Page 86 of Truly (New York 1)
The cursor blinked. XChfSardo is typing. Allie stared at it, willing May to fill the void between them with an explanation and a promise. I am the same sister I’ve always been. I haven’t abandoned you. I’d never do that.
But May would never attack Dan with a fork, disappear, or shack up with a strange man, either. She would never drop out of contact for a few days. She would never be this inconsiderate, because Allie was the inconsiderate one. They had their roles. It was rude of May to step outside them, rude and just … just wrong.
With a chime, May’s message popped up.
XChfSardo: I know this must seem strange. I tried 2 come home but my purse got stolen
XChfSardo: & I cdnt get on the plane w/o ID
XChfSardo: & I met this guy Ben who offered 2 let me sleep on his couch.
XChfSardo: He’s been showing me around NYC.
The cursor blinked. Allie read the messages three times, but it was all gaps. Her purse got stolen? I met this guy—but how? And where did the Packers bar fit—was it at the airport? Was he older, younger? Was he hot? Was May having a fling with some New York guy while Dan moped and drank and fished with Matt?
Another chime.
XChfSardo: & no, I’m not sleeping w/ him.
At least her sister knew her well enough to anticipate that question.
Allielooya: & ur not going to, right?
XChfSardo: No comment.
It wouldn’t be a strange statement from someone else, but for May to do anything but deny the possibility was totally out of character.
After considering for a moment, Allie tapped her reply.
Allielooya: Is he with u now?
XChfSardo: Yes.
Allielooya: Send me a pic.
XChfSardo: No. He’s in a bad mood.
Allielooya: Take 1 when he’s not looking.
A minute passed, and then a slightly fuzzy picture appeared of a guy in profile. He had hard features and a mean mouth, hair so short it was practically buzzed.
This was Ben?
He looked like the sort Allie had always gone for before Matt—hot in a stern, mysterious sort of way. The type of guy who’d chew May up and spit her back out.
Her sister was staying with him?
Oh man.
Allielooya: I can send you $$.
XChfSardo: It’s fine. He’s loaning me what I need.
Allielooya: Are you ok tho?
The pause that followed was longer than Allie felt comfortable with. Especially when May simply replied,
XChfSardo: Yes.