Page 5 of Diamond in the Dust (Lost Kings MC 18)
I need air.
Logan tucks me behind him and opens the door. He turns his head both ways, checking the area before hustling us onto the sidewalk. He keeps an arm around my shoulders, sheltering me with his body.
Rattled by his ex’s visit or not, my safety’s still his number-one priority.
And those few quick, small protective gestures tell me all I need to know about Logan’s character and Ashley’s accusations.
He’s always had my back.
And I’ll always have his.
Determination to protect my man burns through my blood.
The skeletons of his past that Ashley’s dragging into our present? They don’t scare me.
I’ll help Logan bury them in the dirt. Right where they belong.
Chapter Four
“Do you need anything from the RV?” Logan asks when we reach the passenger side of our truck. He opens it wide, tucking me into the open space between the door and his body.
“No, I’m fine.”
He leans in and kisses my forehead, stopping for a second and inhaling deeply. After a few beats, he taps my butt affectionately. “Come on. Long drive ahead.”
Once we’re enclosed in the cab, I reach over and place my hand on his. “Are we going to wait for Jigsaw?” I ask softly.
“We’ll meet up with him.”
“Do you want to talk—”
“No.” He pushes the ignition button and the truck’s throaty rumble drowns out everything for a few seconds.
“Logan…” I try again.
He grips the steering wheel tight and bows his head. “Let me concentrate on maneuvering this rig out of the city first, please? We’ve got time. It’ll take longer but the views will be best on the PCH.” He squints at the GPS and taps the screen.
My heart pitter-patters. I’ve wanted to see the California coast for as long as I can remember.
Curse that girl for ruining our trip.
Nope. Not lettin’ her win. I’m perfectly safe with Logan. If he wanted to murder me and dump my body on the side of the highway, he’s had ample opportunity.
“I’d like to see the coast. What do you need me to do?” I press the edge of my hand to my forehead in mock salute. “Co-pilot Shelby Morgan reporting for duty.”
A faint smile ghosts his lips. “Just keep your eye on the traffic.”
“Can do.”
We’re silent as he guides the truck out of the parking lot. It’s still early but traffic’s already thick and rude.
Logan handles the truck with an easy confidence I admire, constantly checking the RV in his mirrors. Jitters from the cars driving too close or sweeping in front of us without warning glue my mouth shut. I fiddle with my hands in my lap and watch everything, wanting to be on alert if Logan needs my help.
I’m plum tuckered out by the time we finally reach the Pacific Coast Highway.
“You can relax,” Logan says, glancing over.
“This road’s a lil’ narrow for us, isn’t it?” My fingers curl around the door handle as he slows for a particularly tight turn.
“Nah, bigger rigs than this have done it. I wish we were going in the opposite direction, though. The views would be better.”
I peer past him to the glittering ocean and sigh. I’m really here. “Another time. When we can take it slow and be tourists, rather than on tour.”
“Sounds good to me.” A fraction of his usual warmth seeps into his tone.
While the traffic isn’t as bad here, the road itself is harrowing. Not the time to bring up whatever emotional wounds Ashley shredded open.
Ashley. I wish I’d taken a second to smack that smug smile off her face.
Ever since I tried probing Jigsaw for information about Rooster’s family, and he reacted so intensely, I’ve been trying to come up with a way to bring it up with Rooster. That scene with Ashley made it even clearer how little I know.
How can Logan and I be so close, yet I know so little about his past? Where’s the line between respecting his privacy and being a selfish girlfriend? Which side of that line am I on?
What could be so awful that Jigsaw wouldn’t even give me a clue? Ashley’s surprise appearance tells me it involves her somehow. Must be something huge if ol’ Ashley’s still steaming over it ten or twelve years later.
Since Jigsaw originally prompted my question and saved me from Ashley’s wrath this morning, he seems like a safe place to start.
“You and Jigsaw have been friends for a long time, right? Even before you joined the club?”
He takes several seconds to answer. “We met when we were maybe five or six.”
“Wow. Long time. No wonder you’re tighter than brothers.”
He huffs a noise of agreement but doesn’t add more details.
Huh. This is gonna be harder than I thought.
“So, you were always together? Hanging out? Causing trouble?”
“Nah, that didn’t come until later.” He shifts slightly and checks the side mirror.
“Did your momma like him as much as mine seems to?”