Page 79 of Our Last First Kiss
She tensed and he lightly bit the side of her neck. Her body bucked, his fingers slipped inside to the second knuckles, and he massaged her deep inside, patiently preparing her for his cock. It ached like a bitch, wanting what it wanted, but he ignored the low throb and continued to stroke and caress the heated channel.
But then Lilly made a noise low in his throat and grasped his wrist. “More,” she said.
With a laugh, he bit her again, kissed the spot, then reached for a condom. In moments he was entering her in slow increments, and he could tell she was fighting the pleasure even as she reached for it. He buried his face in her hair again as he began to drive in strong, urgent lunges, taking, giving, taking, giving.
Lilly began to tremble and he reached around to soothe her breast, tweak her nipple. Her body stiffened and then her inner muscles pulsed. He let them clasp him, stilling, then his cock nudged deeper, and she cried out, even as his heart echoed the same.
“Mine,” he whispered, as he was catapulted into a shuddering climax. All mine.
Lilly ignored the nerves fluttering in her belly and sat on the couch in the bungalow to buckle her new shoes. Audra placed a mug of tea before her on the nearby table.
She sent her best friend a grateful look. “How did you know I could use that?”
“Remember? We always drank tea before a first date. Very calming.”
Lilly’s eyes widened. This was a first date? “It’s just a party. Here at the resort.”
“You have a new outfit. A man is picking you up and escorting you there. It’s a date.”
Maybe she would have told Alec she’d meet him if she’d thought of it that way. But he’d already been out-of-sorts because of her insistence that she and her bags return to the bungalow this morning. Not that he’d voiced a protest, but she’d read the tension in the set of his shoulders and the tick of the muscle in his jaw.
She’d placed her hand there. “You have to let me go when I ask you to.”
He’d given her a mutinous look, and she’d responded by caressing his cheek.
“Swear to me you’ll let me go whenever I ask or I won’t trust you.”
His body had gone hard for a moment, but then he’d relaxed. With a short nod, he’d taken her things under his arm and carried them himself. Once at her door, he’d kissed her cheek and promised he’d see her later, his voice inflexible.
She’d tried to jolly him with smile. “You make it sound like a threat.”
“We’ll get to that later,” he’d said, throwing her a look of such dark sensuality that she’d shivered, her body recalling every intimate act he’d performed on her the night before.
Seeing that, his expression had lightened and he’d sauntered off, the confident, arrogant beast.
“You’re smiling,” Audra pointed out. “I’ll take that as a positive sign that things are progressing between you and Alec.”
One baby step. “Nothing’s changed, not really.”
“I wish you wouldn’t say that. I’d like to see something positive come out of this week.”
Sympathy wrung Lilly’s heart. “What can I do? Do you want me to stay in tonight and we can talk?”
Audra shook her head and turned away. “We’ve talked plenty.”
“Coldplay,” Lilly said suddenly. “‘Fix You.’” It was a song for the emotional moment, a pledge from one person to be there for another. Always.
Her friend turned around, a wobbly smile curving her mouth. “I know you would if you could. I couldn’t bear it if you feel guilty about my continued state of gloom.”
It would eat at her, Lilly knew it would. “Is there something else that can make things better?”
“Apparently not the Heartbreak Hotel,” Audra said.
“Oh.” Lilly had kept the stories about it to herself. “You heard about that?”
“I did.” She heaved in a sigh. “And though I’ve had no luck so far, I’ve decided to give it a longer chance to work. I’m going to stay another week.”
“You are?” Lilly’s mind ran through her schedule. “Um…”
“Alone,” Audra said. “I know you have to get back to the office, but I’m free for a while longer.”