Page 51 of California Secrets
“We’re not ganging up,” Dane offered. “Just letting you know how things are.”
Robert crossed his arms over his chest but made no attempt to move or invite them in. Fine by Dane. He wanted this over with so he could put the black mark on his life behind him and move on with Stella and their life of happiness.
“I can’t believe you don’t have the authorities here yet,” Robert scoffed.
“That’s up to you,” Ethan stated.
Dane fisted his hands at his sides. He wasn’t sure what angle Ethan was taking, but Dane would wait this out. Since they were dealing with Harper’s father, Ethan had final say on how they worked this. In the end, Robert would always be scum, but Harper and Ethan might be able to find happiness.
“Sign this resort over to me today, and I’ll hold on to the damning evidence that would have you fighting for freedom for the rest of your life.”
Robert narrowed his gaze at Ethan, then turned to Dane. “And you’re just here for moral support? I heard you already got the Montana property.”
“Don’t worry about my business,” Dane replied. “I’m here because Ethan and I are a team.”
“Against me.”
Dane shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Do you want to sign the papers or not?” Ethan asked. “Because this window is going to close soon.”
“How kind,” Robert murmured.
“I’m feeling generous.”
Dane admired his brother for not completely going off on Robert—not just for their past, but also for treating the woman he loved so terribly. Their situations weren’t so different. Stella’s father was a complete jerk who had been using her to get his resort back up and running the way it should be. He’d promised her the entire resort all in her name, but had never intended on following through.
So, yeah, Dane understood just how much self-control Ethan was practicing right now. Dane couldn’t stand the sight of Robert—seeing him again just dredged up all those memories of how much that man had destroyed.
Not physically, but emotionally. All those years ago, Dane and Ethan had already begun pulling apart because of the grief of losing their mother, but to have another blow had really blindsided them.
“How do I know you won’t turn me in once I sign everything back over to you?” Robert asked, skepticism lacing his tone.
“You don’t,” Dane chimed in. “It’s a risk you’ll have to take.”
“You’re losing time,” Ethan stated. “Do you want to sign or not? Either way, you’re leaving the resort today. We need your room, and I’m sick of having you here near Harper.”
“Don’t act like all of this is on me.” Robert dropped his hands and shook his head. “Whatever. Take Mirage, but you’re paying for the renovations. I’m done with this place—it’s not worth the headache.”
Dane wasn’t so quick to believe him, but he did sound frustrated and over it. Good. The sooner he was gone, the better for all of them.
“You should have the file in your in-box,” Ethan replied.
Robert narrowed his gaze. “Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”
“I wasn’t leaving here until you signed because I didn’t want to put the feds on you. That would crush Harper, even more than you’ve already hurt her. There was no need to pile more on the burden she’s already carrying.”
“You have until lunch to sign,” Dane added. “Ethan’s nicer than I am, but I’m calling the authorities in three hours if Ethan doesn’t have the final copy back.”
Then if anything happened to Robert, that guilt would be off Ethan and onto Dane.
“They’ll be signed,” Robert grumbled. “I need to get back to Barcelona anyway. I have real work that needs my attention.”
“Don’t think we won’t be keeping our eye on you,” Ethan added. “If you cheat anyone out of investments, properties, money, I will not hesitate to make your life a living hell in ways the feds wouldn’t dream of.”
Robert let out a mock laugh. “You think I’m scared of what you could do to me?”
Ethan took a step toward Robert, and Dane waited, fully expecting to have to pry his brother off.