Page 18 of California Secrets
But something shifted after hearing her speak of her late sister and seeing the way Harper was so determined to complete her job despite having been dealt the bombshell of a pregnancy. The level of admiration he had for her now was something he hadn’t expected, and he needed to sort it out before he made a fool of himself and she mistook his generosity for something more.
There could be no more. He was too busy, too devoted to his businesses. Not only had he had a mentor who had entrusted him with the nightclubs, but Ethan had branched out on his own. He’d made something of himself when everything had been stripped away. There was no way in hell he’d let anything or anyone sever the strings he’d so delicately forged to keep his life stable.
Not to mention the fact he and his twin were attempting to rebuild their relationship that had been upset when their mother passed. They’d each dealt with the loss in their own ways...opposite ways. Those ultimately pulled them in different directions.
So, no. Ethan didn’t have the room in his life to add in more. While he would never, ever turn away his child and he fully intended on being a hands-on dad, he wasn’t about to entertain the idea of a relationship with Harper.
Thankfully, she had her own agendas and felt
the same about long-term commitments. They’d have to come to some common ground for co-parenting. He wouldn’t give up any of his career, and he would never ask her to, either. They could work together to make everything work in the best interest of the three of them.
Ignoring the island as much as he could, Ethan brewed a cup of coffee and headed out onto his private balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The view never grew old. Ever. Perhaps that’s why he had been so willing to take over the nightclubs that were on the coasts. He needed that view, that freedom that came with staring out at the expanse of water and dreaming of bigger, better things. There was always another conquest to obtain, always another goal to reach.
He waited until he was halfway through his cup of coffee before he gave in and texted Harper. Last night they’d discussed breakfast but hadn’t made any definite plans. He also knew she was a morning person, and the sun was up, so he figured so was she.
My place. Breakfast.
Ethan set his phone on the side table next to his patio chair and sipped his coffee. A second later the vibration caught his attention. He gave the screen a glance and smiled.
Already ordered room service. Should be there any minute.
And a second later, the chime on his intercom alerted him to a guest wanting to come up to his penthouse.
He’d never thought a take-charge woman would be attractive, mostly because he thrived on calling any and all shots. But something about Harper and her assertiveness turned him the hell on.
Within five minutes, his concierge had delivered quite the spread and had set it all up on the balcony. Ethan started to tip, but the young man said it had already been taken care of by Miss Williams.
He wasn’t sure he’d ever had a woman a step ahead of him. Ethan wasn’t quite sure what to make of that, but one thing was certain. He liked it.
Damn that woman for making him want her more than he ever should.
The elevator chimed once again, indicating a visitor. She had the pass code, so he didn’t have to ring her up anymore.
The door slid open, and Harper stepped out. Her hair had been piled up on her head, stray curls tumbling down around her neck. She sported some red bathing suit cover-up with that damn red bikini beneath.
It was those tiny red scraps of material that had drawn him in to begin with. Was she purposely taunting him? Not that he needed any help in finding her desirable.
“I’d kill for a cup of coffee,” she stated, marching through his penthouse and straight to the balcony.
He followed her out. “I’ll make you a cup.”
“No,” she growled, shaking her head. “I’m trying to really be good because of the baby.”
“You can’t have coffee?” he asked, holding on to his own mug.
“Too much caffeine isn’t good.” She grabbed the pitcher of orange juice and poured a hearty glass. “I mean, I could have one cup, but I’d rather not.”
He probably should figure out all the dos and don’ts regarding pregnancy.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked, setting his mug down on the table and getting a glass of juice for himself.
“I’m starving and tired. And also a little nauseated, but I think I just need to eat.”
She eyed his discarded mug. “You know, you can still drink that. I’m not offended.”
With a shrug, Ethan reached for a plate. “I didn’t think you were offended, but I don’t see any reason why I can’t do this journey with you.”
She stared another minute before shaking her head and muttering something he couldn’t quite make out.