastard. And if he discloses any information to you, you know to tell either me or Alberto. Maybe between us all, we can manage to settle this thing once and for all.”
Alberto pulled at Maria's arm. “Come on, Maria,” he grumbled. “We must leave.”
Maria reached upward and traced Michael's face, as though it might be their last moment together, forever. “Tomorrow, Michael? In the depths of the tall Indian grasses?” she whispered.
“Tomorrow. . ..” he answered.
She rushed on out to the wagon with Alberto, feeling her heart aching, as though it was tearing from inside her. She glanced back toward the building, then huddled next to Alberto, shivering still, watching all around them as Alberto slapped the reins, urging the horse to move quickly away.
“I am so frightened, Alberto,” she said, sniffling.