Page 64 of Our Last First Kiss
Her eyes squeezed shut and Alec’s hand tightened on her cheek and then it happened, sensation shattered, flinging shards of bright and sharp pleasure across them and about the room.
They lay pressed together, chests heaving, breaths loud and harsh in the quiet. Lilly couldn’t move, and didn’t realize he had, until she heard his voice, a low rumble murmuring in her ear. A chocolate was held to her mouth and her tongue reached out for a tentative lick, then she gobbled up the rest, ravenous for the dark and sweet taste.
Alec gathered her into his arms and fed her the second piece. This time she took it in small bites, savoring the taste and the sense of being cared for.
Finally, she thought about leaving. “I should—”
“Hush,” Alec insisted, and she subsided instantly, drifting into sleep.
Hours later she found herself in a dream. A man was kissing her neck, sliding his mouth down to her breast, dragging his tongue over her hip and then turning right to seek the center of her body. Whimpering, she turned and moved and opened at his command, and then found herself awake, awake in bed with Alec Thatcher, and she ran her hands through his hair and then urged him into a different position.
Then they were tasting each other, and it was still part of the dream-not-dream and she didn’t think anything was as good as trying to entice him just as he was enticing her. The room was quiet except for licks and groans and sighs, the sounds of luscious wetness and dark, intimate pleasures. His fingers parted her and slid inside and she was sore from before, but a delicious soreness and she slid her hands between his legs to fondle the cool sac, and then they were coming, his climax triggering hers or vice versa, it didn’t matter, it was a chain of promise and of pleasure.
He gained command of his limbs before she did and he arranged them again, heads on pillows, bodies spooned, his heavy arm draped over her middle. Alec nuzzled her hair aside, finding the bare skin of the nape of her neck. He kissed her there, a gesture imbued with both friendliness and affection, even as her body still twitched with leftover pulses of glorious, naughty sex.
His voice was drowsy as he spoke, his breath stirring her hair. “You should let me be something to you, Lilly.”
Her body jolted, her eyes snapped open, her mind instantly engaged, whirring to life after hours of being mesmerized into a sensuous hypnotic state. “Alec,” she whispered, her voice tight with unease.
But he didn’t respond, or move, even when she wiggled under the weight of his confining arm. His breaths were measured behind her, the steady, slow rhythm of sleep. And though she could have shoved away from him, insist he wake and let her up, free, away, she remained still in the dark, her jaw tight.
Hours of punishment for forgetting her place.
As dawn filtered into Alec’s hotel room, the alcove containing the bed stayed shadowed and cool, like her heart, Lilly thought. When enough time had passed that she wouldn’t feel guilty for disturbing him, she managed to slip out of the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, where she took a brief shower and then redressed in her clothes.
Returning to the alcove, she saw that Alec remained asleep, so she drew up a straight chair and waited, her knees and ankles locked together, her gaze trained on his face.
So handsome, she thought, and there wasn’t censure for herself in the thought. By any objective measure, he was a man whose masculine features and chiseled body would catch a woman’s eye. Any female with a single working hormone would be tempted into seeking some regrets by going to bed with him.
Still, she wished he’d wake up so she could get on with what she had to say, though another part of her acknowledged she could find contentment in staring at sleeping Alec all day long. Way to go whole hog with the regret thing, she told herself. Audra would be so proud.
Then Alec stirred, his lashes fluttering, his hand reaching out to the empty space beside him on the mattress. He frowned, then opened his eyes, almost instantly catching sight of Lilly.
“Hey,” he said, and flipped the covers back to reveal the place where she had lain. “Come back to bed.” His smile was sleepy and full of boyish appeal. “Let me agitate you some more.”
She jumped to her feet and began pacing instead. “I have to talk to you.”